According to the advice of one sorcerer, the Bulgars had to carry a huge vat of water, and in the place where the water boils, it is necessary to build a city. And a miracle happened on the shore of Lake Kleban. This was the beginning of the birth of the Kazan Khanate.
How it all began
This is just one of the many beautiful legends that surround the founding of Kazan. There are versions about the skull of a pious Muslim, from which a miraculous spring springs, and about a terrible fire-breathing dragon, which has always been depicted on the coat of arms for many centuries, and many other interesting stories.
Unfortunately, no one can name the exact year of Kazan foundation. The first mention of it in the Russian chronicle dates back to 1376 and 1391, and in eastern sources - the 15th century. Geographer Rachkov suggested that Kazan was founded after the death of Batu in 1255.
But a completely different time is considered official, when Kazan was founded. The date 1005 is based on the results of archaeological excavations in the Kazan Kremlin.
For a long time, built as a border fortress of the Volga Bulgaria, Kazan was part of the Golden Horde. It was a period of its economic growth. Thanks togeographical position and the development of many types of crafts, trade and economic ties were established with Turkey, the Crimea, Moscow and others.
New era
Then there was a period of rather difficult relations with Moscow. And despite the fact that diplomatic relations were maintained between the cities, war could not be avoided.

In 1552 the troops of Ivan the Terrible took Kazan. Numerous human losses in the August battle, and then the siege that lasted more than a month left Kazan no chance. It was the most difficult year in the history of the city. The foundations of Kazan, its way of life were completely revised, and after the fall of the city in October 1552, a new era began in the development of the city as part of the Russian state.
The local population was outside the city, and the place of their settlement became known as the Old Tatar settlement. Kazan itself was actively settled by migrants from Russian cities. In 1556, on the orders of Ivan the Terrible, the construction of the Kazan Kremlin began. The city was built up and developed economically. Many craft settlements appeared, bridges were built, the first manufactories were created.
During the reign of Peter the Great, Kazan received the status of the capital of the Kazan province. And the opening of a permanent theater and Kazan University (1791 and 1804) secured the title of a cultural and scientific center for the city.
But there were also tragic events in Kazan. The fire during the Pugachev uprising and subsequent fires in 1815 and 1842 burned the city almost to the ground three times.
Today Kazan is deservedly considered the third capital of Russia. This unique cosmopolitan city combines a variety of cultures and religions.
Despite such a long year of foundation, Kazan failed to preserve truly historical monuments.

Most of the ancient buildings and archival documents about the administration of Kazan were destroyed by numerous fires and destructive wars, and the main ensemble of architectural structures is represented by buildings of the 19th and 20th centuries.
But despite this, there are really a lot of sights in Kazan.
- Museum of Islam (it exhibits archaeological sites from the 10th-11th centuries);
- Monument to the Kazan cat (erected by order of Catherine II);
- Temple of all religions;
- Peter and Paul Cathedral (erected in honor of the patrons of Peter the Great - Peter and Paul);
- Ex altation of the Cross Church;
- Azimov Mosque;
- Shamil's House;
- Holy Dormition Zilant Monastery;
- Kazan University;
- Al-Marjani Mosque (the first stone mosque built in Kazan after it was taken by Ivan the Terrible. Permission issued by Catherine II herself);
- Gostiny Dvor of Kazan (located on the site of a medieval caravanserai);
- Park of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan;
- The Zakaban Mosque;
- Blue lake;
- Temple of the Holy Image of the Savior (located on an island in the middle of Kazanka, built in memory of the Russian soldiers who died during the capture of Kazan)and many more.
And, of course, the most visited by tourists Kazan Kremlin. This building is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Founded in 1556, it is still the main administrative building. It houses the residence of the President.

Impressive anniversary
In 2005, a round and important date came - the thousand-year history of Kazan was celebrated. The founding of the city (date) attracted many people to the city. Only officials who visited the capital of Tatarstan in honor of the anniversary were 10 thousand. Festive concerts were held on the stages of the city.
A new hippodrome, Kazan Millennium Park, a fabulous cascade of musical fountains were opened for the anniversary. Also, the residents of the city were waiting for a long-awaited gift in the form of the opening of the Kazan metro. The celebration ended with a magnificent thousand-volley salute.

Looking at today's splendor of the ancient city, it is even hard to imagine what the year 2000 of Kazan's founding will be like.