The beauty of every language is revealed in the nuances, and Russian is no exception. When you say, “a job well done is worth a lot,” what do you mean? Indicate the need for timely payment at an increased rate? Would you like to demonstrate your privilege by adding two "extra" letters to a long-known word? Let's figure it out!
What is the difference between valuable and priceless?
Going to the market, a person tries to plan expenses in advance. Counts money in the wallet and on the card, studies the schedule of promotions, takes discount cards. And then he walks between the shelves and looks: where is cheaper, and where is too expensive. And thus evaluates the material value of each object encountered! He does not care about the social or cultural aspect. Thus, the relics of ancient religious movements are often sold by weight, at the price of gold, from which figurines of gods and ritual accessories are made.

But in parallel there are things that cannot be measured by any ruler. Their adequate assessment sounds and is written as “it is worth a lot!”The addition of a miniature “-th” radically changes the meaning, directs it to the spiritual plane. Now the speaker expresses his readiness to appreciate something, but at the same time refuses to name the amount for which he will buy. He leaves commodity-money relations without the slightest doubt.
What can you talk about like that?
The phrase is most often aimed at someone else's or a common object of admiration. You just share joy apart from the material, giving it its due:
- beauty knitted napkin;
- salvation of the soul;
- mother's smile;
- baby tear, etc.
You can trace in the translations into English and vice versa, what meanings the phrase corresponds to. Among the most frequent options you will find:
- means a lot;
- incredible;
- speaks of something;
- it was worth it, etc.

The phrase is neutral in itself, it does not praise or humiliate the person to whom it is addressed. However, in recent years there has been a bias towards ironic and even sarcastic intonations. In this case, the expression turns out to be mocking and seems to level out the merits of a person. For example, "losing your entire salary at the casino is worth a lot" clearly indicates the speaker's skeptical attitude.
When and how to use?
Always distinguish between a commodity and an intangible value. Say "expensive" only when you are asking the price and are ready to shell out money. Express emotions at the same time vividly, but without admixture of evaluation. The phrase allows you to thanka person for the work done and diligence, and at the same time - not to overpraise. It has incredible educational potential.