Let's consider what business communication is and its types. Under it, it is customary to call the process that occurs during the exchange of information. The peculiarities of business communication are that it is supposed to take into account work experience, the results of joint activities aimed at achieving the goal are used. Similar nuances are used when interviewing candidates for vacancies.
Analyzing the features of business communication, we note that it is supposed to be conditionally classified. Allocate direct contact, as well as indirect communication. Let's take a closer look at the first view.

Direct contact
Features of business communication of this type in maximum efficiency. It is distinguished by emotional impact and suggestion. Direct contact is optimal when conducting business negotiations, identifying the personal characteristics of candidates for vacant positions.
Features of business communication are that it is associated with the setting of specific goals and objectives that require a certain resolution. This makes it impossible to stop negotiations betweenpartners at any time.
If for friendly communication you can choose any abstract questions and at any time such communication can be stopped, then at a business meeting such negligence leads to serious economic consequences, the loss of business partners, suppliers, consumers.

What is important to know about the rules? Business communication involves several variations, each of which has its own distinctive characteristics:
- negotiations;
- conversations;
- visits;
- meetings;
- public introductions.
Currently, commercial structures and individual entrepreneurs cannot count on successful business if the employees of the enterprise are deprived of the skills to conduct a discussion. A feature of modern business communication is its penetration into all spheres of public life.
Competence is associated with success or failure in each specific area: production, science, trade, art.
Effective business communication of businessmen, managers, organizers, employees who are associated with the field of management, individual entrepreneurs, implies the ability to adequately and timely respond to the situation. Such skills are a prerequisite for success in the professional field.
Distinguishing Features
What are the main tasks of business communication? First of all, it contributes to the establishment of full-fledged partnerships between allparticipants in the transaction. The construction of official contacts is carried out on a respectful basis, taking into account common interests and needs.
Psychological characteristics of business communication is an important aspect for success in business. With the help of such interaction, creative and labor activity significantly increases, which positively affects the final result.
The ability to behave with people during a conversation, the skills of building a dialogue, determine the chances of achieving success in official, business activities, career advancement.
Success in scientific and technical fields is only fifteen percent dependent on professional knowledge, and the remaining 85% is associated with the ability to communicate with other people.

Business communication structure
A characteristic of business communication is associated with five main phases:
- starting a conversation;
- transmission of information;
- arguing;
- refutation of the statements of the interlocutor;
- making a decision.
How to build the beginning of a conversation? It is necessary to clearly describe its purpose, introduce the interlocutors, choose a topic, identify the speaker, and announce the sequence of consideration of the main issues.
What else do the rules imply? Business communication ends in the reverse order. The host takes the floor, turning to the rest of the participants, announces the end of the conversation.
Important communication points
Characteristic of business communicationinvolves establishing various ways of contact with the interlocutor:
- It is important to pay close attention to meaningful and concise introductory phrases and explanations.
- It is obligatory to address the interlocutor by name and patronymic.
- A certain appearance is required: smartness, clothing, facial expression.
The tasks of business communication include demonstrating a respectful attitude towards the personality of the interlocutor, his interests and opinions. The conversation should be built in the form of a dialogue formed on the basis of answers and counterarguments to them.
National peculiarities of business communication in Russia are the mixing of personal and social relationships, which often negatively affects profit.

Features of remarks in business communication
The interlocutor's remarks indicate that he listens attentively to the lecturer, follows his speech, analyzes the quality of the argumentation, and ponders the essence of the material presented.
National features of business communication are manifested in the duration of the conversation, the seating of its participants at the table, in reaction to comments.
The arguments of the interlocutor should not be considered as an obstacle to conversation, but as a means of fitting communication.
What characterizes business communication and its types? There are several kinds of remarks associated with it:
- ironic;
- prejudice;
- unspoken phrases;
- subjective phrases;
- objective phrases.
Special Featuresbusiness communication are closely related to the comments, so let's dwell on them in more detail.
Unspoken remarks occur when the interlocutor does not have time to say what he did not like, what he would like to clarify.
Prejudice is one of the reasons that cause unpleasant remarks, especially in situations where the interlocutor has formed an erroneous point of view. Such a position is based on emotional grounds, so it is pointless to use any logical arguments.
Often the reason for the appearance of prejudice is the national characteristics of business communication.
The interlocutor uses aggressive arguments, puts forward some demands, sees only the negative parameters of the dialogue. Among the reasons for such an attitude is often antipathy, a negative attitude towards another participant in the conversation.
In such a situation, it is first important to find out the point of view and motives of the interlocutor, and only after that look for ways to establish full-fledged business cooperation.
How else can you describe business communication and its features?
For example, caustic (ironic) motives appear in it. Their cause may be the bad mood of the partner, the desire to test the patience and endurance of the interlocutor.
In fact, often such remarks are in no way related to the topic of the conversation, but they can be defiant, offensive.
How to behave in such a situation? First you need to understand how serious the interlocutor's statement is. For example, you can answer him wittyexpression, smoothing out the emerging conflict, moving on to a constructive and mutually beneficial business dialogue.

