Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGHF): description, history, chairman and activities

Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGHF): description, history, chairman and activities
Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RGHF): description, history, chairman and activities

The Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (RHF) was established as part of the state program for the protection of the humanities. The purpose of the organization is the development, increase of knowledge, scientific developments and discoveries. The main task of the foundation is the revival of traditions and their dissemination among society. The work of the organization should stimulate people's interest in the humanities.

History of Creation

The Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation celebrates its birthday every year on September 8th. In 1994, it was founded in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Russian humanitarian
Russian humanitarian

For twenty-two years, the institution has been raising funds and promoting projects in the humanities. In the nineties, socio-economic and political problems were more acute, so interest in these sciences was slightly lost.

However, the fund continueddevelop. Specialists worked hard on their work, because they understood that the practical value of their research would be assessed a little later. Indeed, now, thanks to the development of innovative technologies, science has begun to play a key role in the lives of modern people (especially young people).

However, on February 29, 2016, the organization became part of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. It was not liquidated and the institution continues its activities, but already as a subdivision of the RFBR. This fund is doing similar work, only in a wider range of areas.

Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation grants
Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation grants

Research Areas

The Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation organizes various types of competitive programs in which it raffles funds for the implementation of projects. The prize money is backed by government funding and outside investment. The organization supports research and development in the humanitarian field. For better regulation of work, it is divided into six blocks. They include disciplines such as:

  • philosophy;
  • political science and jurisprudence;
  • history, ethnography and archeology;
  • philology and art history;
  • problematics of a person (psychology, pedagogy).

Works are checked and analyzed by a special expert commission. The processing system consists of several stages. The commission includes six expert councils, each of which is responsible for its area of expertise:

  • first exploresphilosophy, sociology, law;
  • the second deals with human issues;
  • the third is responsible for the historical theme;
  • fourth studies economics;
  • fifth is responsible for philology and art history;
  • the sixth works in the field of information technology and telecommunications.
Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation RHF
Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation RHF

Research projects

The Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation organizes and finances various types of competitive activities. And the main of these activities are research projects.

A research project involves the collection and further analysis of data. This is a solution to a creative problem with a previously unknown result. To implement the project, it is necessary to complete several stages: defining the problem, studying theoretical information, selecting research methods and methods and their further practical application, deriving results based on their own material, scientific commentary and generalization.

information system of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation
information system of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation

The Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation implements research projects in almost all of the presented areas.

Publishing projects

The Russian State Humanitarian Science Foundation also publishes the results of scientific research. The organization finances publishing projects in almost all branches of knowledge. The exception is the fifth direction, which deals withresearch in the field of philology and art history.

IT projects

Since the development of information technology is now happening quite rapidly, the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation is also trying to keep up with the times. Grants for the implementation of their developments in the field of telecommunications are very prestigious.

This industry shapes the ways of transferring information, forms and methods of communication. Thanks to a good material and technical base, it is possible to ensure wide publicity for the project. This type of competitive activity is applicable to all areas, except for philology and art history.

Bulletin of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation
Bulletin of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation

International projects in the Russian Federation

One of the activities of the institution is the holding of events of a scientific and educational nature. They, as a rule, are organized on the territory of the Russian Federation, but the nature of the action can be international. Not only domestic minds, but also representatives of other countries gather to present their developments and exchange knowledge.

Events can be held in completely different formats. These are conferences, and symposiums, and meetings, and seminars, and round tables. They discuss topical issues in various fields, with the exception of the fifth direction - philology and art history.

Similar events are held abroad in the same branches of knowledge. The Foundation is considering applications for participation in international scientific meetings.

Organization of practical activities

Those who are interested not only in the development of methods and theoretical information, but also in real results, were also satisfied by the fund. The institution provides assistance in organizing field work, sending scientific expeditions to research sites. The Russian Humanitarian Foundation can help promote scientific and restoration work.

The organization is looking for the best experimental laboratories for its members. This activity also includes the collection and analysis of statistical information and process modeling.

Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation personal page
Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation personal page

Governing Body

The highest body of the institution, which directly performs the governing function, is the council. Its hierarchical structure is represented by the chairman and his deputy, who are subordinate to twenty-four members of the council. All of them are authoritative scientists, researchers, chairmen of various ministries and departmental organizations, and have the status of members of the Academy of Sciences. They are also representatives from the most developed scientific centers and the largest higher educational institutions.

Besides advice, there are other people on whom the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation depends. The personal page that all contest participants have is processed by many specialists. A lot of work and human efforts have been applied for the successful and productive activities of the institution.

The information system of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation is a special softwaresoftware developed by the fund's IT specialists. The system provides communication with people and provides a specific user with the amount of information he needs.

Performance results

During its operation, the fund has processed more than forty thousand applications. Of these, only twenty-five percent have been further developed. In addition to the direct organization of competitive activities from the institution, the council is engaged in financing projects presented at the regional level. This suggests that the fund is actively cooperating with local authorities in various regions. Research results can be found in libraries across the country.

Publishing activity is also powerful enough. Abstracts and notes are published in the personal bulletin of the organization "Bulletin of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation", as well as in the journal "Naukovedenie".

In addition to periodicals, the organization promotes the publication of books of national importance. They are written according to a modern concept and should form a fresh view of society on science, history, economics and other socially important areas.

Russian State Humanitarian Scientific Foundation
Russian State Humanitarian Scientific Foundation

Thus, we can say that the fund supports the scientific potential of the state, makes great efforts to develop and achieve certain heights in the field of humanitarian disciplines.
