Children's quiz on traffic rules. Quiz on traffic rules for high school students

Children's quiz on traffic rules. Quiz on traffic rules for high school students
Children's quiz on traffic rules. Quiz on traffic rules for high school students

In connection with the increasing number of children involved in road traffic accidents, leading to their injuries, sometimes even incompatible with life, the question arose of a number of activities that increase the level of knowledge about the rules of behavior on the roads. These classes are large-scale and cover all age groups of children, from kindergarten to school educational institutions.

One of the ways to influence is a quiz on traffic rules for children. Every child should participate in the activity.


Children's educational institution gives the child the first skills of communication with peers, as well as skills of behavior in different life situations. In this case, you need to remember that kids learn by playing. The quiz on traffic rules in the preschool educational institution should play all the answers to the questions received and in a visual way, using game materials, show the children what can happen in cases of misbehavior.

quiz on traffic rules
quiz on traffic rules

Children are very actively involved if this process is accompanied by the development of positive emotions in them. In addition, in a preschool a largethe curiosity of children also plays a role, that is, the desire to learn something new and unknown.

Questions should be developmentally appropriate for the child to be willing to participate. To explain to children the basic rules of behavior on the roads allows a quiz on traffic rules.

The older group, due to its age development, can already answer some questions. Of course, it is pointless to expect deep detailed answers from the guys. But they can confidently answer the following questions:

  • what color of traffic light to cross the road;
  • what is a zebra for;
  • which directions you need to look to cross the road.
quiz on traffic rules for high school students
quiz on traffic rules for high school students

Also, a quiz in the form of drawings on asph alt can be used, the questions of which can be:

  • what do these signs mean (bus stop, pedestrian crossing, subway, underpass);
  • traffic light will show the way;
  • what a "zebra" could be.

Traffic events can be not only educational, but also interesting when they are properly designed.

SDA in elementary school

Primary school is considered the most dangerous time. At this age, children are most susceptible to injury on the roadway. Since parents no longer always meet their child from school, and the children themselves, due to their age, cannot be responsible road users.

quiz on traffic rules forchildren
quiz on traffic rules forchildren

The ongoing prevention called "traffic rules quiz" helps to remember the rules of behavior on the street, which is fraught with many dangers for the child. Primary school teachers need to be reminded of vigilance every day, at five minutes and after class.

Children's quiz on traffic rules in elementary school must include the following questions.

  • How to cross the street when there are traffic lights?
  • Where can I cross the road if there is no traffic light?
  • How to avoid vehicles (bus, tram, trolleybus, car)?
  • How should one walk on a road without sidewalks?
  • What to remember when returning home?
  • What emergency numbers do you know?

Only by bringing the right information to the students, you can get the right answers. And a constant reminder helps reduce the increase in road traffic deaths of children.

SDA at the senior level of education

Of course, the quiz on traffic rules at this stage of the educational process should be different from the primary classes due to the age characteristics of children. High school students usually think that they know everything, and the most important thing here is to interest them. This means that the name of the event should correspond, for example, “I am a participant in the movement”, “Moped (motorcycle) is my friend”, “I am responsible for my younger brother”, “Let's talk in sign language”, “Who is right - a pedestrian or a driver”.

What should be the questions?

Quiz on traffic rules for high school studentsshould include issues relevant to their age development. Since they already consider themselves adults, and psychological development is still in adolescence, then the tasks should affect both sides.

children's quiz on traffic rules
children's quiz on traffic rules

For example:

  • Show me how to make a right (left) turn on your bike.
  • Which services to call if you witnessed an accident?
  • What is the movement in our country?
  • How to help victims before the ambulance arrives?

In addition, the quiz in high school can be timed to watch documentaries. Next, the guys are invited to answer a series of questions.

Quiz SDA at the secondary level of a comprehensive school

In this case, the quiz should be average in content between the elementary and senior levels. Be sure to include questions about the rules of the road on sidewalks and the carriageway on bicycles.

quiz contests on traffic rules
quiz contests on traffic rules

In addition, children must be taught to be responsible not only for their own lives and he alth, but also for those close to them. For example, how to go for a walk with your brother or what you need to know if the playground is next to the road.

The entire future life of today's schoolchild depends on the developed responsibility in matters of life. In addition, you can use a quiz in drawings, where the student must answer the proposed tasks using his imagination. This lesson is not only interesting for schoolchildren from the 5th to the 8thclasses, but also allows the organizers of the project to use the best drawings to decorate the exhibition.

Who should conduct a quiz on traffic rules?

The traffic rules quiz can be conducted by a teacher or a police officer. But in any case, close cooperation of both parties is necessary. In addition, high school students can be asked to conduct a quiz in primary and secondary grades of a comprehensive school, it will also be useful for them to remember the main aspects, and they will also be able to feel the responsibility placed on them.

quiz on traffic rules senior group
quiz on traffic rules senior group

If a quiz on traffic rules for high school students is being considered, then only a police officer should conduct it. Since the authority of the teacher in this age category is decreasing, and if he still does not have rights, then, in general, he can go to “no”.

What should be the quiz?

Quiz on traffic rules must be interesting and relevant. It should contain all the most vital issues and work to preserve the he alth of the child.

The form of the quiz can be a conversation, where at the beginning of the lesson the guys get acquainted with the questions of the quiz, and then during the conversation they look for answers to them.

quiz on traffic rules in dow
quiz on traffic rules in dow

One of the most famous events is the "safe wheel" during which quiz questions and traffic rules competitions are used. In this case, the child must clearly demonstrate how he is a participant in the movement. And the teams with the most points are the winners. Competitions are most often held between participants from different schools. This allows the guys not only to show their skills, but also to earn a championship for their educational institution.

Quiz on traffic rules is a quiz of life

Educators, parents and police officers should remember that the lives of children depend on the holding of this kind of event. The more responsible the approach, the less traumatic situations on the roads.

Why is there an expression that a quiz on traffic rules is a quiz of life? The answer is quite simple. If you do not have certain skills of behavior on the roads, then you can endanger not only your life, but also the lives of those around you. After all, the driver is not always wrong, often he, saving someone's life, endangers his own. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the rules of the road from an early age. And you can do this in the form of a quiz game. Such an event will be both informative and interesting.