What characterizes business communication? Its types and features affect the effectiveness of negotiations, the degree of understanding between partners, employees, as well as the satisfaction of employees in the results of their activities. They also affect the psychological and moral microclimate within the company. Almost all the problems of modern business are directly related to communication - the transfer of thoughts, feelings, bringing them to conscious perception by other people.
For example, managers spend more than half of their working time establishing a dialogue with clients and partners.
What else is important to know about business partnerships? Its goals and types are related to the specifics of the transfer of information, the development of effective mechanisms for obtaining material profit by a company, an individual.
At present, an experienced leader spends most of his time not at all on resolving financial, organizational, technical issues, but on resolving psychological problems that appear in the course of communication with subordinates, partners, colleagues.
What are the specifics of business communication? Its types and forms are needed to optimize commercial, industrial, and educational activities. It is this dialogue that allows solving not only organizational and commercial issues, but also interpersonal problems.

Patterns of business relationships
These include the following points, which we will dwell on in more detail.
The dependence of communication on the perception of the interlocutor lies in understanding the image of another person, which is formed on the basis of an assessment of his behavior and appearance. People differ in social status, intellectual abilities, life experience. That is why in the process of perceiving the interlocutor, errors are often felt associated with social inequality, which are called factors of superiority.
If business communication is conducted with a person who is superior to you in some respects, we consider him a positive personality than an equal in intelligence and life experience.
If communication is conducted with subordinates, then many bosses, feeling their superiority, underestimate the quality of employees, while making a fatal mistake that will lead to a decrease in labor productivity.
The functioning of the factor of attractiveness is associated with a reassessment of the qualities of a person based on his appearance. With an unattractive appearance, the professional skills of an employee are often not immediately taken into account.
Among the main mistakes made in business ethics, let's single out the formation of an attitude towards a person based on public opinion. People do not always adequately evaluate their colleagues, forming an initial impression of them. It clearly does not reflect all the advantages of a partner. It takes a sufficient amount of time to change this initial position, which leads to seriousmaterial losses, creating an unfavorable psychological climate within the team.
Business communication and its forms depend on various factors, which is why it is so important to identify the most optimal conditions for each specific dialogue.
Inadequate self-esteem, suggesting underestimation or overestimation of one's skills and abilities is often the cause of problems that appear in the process of business cooperation.
Distinguishing Features
There are situations related to changes in transmitted information. As the main reasons for this phenomenon, we note:
- different interpretation of information related to language features;
- differences in intellectual development, level of education, needs of interlocutors.
In order for business communication to be constructive, it is important to build trusting relationships. What is meant by this term? It includes an open demonstration of one's intentions, the manifestation of a positive attitude towards a direct partner, business competence, as well as a desire to eliminate any misunderstandings that arise.
Among those obstacles that make constructive communication impossible, professionals identify the following reasons:
- social barriers that lead to misunderstanding, suspicion, block interpersonal communication;
- ethno-cultural barriers affecting the perception of other nations;
- psychological obstacles (annoyance, shyness, isolation), lack of normal communication skills.
Principlesnormal cooperation
These are generalized, abstracted representations that allow those who rely on them to correctly formulate their own behavior, actions, attitude to any event.
The principles of business communication allow any employee in the organization to use the conceptual platform for actions, interactions, decisions.
- The first principle is to use the gold standard. Within the framework of the official position, one should not allow such actions to the management, subordinates, colleagues, clients that one would not like to see in relation to oneself.
- The second principle is to observe fairness in the division of raw materials, material, financial resources between employees.
- The third principle is the mandatory correction of any ethical violation, regardless of who and when it was committed.
- The fourth principle is related to official behavior and actions of the employee. They are considered ethical in cases where they contribute to the development of the company in terms of morality.
Among the principles there are also recommendations for combining individual work and collective activity, striving for conflict-free relationships within the team, when communicating with partners and clients.
It is difficult to imagine at least one person associated with the field of entrepreneurship and business who would currently be able to avoid the process of communication with company personnel, partners, sales representatives, government agencies, judicial authorities, counterparties andagents. In order for cooperation to be successful, it is necessary to have basic knowledge and skills from the field of psychology of business etiquette.
The ability to adequately and correctly behave in the process of such communication is a complex component of a successful entrepreneur and a high-class leader. Conflict-freeness is a quality that is necessary in the business world to achieve success, obtain stable profits, and establish mutually beneficial relationships with partners.

Currently, each person devotes quite a significant time of his life to joint activities, business communication. Questions relating to such relationships have always aroused particular interest among sociologists, psychologists, philosophers, as well as specialists who seek to generalize their own experience of business communication in some area, to connect it with the norms of morality accumulated over the centuries of the existence of human civilization.
A feature of business communication is the fact that this particular etiquette is considered a form of treatment accepted in the service. Its main function is to create certain rules that contribute to the formation of mutual understanding between people.
Recently, the term "ethics of business communication" has appeared, which includes a number of issues related to the official (business) environment.
Its actual founder was Peter I, who took foreign ideas when creating the “General Regulations” in 1720.
It is difficult to talk about the culture of behavior inbusiness cooperation without observing certain norms of speech (verbal) etiquette associated with manners and forms of speech, a certain vocabulary.
Business communication (its goals and types are discussed above) can be considered the result of a long work aimed at choosing the optimal forms of relations in the industrial sector. It distinguishes norms developed vertically (for contact between subordinates and the leader), and horizontally (between equal members of the same team).
For example, there are certain phrases that involve greeting customers between partners, the observance of which is a prerequisite for business ethics.