Siberia is one of the most mysterious and harsh regions of the Russian Federation. Here is the famous Lake Baikal, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is equal to the area of the Netherlands. On its territory is the Vasyugan swamp - the largest in the world. The area of Siberia is about 9.8 million square meters. km, which is more than half of the entire territory of Russia. It is located in the northeastern part of Eurasia. What regions is its vast territory divided into?

Regions of Siberia: list
Siberia includes the following territories. First, these are the republics: Altai, Buryatia, Sakha (Yakutia), Tyva, Khakassia. Secondly, the regions: Altai Territory, Trans-Baikal, Kamchatka, Krasnoyarsk, Primorsky, Khabarovsk. And also the official division of Siberia includes regions: Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk and Tyumen.
Regions of Siberia are distinguished by their geographical and climatic indicators. Each of them requires separate consideration. Conventionally, Siberia is divided into the following territories: Eastern Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Russian Far East, and Western Siberia.
Territory of Western Siberia
No less vast territory is occupied by the regions of Western Siberia. Listwill include the following territories: Altai Territory, Tyumen, Tomsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, part of Khakassia, and Kurgan region. One of the most ancient territories, which was inhabited by people about 1.5 million years ago, is Altai. Its length from west to east is about 600 km. The largest rivers not only in Russia, but throughout the world flow here. These are the Ob, Biya, Katun, Charysh. For example, the area of the Ob basin is about 70% of the entire Altai Territory.

Regions of Siberia: Eastern part
The territory of Eastern Siberia includes the lands of Buryatia, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk Region, as well as Tyva, Khakassia, Yakutia. The development of this area dates back to the 18th century. Then, by decree of Emperor Peter I, a prison was built on the territory of modern Khakassia. This time, namely 1707, is considered the date of the annexation of the Republic of Khakassia to the territory of Russia. The locals that the Russians discovered in Siberia were shamans. They believed that the Universe was inhabited by special spirits - masters.
The Republic of Buryatia with its capital in the city of Ulan-Ude is considered one of the most picturesque regions of Siberia. Huge mountain ranges are located here - the mountains occupy an area four times the flat area. A significant part of the Buryat border runs along the waters of Lake Baikal.
The Republic of Sakha is ahead of all regions of Siberia and the Far East in its size. Moreover, Yakutia is also the largest region of Russia. More than 40 percent of herterritory located beyond the Arctic Circle. About 80% of the territory of Yakutia is occupied by taiga.

Omsk and Tomsk regions
The main city of the Omsk region is Omsk. Geographically, this area is a flat area with a continental climate. Here are taiga forests, forest-steppes and steppes. The forest occupies about 24% of the entire territory of the region. The territory of the Tomsk region with the center in the city of Tomsk is one of the most inaccessible. After all, most of it is represented by taiga forests. There are a large number of deposits of valuable natural resources: oil, gas, metals and peat.
Tyumen and Novosibirsk regions
Tyumen region is located on a flat territory. In terms of its area among the administrative subjects of Russia, it is located in third place, in the Arctic, tundra and forest-tundra regions. Here lie the main reserves of oil and gas in Russia. The Novosibirsk region is famous for its rivers. About 350 rivers are located on its territory, and the main water artery, the Ob, also flows. There are also more than 3 thousand lakes here. The climate of the Novosibirsk region is continental. For the first time it was inhabited by representatives of the Mongoloid tribes in the 7th-6th centuries. BC e.

The regions of Siberia amaze with their beauty and therefore are always attractive for tourists. One of these territories is the Trans-Baikal Territory. It is located on the eastern and southeastern territory of Lake Baikal. Histhe center is the city of Chita. There are very long and severe winters here, and the warm season, on the contrary, is fleeting.
Far East and Western Siberia
In the Far East there is most of the Russian rivers, the mouths of which flow into the Pacific Ocean. Only about 5% of the population of Russia lives here. Sometimes the region of Transbaikalia is also referred to this territory. Since the regions of Siberia are known for their vastness, disputes often arise over the division of its lands.
Western Siberia is located on the vast West Siberian Plain. Its area is about 2.6 million square meters. km. Its territory also contains a large amount of natural resources - minerals. There are about 2 thousand river arteries here.