Absolute time: concept, fundamentals of theory

Absolute time: concept, fundamentals of theory
Absolute time: concept, fundamentals of theory

Time is a number of different measurements used to indicate the sequence of events, for example, to compare their duration or the intervals between them. Time is also needed to quantify the rate of change in the quantities of material reality and conscious experience. It is often referred to as the fourth dimension, along with three others.

Time in different sciences

Time is running out
Time is running out

Time has long been an important subject of study in religion, philosophy and physics, but it has a definition that applies to all areas without circularity. However, various fields of human activity such as business, industry, sports, science and the performing arts include some concept of time in their respective measuring systems.

Time in physics is uniquely defined as "what the clock reads". It is one of the seven fundamental physical quantities in both the International System of Units (SI) and the International System of Quantities.

Time is used to define other quantities such asspeed, so definition in terms will lead to cyclicity. The usual definition of time is that in one standard unit of time, a cyclic event, such as the swing of a pendulum, can be recorded. It is very useful both in everyday life and in various experiments.

Time dimension and history

In general, methods of time measurement, or chronometry, take two different forms: a calendar, a mathematical tool for organizing time intervals, and a clock, a physical mechanism that counts the passage of time.

In everyday life, clocks are typically counted for periods that are less than a day, and calendars for periods greater than one day. Personal electronic devices are increasingly displaying both calendars and clocks at the same time.

The number (as on a watch face or calendar) that marks the occurrence of a certain event relative to the hour or date is obtained by counting from the check epoch - the central reference point.

History of time measuring instruments

First watch
First watch

To measure time, a large number of different devices have been invented. The study of these devices is called chorology.

Egyptian device that dates back to 1500 BC. e., similar in shape to a curved T-square. It measured the passage of time from the shadow cast by the crossbar in a non-linear fashion. "T" was oriented to the east in the morning. At noon, the device was positioned so that it could cast its shadow in the evening direction.

The position of the shadow marks the local hour. The idea of dividing the day into smaller parts is attributed to the Egyptians thanks to their sundial, which operated on a duodecimal system. The importance of the number 12 was due to the number of lunar cycles in a year and the number of stars used to count the passage of the night.

Absolute time

Aristotle's theory
Aristotle's theory

Absolute space and time is a concept in physics and philosophy about the properties of the universe. In physics, absolute space and time may be the framework of choice.

Before Newton, a version of the concept of absolute space (the preferred frame of reference) can be seen in Aristotle's physics.

Robert S. Westman writes that the concept of absolute time can be seen in Copernicus' classic work De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, where he uses the concept of the fixed sphere of stars.


Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton

Initially introduced by Sir Isaac Newton in the Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, the concepts of absolute time and space served as the theoretical basis. She made Newtonian mechanics easier.

According to Newton, absolute space and time are independent aspects of objective reality.

Absolute and relative time, due to its own nature, flows the same regardless of anything external and is called duration in a different way: relative, apparent and general time is a kind of reasonable and external (exact or fuzzy) measureduration, which is usually used instead of true time.

Differences from relative time

Also, Newton introduced the concept of absolute time. It exists independently of any perceiver and progresses at a constant rate throughout the universe. Unlike relative time, Newton believed that absolute time is imperceptible and can only be understood mathematically.

According to Newton, people can only perceive relative time. It is a measurement of perceived objects in motion (such as the Moon or the Sun). The passage of time can be deduced from these movements.

Absolute space by its nature, regardless of anything external, always remains similar and immovable. Relative space is a certain mobile dimension or measure of absolute spaces, which our senses determine by their position in relation to bodies and which are vulgarly perceived as fixed space … Absolute movement is the transfer of a body from one absolute place to another, and relative movement is a transfer from one relative place to another.

Isaac Newton

What did Newton mean?

Two spheres around an axis
Two spheres around an axis

These concepts imply that absolute space and time do not depend on physical events, but are the background or scene in which they occur. Thus every object has an absolute state of motion relative to absolute space, so the object must either be in a state of absolute rest ormove at some absolute speed. To support his views, Newton provided several empirical examples.

According to Newton, it can be assumed that a rotating single sphere rotates around its axis relative to absolute space, observing the bulge of its equator, and a single pair of interconnected spheres rotates around its center of gravity (barycenter), observing the tension of the rope.

Absolute time and space continue to be used in classical mechanics, but modern formulations by authors such as W alter Knoll and Clifford Truesdell go beyond linear algebra and elastic moduli to use topology and functional analysis for non-linear theories.

Different views

Historically, there have been different views on the concept of absolute space and time. Gottfried Leibniz believed that space has no meaning except in relation to the relative arrangement of bodies, and time has no meaning except in relation to the movement of bodies.

George Berkeley suggested that, without any reference point, a sphere in an empty universe cannot be represented as rotating, and a pair of spheres can be represented so as to rotate relative to each other, but not rotate around its center. Gravity is an example taken up later by Albert Einstein in his development of general relativity.

A more recent form of these objections was made by Ernst Mach. Mach's principle suggests that mechanics is entirely related to the relative motion of bodies, and, in particular, mass is an expression of suchrelative movement. For example, one particle in the Universe without other bodies will have zero mass. According to Mach, Newton's examples simply illustrate the relative rotation of the spheres and the volume of the universe.
