Prince Oleg Ryazansky: life, years of government, role in history

Prince Oleg Ryazansky: life, years of government, role in history
Prince Oleg Ryazansky: life, years of government, role in history

Prince Oleg of Ryazan ruled since 1350. According to a widespread version, he was the son of Prince Ivan Alexandrovich, and according to another, Ivan Korotopol. At the same time, both of his alleged fathers belonged to the same branch of Rurikovich, being cousins.

Prince biography

Monument to Prince Oleg
Monument to Prince Oleg

Prince Oleg Ryazansky was born in 1335. Around 1350, he received the city of Rostislavl, which has not survived to this day, from the heirs of Yaroslav Pronsky.

He was a very warlike ruler. Prince Oleg Ryazansky ruined another ancient Russian city - Lopasnya, which was located on the border of the Ryazan lands and which has not survived to our time. He did this to avenge his ancestor, Prince Konstantin, who was killed in Moscow by Yuri III. At his residence, Oleg Ivanovich received the Moscow boyars, who were dissatisfied with the reign of Ivan II.

Played a certain role in the era of "Great Zamyatni". Before the power was concentrated in the hands of Mamai, he, having teamed up with Vladimir Pronsky, as well as Tit Kozelsky, defeated Bek Tagai in 1365. It happened atShishevsky forest.

Also, Prince Oleg Ryazansky became famous for the fact that in the period from 1370 to 1387 he made repeated attempts to preserve the independence of his principality, which was more often subjected to raids by the Horde.

Suspicions of treason

In Russian history, Prince Oleg Ivanovich is often viewed negatively due to suspicions of his betrayal during the Battle of Kulikovo. Basically, they are based on the negotiations that the prince led with Mamai and Jagiello against Dmitry Ivanovich.

The betrayal of Prince Oleg
The betrayal of Prince Oleg

Most interpret this as a betrayal of the princes who decided to unite against the Mongol yoke. At the same time, some researchers believe that it was a subtle political game, the main goal of which is to save their own lands from ruin.

Thus, the Grand Duke of Ryazansky sought to persuade Dmitry to meet Mamai even before he was on Ryazan land, and also deliberately tried to mislead Jogail and Mamai regarding a likely connection with him in the Oka region.

At the same time, the very existence of such a conspiracy has been called into question by Russian historians more than once. The main attacks on Oleg are contained in the Simeon Chronicle. Many are sure that these are later inserts, since such information is not available in other annals of that period.

At the same time, in "Zadonshchina", which, as it is reliably known, was written shortly after the Battle of Kulikovo, Oleg is not mentioned even once. Therefore, his alliance with Mamai remains a big question, and the rumor thatPrince Oleg Ryazansky in the Battle of Kulikovo could participate on the side of the Tatars, his opponents spread it in order to take possession of the Ryazan lands.

Battle of Kulikovo
Battle of Kulikovo

As a result, only in 1381, Oleg Ryazansky recognized himself as a "younger brother", concluding an agreement with Dmitry. His cunning policy bore fruit, the powerful army of Mamai was destroyed, the Ryazan principality was saved from ruin, while maintaining his own squad. In fact, from that moment began the accession of the Ryazan principality to the Muscovite state, although officially it ended only in 1456.

A new round of confrontation with the Tatars happened when Tokhtamysh attacked Russia in 1382. Dmitry did not have time to gather strength. Oleg, in order to save his lands from ruin again, pointed them to the fords on the Oka River. But Ryazan was still partially plundered when the army returned. In the same autumn, Dmitry made a punitive campaign against Ryazan. After that, the need to join the Ryazan Principality to the Muscovite State became obvious.

Participation in Perevitskaya cue ball

In the history of Russia, the Perevitskaya cue ball is also often mentioned. It happened when in 1385 Oleg took advantage of the fact that Moscow was weakened after the invasion of Tokhtamysh. He went on a campaign against the future Russian capital, capturing Kolomna.

The battle near Perevitsk is related to this period, which practically did not leave a trace in history, but at the same time is of great importance for the entire state. It happened in the spring of 1385. The Moscow army was commanded by Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovskoy, who was utterly defeated by the Ryazan detachments.

The focus was just Kolomna, which was taken by force from Moscow at the very beginning of the century, as well as the fact that Oleg remained neutral in the Battle of Kulikovo.

Attack on the Principality of Moscow

Prince Oleg carefully thought everything out and on March 25, 1385 attacked the Moscow principality. Moscow did not hesitate to respond, gathering a powerful army under the command of Prince Vladimir Serpukhov. Upon learning of this, Oleg hurried to leave Kolomna, as he felt that he was unable to keep the city. He withdrew his troops just to Perevitsk. It was a powerful, well-fortified fortress, located on the borders of the Ryazan principality.

