Changes in language as a change in consciousness, or indifferent is

Changes in language as a change in consciousness, or indifferent is
Changes in language as a change in consciousness, or indifferent is

This short article is devoted to changes in the language that affect the change in the consciousness of not only one person, but the people as a whole. What are these changes, who introduces them and why? Let's start with a little reasoning and analyze a few words for example, for example, we find out that indifferent is …

indifference is
indifference is

Relationship between language and consciousness

Scientists have long proven that language and consciousness are interconnected. This is absolutely logical for us and requires no explanation. We communicate through language and understand each other. Of course, we may not share the views of other people (this is another question), but the very process of understanding as awareness of the position of another individual is clear to us. The language was developed, in fact, in order to be able to express a thought and convey it to the interlocutor, who, in turn, uses the same sign and sound systems of the language, launching instant mental activity for understanding and awareness.

Conditional changes

Consequently, if for some reason the consciousness of people changes (the advent of a new era, stormythe development of society or the seizure of territory and the annexation of it and the population to the invader), then this is necessarily reflected in the language. New borrowed words appear, obsolete ones go out of use, or the meaning of words completely changes. But it also works the other way around: changes in language are also reflected in changes in consciousness. Let's look at our example.

Indifferent is…

meaning of the word indifferent
meaning of the word indifferent

Unfortunately, we often hear in our time about the manifestation of indifference by people. It is condemned and not welcomed. After all, such people in difficult times may not help, because they do not care. This is understandable, because what is the meaning of the word "indifferent"? This is considered a cold person, who does not show participation and interest (to his neighbor or situation), he is completely indifferent to everything that happens in the world around him. This is a description of a completely apathetic and passive person (quite logical if she is also always under stress). For example, how do you understand the expression: "An indifferent person does not admire happiness and does not lose heart in misfortune"? Remember the feelings. Most likely, you remembered the word "indifferent" now.

Now let's pay attention to the fact that when this word entered our language from Church Slavonic, its meaning was completely opposite. In the XII-XIII centuries there was the following interpretation of this word. An indifferent person is an equal-thinking, a person with an equal soul. In other words, a like-minded person whose soul, by accumulating experience and passing lessons in thislife is close and equal to another soul (or souls).

indifferent it
indifferent it

In the 18th century, the word "indifference" began to be understood as the inner firmness and steadfastness, constancy and spiritual stability of a person, his core. The spirit of such a person will not be disturbed by dangers and worries, for he knows that everything that happens is rewarded according to his deserts, and he will cope with difficulties. The indifferent is "with a calm spirit looking at everything." Now, with this meaning, read the expression again: "an indifferent person does not admire happiness and does not lose heart in misfortune." Understanding and feeling are different, aren't they?!

In this sense of the word, we would like to be surrounded by indifferent people, not indifferent people.

indifferent it
indifferent it

There are a lot of such words. For example, "ugly". Previously, it denoted a very worthy and strong person, born first in the family (that is, the firstborn). It was believed that he came to the family from the very God Rod. From this the word came: his soul was in Rod, so being a freak was respectful, respectful and very responsible. Then the meaning of the word was distorted. This has happened in the past and is happening today with a huge number of words. Where does it come from, who benefits from it? One must think that if the connection between language and consciousness is very strong, then the one who tries to change the language influences the change in the consciousness of a person, people, masses … However, let's leave this question open. If this is really interesting, you can also refer to the literature.

In conclusion, we offer you, as an activeusers of native and foreign languages, think about what and what you say, and (at least sometimes) be interested in the history of your native language in order to self-develop and better understand yourself.
