The word "variability" can be heard quite often in everyday life. But its meaning is not clear to many. To understand what people are talking about, you need to understand the meaning. The word has a synonym for "variability". But why is it not used then, because it is much clearer to everyone. Everything is not so simple here and there is an explanation for this. "Variability" is a term that was originally introduced in biology. And how it is used now, you can read further.
What is variability?
The word came to us from the Latin language and means "variability". This definition was first used in biology to refer to changes between offspring and parents of the same species. The word is also ubiquitous in medicine. It refers to the rapidly developing branch of cardiology, which deals with the calculation of indicators of the work of the heart.

The full section is called so - "Heart rate variability". This aspect is very important for the development of medicine. The heart is one of the most important organs of every person. It is essential to keep him he althy. Heart rate variability is used to measure heart he alth.
How is heart he alth measured?
One of the main ways to determine the he alth and performance of the human heart is the analysis of heart rate variability. In this process, the duration of heart contractions is determined. Based on the results, we can say how the body works: for wear and tear or manages to restore the necessary energy supply for everyday stress.

A he althy heart is characterized by high levels of variability. If the indicator is below average, it means that there are problems in the body, and it does not have time to restore strength for the required work. These indicators can vary significantly depending on the load: physical, mental, emotional. At the same time, breathing, general well-being and the work of hormones play an important role. From a medical point of view, variability is a way of measuring the condition of the heart.
History of the development of the method in Russia
The analysis of heart rate variability has been studied for 50 years. The roots of the method go back to space medicine, in which analysis was used to monitor the he alth of future astronauts and their response toloads. This problem was especially acute during the arms race.
For a successful spacewalk, a person must ideally withstand the load. In this regard, doctors began to actively look for a method for a complete analysis of a person’s vital activity and checking his condition after a lot of physical work. For space medicine, variability is the basis for analyzing human he alth.

The main founder of aerospace cardiology is Professor Baevsky. Under his leadership, the method began to be developed for the preparation and medical examination of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Thanks to a new method for analyzing heart rate variability, it was possible to determine how the subject's cardiovascular system tolerates the state of weightlessness. It was also possible to see how the body is going through the upcoming stress and how many resources it will take.
Development in the West
Research in this area took place in the West. Finland became the main center of study. True, the method was planned to be used for the analysis of Olympic athletes. With the help of measuring heart rate variability, we were able to make it possible for all coaches to determine the level of workload of athletes. This was necessary to create an optimal training program for each person individually.

It took humanity over twenty years to learn a new method. Only after such a period of time, doctors were able to receive useful and necessary information. Nowanalysis of heart rate variability is a common method not only in medicine, but also in sports. And over the past two decades, portable heart monitors have become popular. They are easy to use not only in sports, but also in everyday life. Their popularity is driven by ease of use.
Application in the modern world
Methods of analysis and diagnostics are constantly evolving. Now absolutely anyone can measure their heart rate variability. In this case, it is not even necessary to go to the clinic. For more than twenty years there have been portable devices - heart monitors. With their help, you can easily find out your condition in a few minutes. All devices are made on the basis of standards and norms established by the world community.

Heart monitors are widely used around the world and are most often used for sports. But there are people who simply care about their he alth and apply them in everyday life. Previously, the problem of analyzing the obtained data was relevant. After all, it is not enough to look at the obtained figures. It is also necessary to compare them with the norms.
What are the norms for a he althy person?
It's actually very difficult to say what kind of variability a particular person should have. The norm depends on the individual characteristics of the organism: weight, height, type of activity, current state, position in space.
In order to draw up the norms, you need to make several measurements, followed by recording the results. And it is necessary to dothis is during the week. After that, all indicators for a particular state must be added up and divided by the number of measurements (that is, find the average value of their indicators). Only in this way will you be able to find out your norm and further navigate it.
If you feel pain and discomfort, but the measurement did not reveal any abnormalities, you should consult a cardiologist. Already on the basis of the data you provided and after a detailed examination, the specialist will be able to understand and solve your problem.
Variability is a new and constantly evolving field of medicine. Analysis of their indicators has recently become available to anyone. You can do this without leaving your home. Regular heart monitoring will help everyone keep track of their body condition.
Constant check helps prevent many serious diseases. The data you collect can help your doctor develop a complete medical history and make a correct diagnosis.