The Great Patriotic War forced the Soviet Union to increase the number of divisions to fight the enemy. Since July 1941, Soviet troops have been defending themselves, but to no avail, losing more and more positions every day. Every division or battalion has a tragic story.
History of the creation of the 20th Army
In the first months of the Second World War, German troops were actively advancing on the territory of the Soviet Union and received regular reinforcements. The Soviet troops were not ready for war. The lack of combat experience, the illiteracy of the commanders did not allow to repulse the Nazis.

20th Army was created at the very beginning of the war on the basis of the Voronezh Military District. At that time, it included a mechanized corps, rifle corps, and a tank division.
In July 1941, the army was given over to the Western Front, which defended the territory of Belarus.
During the first year of the war, the army planned to expand and assemble all its units and formations in the vicinity of the city of Khimki. But in connection with the German offensive on the capital in 1941, the soldiers of the 20th Army took part in the battles without waiting for reinforcements.
Army of the secondformation was created in December 1941, it was disbanded in April 1944.
Battles during the Second World War
In January 1942, the 20th Army joined the Ukrainian Front. The story goes that she participated in the battle of Smolensk. From July 6 to 10, 1941, the army was defeated near Lepel. For her command, the offensive of the German invaders came as a surprise, tank divisions were sent against the Soviet troops. The victory in this battle allowed the Nazis to reach Smolensk in a week. During the battle, Lukin M. F. led the 20th Army with the rank of lieutenant general.
The soldiers of this army also took part in the battle for Moscow. This time, Lieutenant General Ershakov F. A. led the combat formations. During the Vyazemsky operation, the 20th Army was surrounded. In total, during this operation, 688 thousand soldiers were captured by the Nazis, only 85 thousand managed to get out of the encirclement.
During the Battle of Moscow, the 20th Army played an important role. The year 1941 was remembered by its fighters for the lost battles. However, already on December 2, the enemy attack was repelled, and on December 3 and 5, 1941, the army de alt a crushing blow to the invaders and began to push him away from the capital.
During the battle for Moscow, it was possible to stop the enemy's offensive and save the main forces. This allowed the Soviet troops to launch a counteroffensive.

Army commanders
The command of the 20th army changed regularly during the battle for Moscow. Ten generals succeeded each other.
Lieutenant General M. F. Lukinwas taken prisoner and seriously wounded. After being released from captivity, he was returned to the post of commander, which was not typical for that time.
Another general, A. A. Vlasov, commanding the 20th Army, was also captured, where he began to cooperate with the Nazis. Both officers met in captivity, and Vlasov offered Lukin to go over to the side of the Nazis, but he refused.
What prompted Vlasov to become a traitor, historians still do not know. Perhaps it was an offer to become famous and rich, to receive benefits after the end of the war, or perhaps it was his unfulfilled ambitions in the USSR.
Another general, N. E. Berzarin, was resolute and reckless, sometimes exposing soldiers to unnecessary risks. The general also did not escape injury, he was found on the battlefield bloody and without signs of life. An urgent blood transfusion was required, one of the soldiers volunteered to save the life of the commander. N. E. Berzarin was replaced by A. N. Ermakov.

After the war
Having participated in many battles during the Great Patriotic War, the 20th Army received the Order of the Red Banner. After the end of the war, it was transferred to Germany, and after the withdrawal of Soviet troops, it was renamed the 20th Guards Combined Arms.
From 1991 to 2007, the location of the 20th Army was in Voronezh. Later, she was transferred to the Novgorod region, but in 2015 the troops returned to the Voronezh region again.