It is noteworthy that the Moscow troops were defeated in that battle, however, most chronicles are silent about this event. A certain decisive role in the confrontation was played by the fact that the flooding of the rivers began. Because of him, the Muscovites were unable to strike back, and besides, they were very weakened.

Dmitry Ivanovich was actually squeezed into a corner. He was forced to send a rich ransom to rescue the prisoners, but the ambassadors returned empty-handed twice.

Ryazan insisted on territorial concessions from Moscow. This war, which ended in failure for the future capital principality, Yeletsk was subordinated to Ryazan.

The role of Sergius of Radonezh

In fact, the neighboring principalities at that moment were on the verge of another internecine war. Managed to avoid itonly thanks to Sergius of Radonezh. The Saint achieved that Dmitry and Oleg made peace. It was strengthened in 1387, when Oleg married his son Fyodor to Dmitry's daughter Sofya.

Sergius of Radonezh
Sergius of Radonezh

Dmitry asked Sergius to go with the embassy to Ryazan. He was in no hurry, after waiting two months, only when the Nativity fast began, he set off. The fact is that one of the key contents of this particular post is repentance. A person realizes all his sins and forgives the mistakes of other people.

From Moscow, Sergius was joined by the guards of the prince and the boyars. On a horse cart they went to Ryazan. Having passed Kolomna, they served a prayer service. Once on the Ryazan side, they were accompanied by people of the Ryazan prince. In Filippov post they arrived in Pereslav-Ryazan.

Agreement between Oleg and Dmitry

The peace treaty, which was concluded between the princes Oleg and Dmitry, is described in detail by the historian Ilovaisky. He notes that Oleg at that time was subjected to sharp criticism from the chroniclers and their followers. What was especially remarkable about this world was that it actually lived up to its name by becoming eternal.

Holy Prince Oleg
Holy Prince Oleg

After that, there were no more wars between Dmitry Donskoy and Oleg Ivanovich, even their descendants no longer went against each other. In place of a fierce and bloody struggle came neighborly and friendly relations, which were reinforced by family ties. The Ryazan Principality managed to extend its politically independent existence for about 125 years.

Sergius blessed to open a monastery in Kolomna, which has become a kind of bone of contention. Since then, Oleg in every possible way began to support his son-in-law, Prince Yuri Svyatoslavich of Smolensk, when he opposed the Lithuanian Vitovt, who was trying to capture the city. At the same time, clashes took place in the Ryazan and Lithuanian territories from 1393 to 1401.

Before his death, Oleg accepted monasticism, he took the vows as a monk under the name of Joachim. This happened in the Solotchinsky Monastery, which he founded 18 kilometers from the capital of the principality.

Oleg's death

Prince Oleg died in 1402. First, he was buried in a stone coffin on the territory of the Solotchinsky Monastery.

Solotchinskiy Monastery
Solotchinskiy Monastery

The monastery was closed under Soviet rule in 1923. Then the remains of the prince were transferred to the Ryazan provincial museum. Already in 1990, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they were transferred to the St. John the Theological Monastery, and in 2001 they finally returned to the Solotchinsk monastery. In the end, Oleg and his wife were reburied in the Ryazan Kremlin Cathedral.

Board evaluation

Today, the reign of Prince Oleg is estimated differently. It is worth recognizing that he had a difficult and controversial fate, the bad fame about him has come down to our days, although, probably, all this was the work of later chroniclers.

Although he was considered a traitor by many, he was recognized as a saint as a result. The prince was often called the "second Svyatopolk" for his cruelty and deceit. But at the same time he was loved in Ryazan, because he did everythingpossible, in order to protect his city from ruin, for the sake of this he was even ready to negotiate with enemies. He became one of the brightest and most significant figures in Russian history of the XIV century.

Prince Oleg was a very influential and authoritative figure, for example, he often acted as an arbiter in disputes between Moscow and Tver princes.

Memory of the Prince

Today, a monument to Prince Oleg is erected in Ryazan. He appeared in 2007.

Monument to Oleg Ryazansky
Monument to Oleg Ryazansky

Zurab Tsereteli worked on the design of the monument on Cathedral Square in Ryazan. Its official opening was timed to coincide with the celebrations in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Ryazan Region.

Today it is one of the main decorations of Cathedral Square in Ryazan. The Tsereteli monument itself was donated to the people of Ryazan.
