Table "Formation of Soviet statehood". The formation of Soviet statehood: briefly about the main

Table "Formation of Soviet statehood". The formation of Soviet statehood: briefly about the main
Table "Formation of Soviet statehood". The formation of Soviet statehood: briefly about the main

The formation of the Soviet statehood, the table of the main stages of which will be given in the article, began with the Second Congress. It was called at a turning point. Petrograd was then already in the hands of the insurgent peasants and workers. At the same time, the Winter Palace, in which the Provisional Government met, remained uncaptured. This information is known from the general school course. Within the framework of the educational program "History (Grade 9)", the formation of the Soviet statehood is described in a rather concise manner. The key moments of the process are highlighted in chronological order, each turning point is assessed. Next, consider the features that accompanied the formation of Soviet statehood. A summary of the main events will be supplemented by their analysis.

formation of Soviet statehood
formation of Soviet statehood

Completion of the revolution

On the night of October 24-25, 1917, a historic uprising took place. His leadershipcarried out from the Smolny Institute. Soldiers, sailors who sided with the Bolsheviks took key positions in the city without much difficulty. On October 25 at 2:35 an emergency meeting began in the assembly hall in Smolny. On it, Lenin proclaimed that the revolution had taken place.

Formation of Soviet statehood: lesson summary (Grade 9)

The purpose of the lesson: to familiarize students with the features and consequences of the process.


  1. Developing skills in working with educational text, the ability to analyze it, draw up schemes based on it.
  2. Development of communicative abilities of speech interaction.
  3. Building question design skills.

Form of education: group.

Type of activity: learning lesson.

Key skills implemented in the course of work:

  • Communicative.
  • Organizational.
  • Group activities.
  • Ability to assimilate material.
  • history grade 9 formation of the soviet statehood
    history grade 9 formation of the soviet statehood

Equipment: handout, felt-tip pens, paper, notebook, textbook, "Formation of Soviet statehood" map.


  1. Creation of authorities. Elimination of class and national inequality.
  2. Union of Social Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks. Third Congress of Soviets.
  3. Features of local government.

First management document

It was the appeal of the Second Congress to the peasants, soldiers and workers. This document was adopted on October 25, 1917. The appeal proclaimed the formation of Soviet statehood. In short, the document established a new government in the country. This appeal formulated the main domestic and foreign policy directions. In particular, they proclaimed:

  • Peace.
  • Free transfer of land to peasants.
  • Democratization of the army.
  • Introduction of worker control over production, etc.

All these theses the next day were concretized and embodied in the first Decrees "Earth" and "On the World". Another document formed the first government. The resolution of the congress spoke about the formation of a temporary workers' and peasants' body, which was given the name Council of People's Commissars. Special commissions were entrusted with the management of individual sectors of the country's life. The composition of these bodies was supposed to ensure the implementation of the program proclaimed at the congress. The formation of Soviet statehood began with the establishment of people's commissariats:

  • Labour.
  • Agriculture.
  • Military and naval affairs.
  • Trade and industry.
  • Finance.
  • Public Enlightenment.
  • Foreign affairs and others.
  • the formation of Soviet statehood briefly
    the formation of Soviet statehood briefly

Central and supreme structures

They determined the further formation of the Soviet statehood. The All-Russian Congress was proclaimed as the Supreme body. His mandate was to resolve any issues related tomanagement in the country. The congress formed the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (Central Executive Committee). He held supreme power between congresses. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee was formed by proportional representation from party factions. The first composition consisted of 101 members. Of these, 62 are Bolsheviks, 29 are Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, 6 are Menshevik-Internationalists, 3 are Ukrainian Socialists and one is a Maximalist Socialist-Revolutionary. Kamenev became the Chairman of the Committee. The Council of People's Commissars became the central authority. It was led by Lenin. The specificity of the new bodies was to combine executive and legislative functions.

the formation of Soviet statehood lesson summary grade 9
the formation of Soviet statehood lesson summary grade 9

Thus, the formation of the Soviet statehood, governing bodies and authorities was proclaimed by the Second Congress. It formulated the general principles of organization and laid the foundation for a new administrative system.

