A sign language interpreter is a person who accompanies the deaf and hard of hearing during contacts with society. This profession is designated in the state of the largest business enterprises, where there are vacancies for people with hearing problems. Sign language interpreters convey plans to such workers in sign language. They also explain safety precautions, regulate production issues, instructions and other verbal information.
What does sign language mean?
In this direction, two blocks are defined: gesture and sign. The first helps to translate common phrases. The second (it is also called dactology) is an alphabetic sign language, otherwise a manual alphabet. It is used to convey surnames, first names, titles, or special terminology.

Each country has its own similar means of communication, but with different figures at the signs, the essence is the same. About twenty years ago, a single language for the deaf and dumb was formed. This means that hearing-impaired people from different countries can communicate with each other.
In universities there is a speci alty of a teacher of the deaf. in colleges andtechnical schools produce communication organizers. A sign language interpreter is a person who wants to learn a specific language in order to work at a city center for the deaf or at a regional training center. To engage in such activities, you need a higher or secondary special education. This is a rather rare profession, so there are courses for sign language interpreters at the centers. They last six months.
Centres and universities seek to help in the release of professionals. There are more and more people with hearing problems every day and they need the help of specialists. But the profession itself is not in demand, so people with the education of a psychologist, philologist, linguist, and teacher are hired. Also, the vocabulary is replenished annually; for this, a new sign language is taught separately. The specialist is constantly improving his skills.
Why do people aspire to become sign language interpreters?
As practice shows, sign language interpreters are the ones who faced a similar problem. For example, there were deaf-mutes in their family. In this case, it will be easier for a person to adapt to the profession. Since children whose parents or relatives are deaf are trained from an early age in special courses.

Signal interpreters are given the opportunity to choose their own niche. For example: specialist in medical terms, industry, culture. The division into such industries will help to work with specific cases, delving into professionalism.
You can also get training in mixed specialization - a sign language interpreter with translation intoforeign languages. Such people are able to combine two professions and the payment for such services is higher. But this work requires additional knowledge and education.
A sign language interpreter is one of the few professionals who does not expect career growth. The profession does not have gradations in ranks or categories. Although the overall development of a person continues throughout the entire period of work. However, refresher courses are held, such as additional study of foreign languages.
Most of the people of this profession at the initial stage of their careers help patients in the state bodies of the city administration. If a sign language interpreter tries, develops and strives to expand the range of his powers, he has a chance to get a job in a large private organization. For example, on a foreign maritime vessel where hearing-impaired people work.

You can also be a field specialist by participating in conferences and competitions. In this case, the salary will be an order of magnitude higher.
Free hire
Signal interpreter services can be provided as freelance. That is, the specialist takes an hourly payment for work at any event. As practice shows, most of the language professionals make money in this way.
You can also combine working in a government agency with selling your services privately. In an official job, a gesture interpreter gains experience and helps anyone who needs it. And in his free time, he is hired for hourly work insome companies or events.
Features and Requirements
The main duty of a sign language interpreter is to help every hearing impaired person to feel comfortable in the company of people. This profession has its own requirements. For example, such: be able to be a good psychologist and find contact with each of those who apply, be open and friendly, strive to provide assistance, and not fulfill your duty for the sake of wages. Clients often fail to open up to strangers.
The sign language interpreter working in a specialized center is also subject to external requirements. The dress code must be observed: the suit is preferably dark in color, there should not be bright colors. Also, too many additional accessories are not allowed. This is because the appearance should not interfere with the perception of gestures and figures from the fingers.

The second and no less important requirement is the absence of bright and interfering details in the image. Flashy manicure, long nails are prohibited, there should not be gold and silver on the hands. It is necessary to dress in such a way as not to distract clients from the essence of the translation. Even hair color can affect performance.
Also, the specialist controls his movements. At specialized courses, they teach, first of all, plasticity and correctness in the bends of the hands. Then facial expressions are developed, since lips are used in addition to fingers. The pronunciation should be clear, intelligible, understandable. You need to articulate correctly, each phrase and letter should beclearly read.
Specialist salary
In the public service, a sign language interpreter, whose training is also paid, earns a flat rate. But this amount most often does not exceed 15 thousand rubles, premiums are not taken into account. Private legal entities offering jobs to such professionals pay 20-25 thousand rubles for labor.

Freelancers earn the most, they independently find orders and offer their prices per hour of work. Statistics note that earnings exceed 35 thousand rubles, while many people officially work additionally for the state. service.
State language
In Russia, five years ago, sign language received official status as a state language. Therefore, a sign language interpreter is a specialist who receives a diploma of education in the universities of the country. Classes are now conducted by two teachers at once: a deaf-mute and a hearing one. The course includes the study of grammar.
In our country there are not enough professionals in this field due to low wages. At the same time, people who have become sign language interpreters by vocation do not leave their profession in the future.
Sign language is used in different areas. Including in dubbing fairy tales, fiction, there are also films with sign language translation. Increasingly, there are performances in which many actors are hard of hearing. They play roles for the same people or for university students.

According to official data, the worldthere are more than 15 million deaf and hearing impaired people. And many of them need a sign language interpreter. After all, they cannot independently apply, for example, to the court, to some state institution, get a job and even pay utility bills. You can find a sign language interpreter on specialized sites where vacancies and resumes are published. And also on freelance exchanges or in government centers for helping people with hearing problems.