The Hebrew alphabet has become the foundation for many other languages (including most European ones).
Hebrew alphabet and Russian language
The Hebrew alphabet is the ancestor of modern Russian. And he, in turn, comes from the Slavic alphabet - Cyrillic, processed from Greek. The Hebrew alphabet with transcription has survived to this day almost unchanged. Despite the fact that in the Middle Ages different regions practiced their own stylization, changing letters, these changes were insignificant. Such modifications only beautified the Hebrew alphabet. With the translation into Russian, you can see several similar letters even now.

Number of letters in the alphabet: vowels and consonants
How many letters in the Hebrew alphabet is a simple question. The Hebrew alphabet includes 22 letters. There is no difference between lowercase and uppercase letters. But there are also features. The alphabet consists only of consonants. Consonants are used to write vowels.
Features of the Hebrew alphabet
The Hebrew alphabet uses a system of diacritical vowels (dots) to write vowels. Such dots are placed above or below the letter. In addition to a special system for writing vowelsletters, 4 consonants are used. These are Aleph, Gay, Vav and Yod. In Yiddish, these letters completely lost their role as consonants and became vowels.
Hebrew alphabet: 3 groups of letters
All letters of the Hebrew alphabet are divided into 3 groups: three "mothers", 7 "double" and 12 "simple".
3 letters of the first group indicate the Sefirot Hochma, Binah and Daat.
"Double" letters are letters that are pronounced twice.
"Simple" 12 letters indicate a branch, called "12 borders of diagonals". They represent the 4 cardinal directions, up and down. The 12 borders of the diagonals reflect the connection between them.
Hebrew alphabet: meaning of letters
The Hebrew alphabet is unique. It has a hidden meaning in the order of letters, pronunciation and rules of use. The Hebrew alphabet with a translation into Russian takes on a deep meaning and requires a detailed decoding and study. There is also hidden information in the names, forms of letters, as they are written (if we talk about the spelling in the Torah scrolls, tefillin or mezutot).
Meanings of numbers in the Hebrew alphabet
The Hebrew alphabet, the meaning of letters and numbers (gematria) is a body of knowledge accumulated over the centuries. The presence of information for each letter is an additional story transmitted from past centuries and has come down to the present day. Each number is associated with the meaning of the letter, but it can also carry a separate story.

Origin of the Hebrew alphabet
The ancestor of the Hebrew alphabet was the ancient Semitic or Phoenician. Jewishthe alphabet was borrowed from Aramaic, gradually adding something of its own. There is an opinion that the Hebrew alphabet is older than the Aramaic, but this probability is small, since the Jews lived in the neighborhood with two alphabets. And it makes it possible to use Aramaic letters in Hebrew writing, or vice versa. Scribes could confuse letters when writing due to their similarity.
The Hebrew alphabet with translation and its own characteristics begins to exist on its own later. The evidence is numerous finds, inscriptions on the cave, column, coins. The Hebrew alphabet in Russian can be read below, with a breakdown of the designation of each letter.
Alphabet, letter meanings
1. "Aleph" (the numerical value of the letter is 1). This number means the unity of all that exists. If the world is a set of everything interacting with each other, then 1 is the unity of everything.
2. Base (bet) (2). If Aleph is unity, then Beth (bet) is multitude and diversity, that is, the duality of nature and the possibility of connection.
If there is a world and a person, then the purpose of a person is creation, the realization of the potential inherent in a person. And in that there is an opportunity or freedom to choose, to choose between good and evil.
3. "Gimel" (3). Gimel is the apex of the proposed triangle, which is also formed by the first two letters of the Alefbet alphabet. If aleph is unity, bet is plurality, then gimel is the connection between them, connection.
4. "Daleth" (4). The letter Dalet symbolizes a poor person, Dalet is an open door that opensto the needy who came for help. But the dalet is not addressed to the gimel (the previous letter), which means that the provision of assistance to the needy must come from a person, but the recipient of this assistance should not know from whom he receives it. The meaning of the letter 4 indicates 4 cardinal directions. The letter itself consists of two lines, which means spreading in length and width.

