World War II is the bloodiest massacre in modern history. It claimed millions of lives, was marked by incredible cruelty and global destruction. 62 countries were involved in it! Soviet soldiers brought victory in this cruel war to the whole world.
The results of the Great Patriotic War for the USSR and other states are set out in the article.
The end of the great battle

The night of May 9, 1945 was, oddly enough, quiet. And only one could hear how the Soviet radio stations were working. For a long time they practically did not interrupt their work, because people were looking forward to news from Berlin, which soon gave them hope for a new happy life without war.
About 2 hours and 10 minutes on the air of the radio station, the news that more than a million people were waiting for finally sounded. Those words will remain in the memory of parents, their children, grandchildren for a long time … "Victory of the Soviet Army!" - that's what everyone heard on the air then. The Soviet people were able to withstand and defeat the fascistGermany.
The actual end of the Great Patriotic War

Recovering from the happy news, after 107 days, the Soviet people will know that the flames of war have finally been extinguished between all enemy countries. World War II is over.
When did World War II end? Why this question, if everyone already knows that on May 8, 1945, the Act of Surrender of Germany was signed, and on May 9 Victory Day is celebrated? However, this day was not yet considered the end of the great battle of 62 states. According to international law, the war is considered over only when all the opposing countries conclude a peace treaty.
If you look at the war between the Soviet Union and Germany from a legal point of view, then in fact it was necessary to rejoice at the victory after a long 10 years. Officially, the war ended on January 25, 1955, when the Decree to end the confrontation was signed, and the USSR and Germany began peaceful relations.
Such an incredible gap between the actual and legal end of hostilities did not happen by chance. There were valid reasons for this. Firstly, the defeat of fascism led to the fact that Germany did not have a government. Secondly, after the war, this country split into two separate states - the capitalist FRG and the socialist GDR, which opposed each other.
Liberation of the world from Nazism

What were the results of the Great Patriotic War? Everyone knows about them firsthand. Everything once withlistened with rapture to the stories of veterans. However, no one fully realizes how everything really happened and what was the price of the victory over Nazi Germany.
The Soviet army de alt a crushing blow to fascism, as a result of which it saved most of humanity from enslavement. This came at a high cost. Scientists estimate that up to 27 million people died, mostly men. As a result, there were twice as many women, and the birth rate dropped sharply.
Nevertheless, the authority of Stalin and the USSR throughout the world soared to unprecedented heights. People were full of hope for a brighter future, enthusiastically undertook to rebuild cities and villages, to raise the country from ruins.
Arms race

Germany, Japan and Italy were completely disarmed, they ceased to pose a military threat to other states. The political situation in the world has changed, in fact it has become bipolar: on the one hand - the USSR, on the other - the USA. These states began a tough confrontation, which resulted in a crazy arms race and a cold war.
Different opinions
Initially, the results of the Great Patriotic War, which were described in each document, newspaper or book, differed from each other and caused a lot of discussion about this:
- Soviet historical documents said that the victory of the USSR over Germany was a world historical event.
- Western countries increasingly focused their attention on the negative consequences of the war, which affected the economy, culture, large-scaleproduction. But the greatest attention, of course, was paid to the huge number of victims.
- U. Churchill expressed his opinion that the victory was completely meaningless, although in the course of hostilities he said quite the opposite.
- US representatives said that the victory at such a price did not justify the funds that were spent on it.
A little later, in the 80s, when perestroika began, in the USSR the war of 1941-1945 was no longer called patriotic. It was said that it was just a bloody battle between two countries, totalitarian regimes.
Since the war ended, three generations of people have already been born on our planet. The history of the bloody battle is gradually fading into the shadows. One cannot refuse the history of one's Motherland, one cannot forget one's past. Everyone knows that the most precious and valuable thing that has been preserved from Soviet history is those millions of people who believed in goodness, truth, and victory. They had to go through pain, suffering, loss. They had a hard fate, but they hoped that someday the nightmare would end and they would live a better life … And their dream came true, they not only won, they raised the country from the ashes and built a superpower.
Undoubtedly, no one will ever forget the price of victory, those fallen soldiers and ordinary civilians who died in an effort to be free, to have a future. And May 9th is a tribute to the fact that they won. It's a holiday, albeit with tears in our eyes.

To briefly list the results of the GreatPatriotic War, the list will look like this:
- Demographic - according to various studies, from 20 to 27 million people died, almost the entire male population was exterminated, the birth rate fell sharply.
- Economic - the country was destroyed, cities and villages lay in ruins, the standard of living of the population fell to a critically low level, famine set in.
- Social - lack of schools, hospitals, libraries, cultural life. All this required restoration.
- Geographical - a significant expansion of the territorial boundaries of the USSR: the annexation of Transcarpathia, the Kaliningrad region, part of the Murmansk region, South Sakhalin, the Kuriles, Lithuanian Klaipeda and Tuva HP as autonomy.
- Political - The Land of the Soviets has gained enormous weight in the political arena, has become a superpower. Confrontation between the USSR and the USA. The beginning of the arms race and the Cold War.
Thus, the Great Patriotic War had serious consequences not only for the USSR, but for the whole world.