How do verbs change? The verb changes by tense, by number, by gender

How do verbs change? The verb changes by tense, by number, by gender
How do verbs change? The verb changes by tense, by number, by gender

The verb is the leading, together with the noun, part of speech in the Russian language. It forms the core of the sentence, concludes the process. How the verb changes in tenses, moods, persons, numbers and genders will be discussed in the article.

Verb: constant signs

All parts of speech have certain characteristics. The conjugation and aspect, reflexivity and transitivity are considered invariable for the verb.

The verb changes according to
The verb changes according to

Verbs change by person. The nature of these changes reflects the type of conjugation - 1 or 2. There is no semantic difference between verbs of different conjugations. The difference is in personal endings: in 1 person -em, -et, -eat, -et, -ut (-yut), in 2 - im, -it, -ish, -ite, -at (-yat). The view is intended to reflect the attitude of actions to the moment of speech. The perfect view (the question of what to do?) is the result, the imperfect (what to do?) is the process. For example, walk - go, think - come up with. Often the difference lies in the fact that imperfective verbs reflect a periodically repeated action, and the perfective verb reflects a single action. For example, ride - go, cook - cook. Such a constant verbal sign as recurrence indicates the direction of actions towardsanyone. An indicator of recurrence is the postfix -sya (s): swim, pricked, said goodbye. Transitivity indicates the ability of the verb to control an object - a noun in the accusative case. That is, the verb to write is transitive, since it can be combined with words that answer the question what? whom?: to paint a picture, write a dictation. The verb look is intransitive because it cannot control a noun in the accusative case.

Verbs change according to
Verbs change according to


Verbs change in tenses, persons, etc., that is, they also have inconsistent morphological features. Verbs that can change their form are called conjugated. The leading feature is the ability of verbs to change mood, which reflects the relation of the process to reality. So, distinguish the indicative mood, imperative and conditional. All other non-permanent features of the verb depend on the mood. Verbs change in tense only in the indicative mood. The subjunctive (conditional) mood has a traditional structure: the verb in the past tense + the particle would (would bring, would tell). The imperative mood is distinguished by the presence of the suffix -i or -te: write, say.

Verbs change with tense
Verbs change with tense


Time is a special category inherent in the verb of the indicative mood. It can be future, past and present, that is, it reflects the attitude of the action at the moment of speech. The verb changes in tense depending on the aspect. The time and correctness of its use inlargely determined by the form of the verb. So, perfective verbs cannot have a present tense, since it indicates a certain process. The suffix -l is the main indicator of the past tense verb: r spoke, studied, stood. It is important to note that verbs change by gender only in the past tense. The future tense is formed with the help of the auxiliary verb to be and the infinitive, if it is an imperfective verb: build - will build, teach - will teach. If in the future tense it is necessary to put a perfective verb, then an auxiliary word is not required: drive - drive, look - look.

Verbs change by number
Verbs change by number


The category of tense is defining for another non-permanent verb feature - person. Verbs change by person only in the future and present tenses of the indicative mood, in the imperative mood. The person of the verb is intended to indicate a participant in the speech process (person 1 or 2: I speak, listen) or to the person mentioned in the speech (person 3: knows, tell). The personal form of the verb is called such a form, next to which you can restore the personal pronoun: I study - I study, read - we read, write down - you write down, sit down - you sit down, looking for - he / she / it is looking for, knit - they knit.


The category of number is inherent in all variable parts of speech in the Russian language. So, in verbs, the number cannot be determined only in the initial form, that is, in the infinitive. Verbs change in numbers in all moods (sit - would sit - sit) and in all tenses (drawn- draw - will draw).

Invariant forms

Only permanent signs can be indicated in invariable forms of the verb. These are the infinitive and the participle. The infinitive is the beginning of any verb form. All permanent verb signs are determined by it. It contains the semantics of the action, but does not show its relation to reality, to the moment of speech, to the participants in the speech process. The verb changes with moods and tenses, but not the infinitive.

The gerund is one of the attributive, that is, non-conjugated forms of the verb. It combines the meanings of a verb and an adverb and denotes an additional, secondary action. The participle, like the infinitive, has only permanent signs. However, the infinitive may be the main member of the sentence or part of the main member, but the gerund may not. There are cases when the participle depends in the sentence on the infinitive: To live rejoicing. Loving, caring. Buy by finding. In such sentences, the predicativity is contained in the invariable forms of the verb.

Verbs change by gender
Verbs change by gender

Inflected form of the verb

Surprisingly, the verb changes in cases, more precisely, its special form is the participle. It combines the permanent features of the verb and the non-permanent features of the adjective. The participle, formed from the stem of the verb, reflects the form, and the special suffixes express the time, which is a constant feature in participles. An invariable characteristic of participles is pledge. So, this form of the verb can be passive or real. This isexpression of a feature as active or passive. For example, who read (himself) is an active voice, that is, a real participle, read (by someone) is a passive voice, a passive participle. The participle changes in cases according to the paradigm of adjective names. This form of the verb can change by number and gender: singing - singing - singing - singing, have a full and short form (passive only): built - built. The case is determined only for full participles. For example, in a familiar nest - prepositional, near a raging sea - genitive, drawing an artist - dative, sounding song - creative.