5. "Gay" (ge th) (5). The Hebrew alphabet in its alphabetic symbolism has a special meaning. In particular, the letter gay is the basis of speech. All uttered sounds are made on exhalation, which is the basis of this letter. The letter symbolizes the diversity of the world. The numerical value corresponds to 5 books of the Torah.
6. "Vov" (vav) (6). The number 6 symbolizes the perfection of the world. Each point can be determined by 6 coordinates: north, south, west, east, top, bottom. Also, the value of this figure is confirmed by 6 days. The world was created in 6 days. In grammar, the letter vav is a connecting conjunction that connects words and parts of a sentence.
7. "Zain" (7). This number symbolizes spirituality in the material world. The 6 directions along which any point can be defined are connected at the center by a seventh point. The 6 days of the creation of the world end on the 7th day, Saturday. Everything in the world has its purpose, and everything has its spark, which is the source of being. The spark symbol is the letter zain.

8. "Het" (8). The letter het is associated with the concept of charisma, uniqueness in the eyes of other people. This quality is given to a personachieved harmony, which reflect the previous Hebrew letters. The alphabet also has a negative meaning. For example, the letter khet can be read as "sin". The meaning is that sins make it impossible to see and understand the universe itself, leaving only material goods.
9. "Tes" (tet) (9). The letter is a symbol of eternity and truth, symbolizes the meaning of good. Also, this letter symbolizes 9 months of pregnancy.
10. "Iodine" (10). The small size of the letter symbolizes modesty. The creation of the world was according to 10 sayings of God. The letter also recalls the 10 commandments.
11. "Kaf" (haf) (20). The letter means palm and corresponds to practical activities. This letter is the first in the word power, crown. She literally shows the potential of a person.
12. "Lamed" (30). The letter symbolizes the heart, denotes teaching. The literal meaning is "to teach".
13. "Mem" (40). This letter begins the word water and stands for fountains. The number 40 symbolizes 40 days, Moshe Rabbeinu spent just such a number of days on Mount Sinai, receiving the Written Torah, the Flood lasted 40 days, the Jews wandered for 40 years, 40 generations separate Moshe until the end of the Talmud.

14. "Nun" (50). The letter symbolizes a faithful and believing person. Faith is the key to excellence. Suppression of faith leads to 50 gates of spiritual impurity. Means "fish" in Aramaic.
15. "Samekh" (60). Symbolizes a miracle. After 50 steps of impurity, the Almighty brought people out of slavery with the help of a miracle.
16. "Ain" (70). The letter itself means eye, butindicates the deep meaning of the Torah. The literal meaning of the letter is Divine Providence, the all-seeing God. Kabbalah says that the eyes have 5 powers: the right eye - 5 powers of kindness, the left eye - 5 powers of severity. There are 70 languages, 70 peoples of the world, the Babylonian exile was 70 years, the lifespan of King David was 70 years.
17. "Pe" (fe) (80). The letter symbolizes the power of speech, and in Hebrew means "mouth". And points to the principle of Jewish jurisprudence. Oral testimony in court is possible if the person was a witness in person. And before testifying in court, a person should think twice.
18. "Tzadi" (90). The letter symbolizes a righteous person. In its normal form, the letter is bent, which suggests the modesty of such a person, in the final form, the letter is straightened, which promises a reward for a righteous person.
19. "Kof" (100). The letter is translated from Hebrew as "monkey" and symbolizes duality. On the one hand, it means holiness, on the other hand, spiritual impurity (imitation of a monkey to a person).

20. "Resh" (200). Translated from Aramaic, the letter translates as "head". Symbolizes the sinner, pride, the desire for superiority.
21. "Shin" (syn) (300). The letter symbolizes the three forefathers. Three forefathers symbolize three types of service: mercy, severity, harmony.
22. "Tav" (400). The letter symbolizes truth, the universality of truth.
Meaning of a number in the Hebrew alphabet

Numerical values of letters reflect the essence of things, their connection with each other. Despite the same numerical values, things can be completely different. For example, any few words that have the same number can be completely different. The same numbers only mean that the same number of Divine powers were put into the creation of these things.