Learning is a procedure during which knowledge information is transferred from the teacher to the student. This process aims to form a set of certain knowledge and skills in students and pupils. As a rule, the learning process takes place in several stages. At the initial stage, theoretical knowledge is given, then an opportunity is given to practice it, and the final part is the control of knowledge and skills.

What are teaching methods?
This term in pedagogical science refers to the transfer of knowledge from a teacher to students in the process of their interaction, in which this data is assimilated. The main teaching methods are divided into three categories: visual, practical and verbal. Verbal is learning, the main tool of which is the word. At the same time, the task of the teacher is to transfer information using words. This teaching method is the leading one and includes the following subtypes: story, lecture, conversation, discussion, as well as work with a textbook.
The process of assimilation of knowledge can also occur when performing exercises, laboratory work, modeling the studied situations. This learning takes place athelp of practical methods. The visual method involves the use of manuals and improvised materials that reflect the essence of the phenomenon under study. Visual methods fall into two broad categories: illustrations and demonstrations.

Heuristic learning systems
The heuristic method is also getting more and more popular. In this case, the teacher poses a certain question, and students look for an answer to it. Using the heuristic method, the student does not receive a ready-made answer to the question, but learns to look for it on his own. This method includes research, competitions, and essays.
Problem method
Problem-based learning is a method by which students resolve their problem situations. The problem activates the thought process, and the student begins to actively look for a solution. This method allows you to learn how to use non-standard methods in solving problems, to show intellectual, personal and social activity.

Research method
As with the problematic method, students are not given a ready-made answer or solution to a problem. Knowledge is acquired by students on their own. The teacher not only pre-formulates a hypothesis. Students make a plan for testing it, and also draw conclusions. This training allows you to gain solid and deep knowledge. The learning process when using the research method is intense, and also helps students gain interest insubject. This method cannot be used constantly due to the large time costs, so teachers usually alternate it with other teaching systems.

The most difficult skills for a student
Instead, ask questions as often as possible: “How?”, “Why?”, “What do you think?”, “How would you explain this?”. The most difficult skills for a child are learning to read and write. Writing is the highest mental function of a person. And the maturation of this function always occurs gradually. Therefore, no one can guarantee that it will be completed by the start of first grade.
Is early learning harmful?
Some researchers believe that early learning can seriously affect a child's development in the future. Those children who, from the age of 4-5, were taught to read and write, starting from adolescence, showed much lower results. They did not show activity in games, were not spontaneous. Psychologists believe that the desire for success at an early age can serve to develop a propensity for competition and antisocial behavior. During spontaneous play, on the contrary, children acquire the skills of communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution. A child needs not only learning to read and write and arithmetic, but also the ability to build relationships in a team. In the future, this helps emotional development, which is also important.

Preparation in school - a guarantee of results?
Often a child attends preparation for school, his teacherspraise. But then, for some reason, the training program starts to get harder and harder for him. However, even attending training does not in all cases guarantee that the child will successfully master the current program. After all, he can only use the material that he has "learned by heart", subsequently mechanically using the knowledge gained.
At the same time, the child's brain does not get the opportunity to master the main skills: the ability to listen and analyze information, compare objects, choose, reason. Therefore, even if the first grader attended preparatory classes, with the beginning of schooling, it is necessary to continue to help the child in mastering these skills. To be successful in teaching children in the first grade, it is necessary to refrain from giving them ready-made knowledge.
How do you know if your child is ready for school?
The start of school is an important event not only for children, but also for parents. After all, they also have to invest a lot of effort: to buy stationery, clothes, a backpack, flowers for the teacher, to come to the school line. However, the most important thing they must do is to make sure that the children are ready for learning. According to psychologists, there are several criteria for assessing a child's readiness for school.
- The level of intellectual development. The readiness of the child according to this criterion is determined by the quality of his thinking, memory and attention.
- Motivation. To find out if a child is ready for school on this indicator, you can simply ask if the child wants to go to school. It is also necessary to find out if the baby can supportconversation, if necessary, observe the order of the queue.
- Criterion of physical readiness. It is much easier for a he althy child to adapt to the conditions of schooling. Parents need not only to have a certificate from a doctor in their hands, but also to be sure that the baby is ready for school. Be sure to check hearing, vision, appearance (does the child look he althy and rested), as well as motor skills.