How do you spell "correct"? We find out together

How do you spell "correct"? We find out together
How do you spell "correct"? We find out together

How do you spell "correct"? Many people know the answer to the question asked. However, there are also people who make a gross mistake in it. To protect you from the ridicule of others, below we decided to talk in detail about how the word “correct” is spelled.

how to spell correct
how to spell correct

General information

It is unacceptable to write the word "correct" with errors. That is why you should know all those features of the Russian language that can logically explain the spelling in this expression. But this is only if such rules exist at all. Indeed, in our native language there are often such words, the spelling of which cannot be explained in any way. Moreover, teachers require them to be memorized. This is due to the fact that it is not always possible for a person to have a spelling dictionary at hand while writing any text.

The word "correct" and its features

"Correct" - this word literally means "not deviating from the rules, norms or established order." Of course, literate people know that in the second syllable of this expression one should write onlythe letter "i". There can be no other options.

Common mistake

Now you know how to spell the word "correct". But how can one explain the letter “and” in the second syllable of this expression, based on the rules of our rich and powerful Russian language? After all, no teacher accepts on faith what the student claims to him, demanding justification from him. You can bring them, but not always such arguments are correct. So what is the most common mistake of schoolchildren who somehow explain the spelling of this expression? The fact is that most of them simply select a test word for the word “correct”. But what's wrong with that, you ask? This expression has no check word. It should be remembered.

spelling correct
spelling correct

"Rule" and "correct"

How to explain this spelling? “Correct” - for this expression, you can pick up such a one-root test word as “rule”. This is exactly what many schoolchildren and those who graduated from a general education institution think. And, indeed, it was from this expression that the adjective we are considering was formed. But, having disassembled it in parts, it is rather difficult to say that it is a verification one. What is it connected with? Despite the fact that both “rule” and “correct” have the same root, in both versions the vowel is in an unstressed position. This makes it possible to doubt not only the spelling of the first word, but also the second. After all, a fairly large number of people manage to use "right" in the text. That is why it does notcannot be used as a test word.

Polysemy of the "rule"

How do you spell "correct"? To answer this question, many use not such a test word as “rule” (emphasis on the first syllable), but the following - the rule, where exactly the vowel that we doubt is in the stressed position. And, indeed, both options have every right to exist. However, depending on the stress, the meaning of this word changes markedly. Let's give a definition:

  1. Rule is a Russian word that is very often used as a synonym for "ship's rudder".
  2. A rule is a tool designed for plaster work.
  3. Rule - this term describes certain actions that must be within the framework of compliance with certain principles.
  4. the word is correct
    the word is correct

In these meanings, this word cannot be used as a test word.


Now you know how to write the word "correct". In the second syllable, it is necessary to put the letter "i", and not "e". Moreover, it does not depend on the form in which the given expression is located. It should also be noted that it is impossible to pick up a test word for it, including “rule”. This is due to the fact that its root in any form is not placed in a stressed position, which can accurately indicate one or another spelling. That is why it needs to be remembered, and, if necessary, checked in a spelling dictionary. This is the only way you can use thisexpression in a letter without making a single mistake.

Exercises to consolidate the material covered

In order to remember that the word "correct" is one of many exceptions, and its root is an unverifiable unstressed vowel, you should do a simple practical task yourself.

Remember the spaces and explain your choice:

check word for the word correct
check word for the word correct
  • "Which right explains the correct spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word?".
  • "A correctly completed assignment is one in which the teacher did not find any mistakes."
  • "Why does such a right person make so many mistakes in his life?".
  • "How to prove the correctness of this theory?".
  • "The correct spelling of the word "right_lo" should be remembered."
  • "Not everyone knows how to step right in this situation."
  • "It would be right not to associate with such a person."