The role of the Left SRs

After seizing power, the Bolsheviks sought to expand the social base. To do this, they held negotiations with the advanced Left SRs on the conditions under which the latter would enter the Council of People's Commissars. At a meeting of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee in early November, a compromise resolution was approved. It emphasized that an agreement between the socialist parties was possible only if the Second Congress was recognized as the only source of power, the program of the new government in the form in which it was expressed in decrees. In December, these negotiations ended, and as a result, a coalition government was established. The alliance with the Social Revolutionaries made a great contribution to the formation of Soviet statehood, especially in the firstmonths after the revolution. With the direct participation of representatives, the Declaration on the rights of the exploited people and workers was developed and approved at the Third Congress. This document proclaimed Russia a Soviet Republic. The Social Revolutionaries, together with the Bolsheviks, unanimously voted for the termination of the Constituent Assembly. This decision made it possible to remove the formal obstacles that slowed down the formation of Soviet statehood. In short, the alliance with the Socialist-Revolutionaries made it possible to solve the key managerial task - to unite the representatives of the workers' and soldiers' deputies. This unification took place at the Third Congress in January 1918, where a new composition of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was created. It was attended by 129 Social Revolutionaries and 160 Bolsheviks. However, this union did not last long. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was soon ratified, but the Socialist-Revolutionaries opposed it. As a result, in mid-March 1917, they left the government. In July, the Social Revolutionaries raised a revolt, which, however, was quickly suppressed. The rupture of the union reflected the processes taking place in society, which led to the growth of civil tension. This confrontation, of course, left its mark on the formation of Soviet statehood.

the formation of Soviet statehood summary
the formation of Soviet statehood summary

Administrative apparatus

Late 1917 - early 1918 were marked by the replacement of the old authorities by new ones. Apparatuses of people's commissariats and other administrative structures were created. At the end of October 1917, the Workers' and Peasants' Militia was formed. The structure of the Council of People's Commissars included the Cheka - a commission,carried out the fight against sabotage and counter-revolution. In early December 1917, the Economic Council was formed. This body was supposed to organize the management of the country's economy by coordinating the activities of the existing economic people's commissariats. In addition to the police and the Cheka, the fleet and the army acted as integral elements of the new statehood.

Characteristics of the activities of the new government

The Bolsheviks were based on the worldview of their leaders. After the seizure of power, they considered it a paramount task to break the old state machine. The Bolsheviks believed that the management system was outdated and could not solve the advanced tasks of our time. At the same time, they allowed for the possibility of retaining and subsequent use of certain elements of the former administrative mechanism. The managerial inexperience of the new bodies was compensated by organizational skills and revolutionary enthusiasm. In office work and the very structure of people's commissariats, there is a huge variety of approaches to the implementation of managerial tasks. The number of new organs also varied. Some people's commissariats operated for 2-3 months.

formation of the Soviet statehood plan
formation of the Soviet statehood plan

Features of local power establishment

It happened both peacefully and by armed suppression of the counter-revolution. The legal basis for the removal of the power of the representatives of the former government was contained in the above Appeal proclaimed at the Second Congress. In county and provincial cities, the transition to the new government was relatively painless. This was duethe fact that the central authorities could send representatives to them. Things were somewhat more complicated in the Zemstvo administration. This was due to the multiplicity of local authorities.

the formation of Soviet statehood grade 9 table
the formation of Soviet statehood grade 9 table

Local Soviets, not being able to replace city and zemstvo structures, tried to use them in solving the most urgent and operational local issues. The Social Revolutionaries and Bolsheviks led these bodies (before the break of the union).

Summary of information

The training course en titled "Formation of Soviet statehood (grade 9)" is described above. The table below summarizes the historical information.

Second All-Russian Congress

625 MP:

  • Left SRs - 179;
  • Bolsheviks - 360.
Main decisions


  1. "About the land".
  2. "About the world".

Declaration of the Republic.


SNK - Council of People's Commissars under the leadership of Lenin.

VTsIK - Central Executive Committee under Kamenev.


The central government took care to spread its influence on the ground as soon as possible. During the first months, the Soviets had a wide range of powers. They were also supported by military formations. In April 1918, a decree was approved, inin accordance with which hospitals, institutions, units, stocks of property and warehouses were transferred to the governor's military commissars.

In many cases, local Soviets did not have regular communication with the central office. This allowed them to be absolute masters in their jurisdictions.
