The term "social organization" is often found in social studies lessons. It describes a whole set of features that are the main characteristic of the state. Let's see what exactly it means and what parts it consists of.
What is social order
Any society has its own specific structure. There are various approaches to the analysis and comparison of societies. One of the most common is the assignment of states to different groups depending on their social structure. By this is meant a set of features that distinguish the political, economic, social structure of the state. The social structure of society distinguishes several components: the form of government, the political regime, the form of territorial structure, as well as the dominant economic system. According to these categories, states are classified.

The social structure of the state as its characteristic
Patterns of development, as well as features inherent in states with differentpolitical and economic systems, studies such a science as the theory of state and law. It is the system of social structure that allows one or another to characterize any country from the point of view of this science. Depending on what forms certain social institutions that exist in the state take, one can trace the connection between, for example, the political system and the position of the individual in the state and his economic well-being.
Form of government
One of the most important characteristics of the state is the form of government. They may differ, depending on the order of formation and the way the highest authorities in the state are organized.

1. Republic
Under a republican form of government, the highest authorities are elected for a fixed term by the people. There are three types of republics:
The President of the country heads the executive authorities and acts as the head and official of the state. There is the post of prime minister, who acts as the "right hand" of the president. Parliament is responsible to the government.
Parliament is formed from among the winning party. The president heads the executive branch, not the parliament. The Prime Minister will decide on the primary issues. The Government is responsible to Parliament.

Combines features of presidential and parliamentaryrepublics.

2. Monarchy
Power is transferred according to the accepted foundations and traditions, as a rule, by inheritance. There are two main forms of monarchy:
All power is concentrated in the hands of one ruler, who heads the legislative, executive and judicial authorities. Power is not limited by anything other than formal rules (like etiquette or customs)
Constitutional (parliamentary)
The power of the monarch is limited by the adopted Constitution, the leading role is played by the parliament. The monarch performs a symbolic function.
Political regimes
The political regime characterizes those methods and methods of using and retaining power that are accepted in a given state, as well as the position of a single person, the rights and freedoms that belong to her, or their absence. There are three types of political regimes.
1. Totalitarian
Total control over citizens in all areas of society. Power is concentrated in the hands of one party, there is no opposition. Rights and freedoms may formally exist, but not be implemented in practice. Power is sacralized, the presence of a cult of personality is possible. Coercive methods of influencing society are widely used. Economic and social stability is maintained.

2. Authoritarian
Associated with the big role of one particular person who seized power. Control is onlyover the political sphere of society. Formally, there is a multi-party system, but there is no real opposition.
3. Democratic
Power belongs to the people. In practice, the principle of checks and balances is implemented, which does not allow the usurpation of power. The rights and freedoms of citizens exist and are realized. There is strong opposition.
There are no pure democratic countries.
Territorial unit
The form of the state (territorial) structure is a way of territorial organization of the state, a way of dividing it into its constituent parts and forms of their interaction. There are three main types:
1. Unitary state
The territory in a unitary state is one, there is no division into subjects. The authorities are centralized. Unitary states are characterized by a unicameral parliament and a single-channel tax collection system.
2. Federation
The territory is not integral, there are federal and regional authorities. They have their own legal framework, symbols, possibly citizenship.
The constituent parts of the state have the right to international relations. The federations are characterized by a bicameral parliament and a two-channel tax collection system. May be:
The state was divided into autonomous parts according to the accepted supreme law.
The federation was formed by an agreement between several states.
3. Confederation
States having their own sovereignty and independence,come together to achieve some political or economic goal. Common citizenship is possible along with the individual state's own citizenship. They have a common financial and tax system, as well as government bodies.
Economic systems
The type of economic system characterizes how the state solves the three main questions of the economy: what, how and how much to produce. According to it, basic resources and economic benefits are distributed.
1. Market
The basis of a market economy is the free market and the institution of private property. Each participant in the market independently decides how to allocate its resources. Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in a market economy, since entrepreneurs are the driving force behind progress. Prices and production volumes are determined by the laws of supply and demand in the market.
2. Command
In a command economy, the state decides all economic issues. It is it that draws up plans, determines the volume of production and its methods. The distribution of ready-made economic goods is also regulated by the state.
3. Traditional
The traditional economy is completely based on the customs and traditions accepted in this society, forms of production that have already existed for centuries in this community. As a rule, the basis of this type of economy is crafts and needlework.

Features of the social structure of Russia
Russian Federation, according toarticle of the first chapter of the first current Constitution, is a democratic constitutional state with a republican form of government. Russia is a mixed republic with some bias towards the presidential one. As the name suggests, Russia is a federal state that includes 46 regions, 22 republics, 9 territories, 4 autonomous regions, 3 federal cities and 1 autonomous region.
However, when answering the question of what kind of social structure is characteristic of a particular state, one must remember that these categories are artificial and their full implementation in practice is impossible.