Political movements - what is it?

Political movements - what is it?
Political movements - what is it?

Demonstration and implementation of the political interests of individual groups or citizens occurs through the creation of socio-political movements - associations and associations not provided for by state and party structures. The political goal of the movement is achieved by uniting the forces of socially active citizens.

The role of political movements in society

Citizens who are not satisfied with the activities of various state institutions or are not satisfied with the statutory norms and program goals most often take part in political movements. A significant difference between socio-political movements and political parties is the amorphousness of the social base. OPD represent the interests of persons of various socio-political interests, representatives of groups divided by ethnic, ideological, regional affiliation.

political movements are
political movements are

The work of political organizations and movements is aimed primarily at solving a narrow range of political problems, and the functioning is based on a specific concept. Upon reaching the goal, such flows tend to cease to exist ortransform into political movements or parties with different demands. It is noteworthy that political movements are just a lever of influence on power, but not a way to gain it.

Characteristic features of the OPD

The following signs indicate the socio-political social trend:

  • there is no unified program, a fixed charter;
  • the social base of participants is unstable;
  • permissibility of collective membership in the movement;
  • the presence of a center and a formal internal hierarchy is not typical: the structure of the OPD is limited to initiative groups, clubs, unions;
  • participation in the OPD is voluntary, and solidarity is the foundation of the movement.

Historical background testifies to the serious role of socio-political movements in the public life of the state. The continued functioning of the movement can turn it into a political force.

political movements in russia
political movements in russia

Thus, for example, socio-political movements include groups of people who advocate for animals, the environment or human rights.

Classification of politically active organizations

The goals of a political movement largely determine its character. Political scientists have established the following classification of social movements:

  1. Attitude towards the functioning political system: conservative, reformist and revolutionary.
  2. Place on the political spectrum: left, right and center.
  3. Scaleorganizations: local, regional and international.
  4. Methods and ways to achieve the set goals: legal and illegal, formal and informal.

An important role in the characteristics of OPD is played by the duration of their existence.

Revolutionary currents

Revolutionary political movements are actions of a mass, collective nature, carried out with the aim of liberating the civilian population under the yoke of the dominant, privileged social forces, which, in conditions of unequal distribution of social we alth, control those who create it without owning the means of production. The main idea of most revolutions is to establish social justice by changing existing systems, eliminating structures, introducing reforms into the functional component of power - while political "innovations" must correspond to the majority of the population.

As a result of the active actions of socio-political movements of a revolutionary nature, established social institutions are undergoing fundamental changes: there is a total adjustment of the state machine, education, cultural and moral values. The leading forces of the revolutionary movements are the working and peasant classes, the raznochintsy democrats: in view of their dissatisfaction with the constant humiliation and deceit on the part of the authorities, they seek to destroy the functioning social system, achieve a fair distribution of material resources and rid the world of violence.

sociallypolitical movements
sociallypolitical movements

Political scientists and historians note the following feature of revolutionary political movements: their development falls on countries that are characterized by blocking social reforms. Thus, dissatisfied citizens see the way out in the revolutionary destruction of the existing political system.

Activities of reformist organizations

Reformist socio-political organizations and movements are focused on a consistent, smooth change in social reality. The unshakable rule of the current is the reform of the established order, but the preservation of their "moral foundation".

social and political movements in Russia
social and political movements in Russia

The activities of mass conservative political movements are mainly aimed at saving the current situation in the political, economic and social spheres. By maintaining the current regime, the conservatives impede the radical reform of the social and state system. Conservatism, notable for its fundamental principles, often has an ideological approach to social issues.

Conservative Revolutionaries

A. G. Dugin, a geopolitician and leader of Russian neo-Eurasianism, called the reactionary and conservative-revolutionary contemporary political movements “reversed revolution”. This characterization is based on the desire of reactionaries to return society to the traditions of social, political and economic organization, which are currently considered a relic of the past. Soas the basis of the conservative-revolutionary movement is a folk tradition directed against modernity, the specific goals and objectives of the movement in different countries may differ.

Pragmatic OPD

The activities of activists whose civic position is based not on ideology and the development of long-term political strategies, but on the practical solution of the tasks set for the state and society at the moment, are classified as pragmatic political movements.


Opposition movements are a form of demonstrating the social dissatisfaction of large and small social groups. The institution of the opposition in the conditions of modern multi-party political systems makes it possible to find an alternative solution to urgent problems.

what political movement
what political movement

The opposition, as a rule, represents the interests of the parties that lost in the elections to the central and legislative bodies, and plays a significant role in controlling the political situation in the country, exerting a significant influence on the state political course and the work of government bodies.

Historical background

Political movements are the reaction of society to the current national and regional political culture. In most cases, they are formed on the basis of the demands of society, its traditions and norms of political culture.

political organizations and movements
political organizations and movements

Acts of political movements are inherent in any state system of power. So, the "rail war" of 1996,which took place in Kuzbass, was a social movement of an economic nature: activists demanded timely payment of salaries. However, the OPD soon turned from an uprising into a multifaceted political movement: following the slogans “Return the money earned!” a demand was put forward such as the dismissal of the government.

There are many examples of what kind of political movement was characteristic of a certain period in the history of the world and the Fatherland. The school curriculum involves the study of perhaps the largest uprising in the history of Russia - the worker-peasant uprising. Thus, during the period of active industrialization that took place at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, discontent began to grow among the working classes. As a result of prolonged rallies and demonstrations with the advancement of their own demands, the proletariat managed to shorten the working day, improve working conditions, and achieve the creation of a state insurance system. It should be noted that the professional factor is not the main aspect that characterizes the OPD. At the heart of any movement are, first of all, a concept, an idea and a goal.

Political movements in Russia

A mobile, vibrant and efficient society is based on the activity of the OPD. Their functioning justifies the historical approach, the formulation of which is as follows: the more opinions, the more correct the decision. Socio-political movements in Russia are represented in a wide variety - this fact testifies to the high level of political activity of the civil masses and the maturity of society. Nevertheless, it is worth noting thatthe functioning of the diversity of the OPD may indicate the instability of political views and positions not only of the citizens of the country, but also of the authorities.

So, in the Russian Federation, revolutionary political movements are represented by radical communists (VKPB, RKRP, CPSU) and national Bolsheviks (NBP Limonov). Reformist sentiments prevail in such parties as Zyuganov's Communist Party of the Russian Federation and A Just Russia. Conservative political movements are the most ideologized social movements and organizations, "United Russia". The conservative-revolutionary wing consists of neo-Eurasians, National Bolsheviks and Orthodox-monarchist groups. The pragmatic movement includes the political party of Zhirinovsky and the bulk of the EdRo asset.

Public Organizations

Sports, scientific and technical, cultural and educational activities are assigned to the shoulders of such an element of the political system as public organizations. The most common forms of cultural activity are unions, societies and associations.

socio-political organizations and movements
socio-political organizations and movements

The main task of public organizations is the accumulation of a wide range of interests of citizens: for example, they are engaged in solving problems of both political, economic, and leisure, amateur character. Most often, the activities of trade unions and associations are aimed at changing the culture of work, life, recreation of people, but they also play an important role in protecting the rights and interests of representatives of the working class,involving them in industrial and social affairs.
