OPS - what is it? Abbreviation deciphering. Polysemantic terms

OPS - what is it? Abbreviation deciphering. Polysemantic terms
OPS - what is it? Abbreviation deciphering. Polysemantic terms

To the question: "What is this - OPS?" - There are many possible answers. The fact is that in Russian there are many ways to decipher this abbreviation. Let's look at the most famous of them.

What are polysemantic terms

Before you know the decoding of the abbreviation in question, it is worth clarifying why it belongs to the category of words that are characterized by ambiguity.

This abbreviation illustrates the ability of names to have not one, but several lexical meanings at once.

In the case of terms (a specialized word/phrase meaning a specific concept and used within a certain environment), polysemy is characteristic of them only due to homonymy.

This means that in parallel there are several phenomena whose names look identical. However, they are not related in any way, and their similarity is the result of an ordinary coincidence. The existence of many options for decoding the abbreviation OPS is just that case.

Compulsory pension insurance

For every citizen of the Russian Federation, the reduction in question is primarily deciphered as "mandatory pensioninsurance".

insurance premiums for
insurance premiums for

In 2002, a reform was carried out in the country, as a result of which now every working citizen or foreigner is an insured person. In this regard, on a monthly basis, such a person needs to pay certain insurance premiums for the OPS. Their size is twenty-two percent.

In this way, the state budget receives enough funds annually to pay pensions to eligible persons.

Intrusion fire alarm

Considering the answers to the question: "OPS - what is it?" - it is worth remembering another, no less important decoding of this abbreviation. It's about the fire alarm. She, like the Twix chocolate bar from the advertisement, combines two functions at once.

oops what is this
oops what is this
  • Provides fire safety.
  • Takes care of protecting the object from intruders.

As a rule, such a system is installed in enterprises of various sizes, in shopping centers and office premises. Less common in private homes.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that the installation of fire alarm systems is a rather expensive undertaking, it is rarely installed in most government agencies, not to mention residential buildings. Meanwhile, the benefits of a security fire alarm can hardly be overestimated. After all, it helps prevent thousands of fires and crimes around the world every year.

Installation of OPS is not cheap due to the fact that several steps are required for its implementation.

  1. Select an executing firm. From herexperience and qualifications depends on the quality of installation and operation of the future alarm.
  2. Create a project. Theoretically, you can make it yourself. However, if there is no experience, it is better to turn to professionals. The best option is when the OPS project is made by the same company that will subsequently install this system.
  3. Directly the installation of a security fire alarm. This is a very laborious and responsible process. Needless to say, it should be carried out by professionals?
  4. Monitoring the he alth of the OPS. Even if the burglar alarm is installed perfectly, it is still worth checking periodically whether it works correctly. After all, even the most perfect mechanism can fail. Of course, checking the OPS is also paid, but is it worth saving when it comes to safety for life and he alth?

Post Office

This phrase is another answer to the question "OPS - what is it?".

For several centuries, the post office has been specializing in the delivery of letters, postcards and parcels of various sizes, as well as in the transfer of money orders.

It is worth noting that in the modern world it is highly competitive with the Internet and SMS messages, online banking, as well as private courier services. Despite this, post offices are still busy.

The number of OPS in a particular settlement directly depends on its size and population. So, in villages and small towns there are usually one or twosuch institutions. However, in large cities there may be more than a dozen of them, and each of them will have its own index.

For example, Moscow post offices are evenly distributed across thirteen postal districts of the city. At the same time, in the total mass in the capital of the Russian Federation there are over five hundred OPS. And this is after the reduction.

In the capital of Ukraine - the city of Kyiv - there are much fewer such institutions. Their number is just over 230.

Moscow post office
Moscow post office

It is worth noting that in most countries of the world today there is an active modernization of the OPS. At the same time, post offices in small towns and villages, as a rule, are under the threat of closure due to their low profitability.

Organized crime community

Also OCG is a synonym for the word OCG (organized crime group).

Regardless of the specifics of the activity, the goal of such a community is to use all possible methods for profit, including those prohibited by law.

abbreviation decoding
abbreviation decoding

It is worth noting that often the organized criminal group has legal enterprises. Their work does not violate any laws. With their help, legalization of illegal income is carried out.

Natural environment

Another answer to the question "OPS - what is it?" - natural environment.

installation ops
installation ops

This concept includes all natural components such as atmospheric air, the bowels of the earth, soil, various types of water bodies, as well as natural complexes,landscapes and objects that determine the conditions for the existence of a person as a biological organism.

The following groups of factors influence them:

  • Abiotic - inanimate nature (climate, atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere).
  • Biotic - living organisms other than humans, which are its "neighbors".
  • Anthropogenic - human activities.

The considered five types of decoding the abbreviation OPS are only the most famous options. In fact, there are several dozens of ways to interpret this abbreviation. For this reason, when faced with this combination of letters, you always need to clarify the context so as not to get into an absurd situation.
