The young Corsican once hated the French because they defeated the Republic of Genoa. He, like his entourage, considered them enslavers. Having become the ruler, he himself began to seize more and more new lands. The invincible movement of his troops was able to stop Russia with its impassability and frost. How did Napoleon come to power?
Young years

The future Napoleon Bonaparte I was born on August 15, 1769 in Corsica. Parents were petty aristocrats. Thirteen children were born in the family, but eight survived to adulthood, including Napoleon. Having come to power, he made all his brothers and sisters noble people.
It is known that the future emperor liked to read as a child. He spoke Italian, and from the age of ten he began to study French. The father managed to get scholarships for two of his sons. He took Joseph and Napoleon to France. In 1779, the future ruler entered the cadet school. At first, relations with classmates did not work out because of the Corsicanorigin, lack of money, character of the young man. He devoted all his time to reading. He was fond of mathematics, the history of antiquity, geography. Gradually became an informal leader among peers.
In 1784, Napoleon was admitted to the Paris military school. He decided that by specializing in artillery, he could move up the career ladder, even without having a noble birth. He never made friends at school, he shocked the teachers with his love for Corsica. But in eight years he nevertheless became a Frenchman.
Military career

In 1785 Napoleon's biography changed. His father died, the family was left with debts. The young man completes his studies ahead of schedule and takes on the role of head of the house. He began to serve in the artillery regiment in Valence. He had the rank of junior lieutenant.
Unsuccessfully tried to solve the problems of the family, the salary was sent to the mother. He himself lived in poverty, eating only one meal a day. In order to improve his financial situation, Napoleon wanted to join the Russian Imperial Army, but abandoned his plan, as he would have been demoted.
With the beginning of the French Revolution, the officer continued to deal with family affairs. Together with his brothers, he supported the transformation of Corsica into an administrative unit of France.
In 1791, Napoleon returned to duty. He was promoted to lieutenant. He brought with him his brother Louis, whom he arranged for a school at his own expense. A few months later he again went to Corsica. From there he never returned to Valence. On the island, Napoleon plunged into political life, he was elected lieutenant colonelNational Guard.
In 1792 he arrived in Paris, where he received the rank of captain. He witnessed the overthrow of the king. In the autumn of the same year, the officer returned to Corsica. There, his family finally took the side of France and was forced to leave their homeland.
Ten years after his graduation from the military school, Napoleon went through the entire hierarchy of army chinoproizvodstva. He received the rank of general in 1795.
Italian Campaign
In 1796, Napoleon was appointed commander of the Italian army. The financial situation of the employees was extremely difficult. They were not paid salaries, supplies and ammunition were not brought up. The general partially solved these problems. He understood that the transfer to the side of the enemy would allow the issue to be completely settled. Then the army will be supplied at the expense of the enemy's lands.
Thanks to the General's strategy, the French troops defeated the Sardinian and Austrian troops. Soon Northern Italy was cleared of enemy forces. Under the control of Bonaparte were the possessions of the Pope. He was forced to pay an indemnity to the French troops and give away a large number of works of art.
Although the Austrians arrived with reinforcements, the general took one fortress after another. In the attack on the Arkol bridge, he personally carried the banner in his hands. He was covered by an adjutant who died from bullets.
The Austrians were finally ousted from Italy in 1797, after the Battle of Rivoli. The Italian army moved to Vienna. A hundred kilometers from the city, Napoleon's soldiers stopped because their forces were running out. Negotiations began. Bonaparteused the victories of his troops to build a reputation. It came in handy later on.
For the victories of the Italian army, the general received significant military booty, distributed it among the military and members of the Directory, without depriving himself and his family. Returned to Paris where he bought a house.
Egyptian Campaign
Italian campaign brought Napoleon enormous popularity. The Directory appointed him to command the English army. However, a landing in Britain was unrealistic. We decided to send forces to Egypt. So France hoped to create an outpost for a further attack on British positions in India.
Bonaparte's troops captured M alta, Alexandria, Cairo. However, they were overtaken by Nelson's squadron. The French fleet was defeated, and Napoleon was cut off in the country of the pyramids. He tried to negotiate with the local population, then he tried to take over Syria. As a result, he was trapped and secretly sailed to France. Then Napoleon came to power.
First Consul

