Leaving a trace: a bit of philosophy

Leaving a trace: a bit of philosophy
Leaving a trace: a bit of philosophy

The concept of "footprint" is multifaceted. This may be the most common shoeprint left on the ground. And the trace of a historical figure, or a scientific figure. And also - a trace in the soul of a person, left by those with whom his life path crossed. Yes, and we leave traces in someone's life.

Let's talk more about leaving a mark, in every sense of the word.

What is a footprint?

If we look in the dictionary, we will see several meanings of this word. As mentioned above:

  • An imprint of a sole, foot or paw on some surface.
  • The result of someone's action or some event.
  • Evidence of something.
  • The surviving part of something.

The trace that a man left on the surface of the earth is not equal to the trace left in history. More on this in the next subsection.

We leave traces
We leave traces

A moment of philosophy

What footprint will each of us leave? In the global sense of the word, most likely, none. We do not influencethe outcome of events and the course of history, we are ordinary people. But in the life of our relatives and friends, there will undoubtedly be a trace left by us. The only question is, what is it? Light and barely perceptible, or heavy and well trampled.

What leaves traces in history? Events first. The Second World War made huge adjustments to the life of the world. Her every step leaves a trace to this day, when they still continue to find soldiers who died on the battlefield.

Terrible trail of history
Terrible trail of history

Architectural monuments are also traces. Traces of the past that have come down to our days. Ancient temples and monuments are our culture, handed down by our ancestors.

And the rulers? What do they leave? Traces, like all of us. Only if we leave traces in a separate cell of society, then the traces of the government are imprinted on the country. What mark did Stalin leave behind him, for example? Everything is very twofold here: someone thinks that life was great with him. And some say it was one of the greatest tyrants in history.

And science? We would have no electricity, no telephones and televisions, no computers, if not for scientists, the fruits of the trace left by us today.

So the footprints on the ground from the boot are just dust compared to the global footprints of history.

Footprints in our lives

What leaves your footprints? Or mine? Or each of us? We ourselves. As mentioned above, we leave traces in the lives of loved ones. And they, in turn, are in ours.

We all remember our childhood, how serene and bright it was. School yearsand friends, warm summer nights, when you could walk almost until midnight.

And college years? Student life, noisy hostel, songs until the morning. The first love that has befallen most of us in these years. This is also a mark left in our lives, which is nice to remember.

Pets. Surely everyone remembers their cat Muska from childhood, or the dog Zhuchka. It seemed that a friend would always be there, always. And then we grew up, the animal grew old, and it was gone. But all these Muskas and Bugs are alive in our hearts, we remember them. They left traces of their funny paws forever.

Someone's Muska
Someone's Muska


Leaving a trace is part of our life. All events, everything that happens to us leaves its mark. Nothing goes unnoticed. And whether we remember this event with joy, or we are hurt at the mention of it - this is not the most important thing. The main thing is that it was in our life and brought a good or not very lesson into it.