The Directory was unable to ensure stability in the republic. She increasingly relied on the army. Due to the arrival of Russian-Austrian troops in Italy, all the acquisitions of Bonaparte were liquidated. Preparations for a coup began. The general was also persuaded to take part in it.
In 1799, and according to the calendar of that time, 18 Brumaire of the VIII year of the Republic, the Council of Elders appointed Bonaparte the commander of the department. The powers of the Directory were terminated. Not without weapons, a temporary consulate was established, consisting of Bonaparte,Ducos, Sieyes. While the new constitution was being drafted, the general concentrated executive power in his hands.
Consulate Period
During the coming to power of Napoleon, the country was at war with England and Austria. The consul had to conduct the Italian campaign again. In 1800 the First Austrian campaign began. After victories in the battles of Marengo and Hohenlinden, negotiations took place. The conclusion of the Peace of Luneville marked the beginning of Napoleon's rule in Italy and Germany.
The coming of Napoleon to power completely changed the state structure of France. An administrative reform was carried out, according to which mayors were appointed, taxes were collected. Established the Bank of France. Parisian newspapers were closed, and the rest were subordinated to the government. Catholicism was declared the main religion, but religious freedom was maintained.
The consulate was supposed to last ten years. But Napoleon constantly strengthened his position in order to move on to lifelong rule. He succeeded in getting the matter through the Senate in 1802. But it was not enough for Napoleon to become a consul for life, he promoted the idea of hereditary power.

In 1804, 28 Floreal in France, the Senate recognized the new constitution. This meant the proclamation of Napoleon as emperor. This was followed by major changes in society.
Bonaparte wished to be crowned by the Pope. To do this, he even married his common-law wife Josephine. The coronation took place in 1804 in the Paris Cathedral. Mother of God. The former consul personally donned the crown.
Rise of an empire
Bonaparte continued to plan a landing on the islands of Britain. For his new campaigns, he took funds from indemnities, which were paid by the captured states.
Napoleon's most famous battles:
- Battle of Ulm - in 1805 the Austrian army capitulated.
- Battle of Austerlitz - in 1805, Napoleon set a trap for the Russian-Austrian army. Allied troops were forced to retreat in disarray.
- Battle of Saalfeld - in 1806, a French army of 12,000 defeated an 8,000-strong Prussian army. They were finally defeated at Jena and Auersted.
- Battle of Eylau - in 1807. There was no winner in the bloody battle between the Russian and French troops. This is the first time this has happened in years.
- Battle of Friedland - in 1807, the Russian troops lost. Napoleon took Koenigsberg, which became a threat to the Russian borders.
Continental blockade
Biography of Napoleon is full of military victories. After another of them, he signed a special decree. According to it, France and its allies stopped trade relations with Great Britain. This caused significant damage to the British economy, but France suffered no less.
War with Austria
In 1809 Emperor Franz II declared war on the French. But Napoleon's forces repulsed the blow and captured Vienna within a few weeks. After the victory at Wagram, the Treaty of Schönbrunn was concluded. Austria lost part of its possessions inItaly. Then Napoleon I Bonaparte decided to go east.
Trip to Russia

His decision resulted in disaster for the French army. Napoleon in Russia was defeated by Kutuzov's army. This was facilitated by the harsh winter of 1812, the active support of the Russian army by the people.
The success of the Russian troops gave impetus to the national liberation struggle in Western Europe. Allied troops entered Paris in 1814. Bonaparte had to abdicate.
The exile of the emperor to the island of Elba

However, the story of Napoleon was not over yet. He was retained the imperial title and sent to Elba. The deposed Bourbons returned to France. Their policy did not please the people. This was taken advantage of by Napoleon, who, with a small detachment, landed in the south of France in 1815.
Triumphant return to Paris
Three weeks later Napoleon came to power again. He won without a shot being fired, as the masses and troops went over to his side. However, the reign did not last long. In history, this period is known as the "Hundred Days".
The Emperor did not justify the hopes of the French. Added to this was the defeat at Waterloo. A second renunciation followed.
Link to Saint Helena

Bonaparte spent six years on a closed island as a British prisoner. The island was removed from Europe. He was allowed to take officers with him. The climate on the island was damp, for allthe actions of the former emperor were monitored by sentries. He did not try to escape, received occasional visitors, dictated memories. Died May 5, 1821.
Napoleon's path to power began with military affairs, but he is known for his achievements in public administration. It is rather difficult to overestimate its role in the history of Europe. By his example, he showed how a lieutenant of humble origin can become an emperor, who will be reckoned with by the rulers of world powers. Napoleon's military actions in Germany hastened the beginning of the process of unification of its lands.