Onslaught - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Onslaught - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation
Onslaught - what is it? Meaning, synonyms and interpretation

Usually this word is associated with military operations or, at worst, sports, but its scope is extremely wide. It can show up anywhere and almost any time. Let's talk today about the noun "onslaught" - it should be interesting.

Meaning of the word

People move in the crowd
People move in the crowd

In order not to lose self-control under the onslaught of questions, we do not part with the explanatory dictionary. And even now we need it. Let's see what meaning of the word "onslaught" is recorded in our constant companion.

“Persistent movement (of troops, crowds) against someone or something; strong pressure." The dictionary also indicates that there is a phrase "under pressure" in the sense of a preposition, when the noun is in the genitive case. For example:

  • "Under pressure of arguments, she agreed to go to the movies with me."
  • "My courtship was so refined and persistent that under their onslaught she gave in and agreed to go to the theater with me."
  • "The perpetrator surrendered under pressure from the police."

The meaning of such a design, how canunderstand from examples, similar to the adverb "forced".


Barcelona player Sergio Busquets
Barcelona player Sergio Busquets

As you can see, our instinct did not deceive us: onslaught is indeed a concept that is associated primarily with military operations. But this does not mean that it cannot be used in other areas. Any pressure can turn into an onslaught. But still, as always, the need for semantic substitutions remains. Therefore, we will not change traditions. The list follows:

  • pressure;
  • press;
  • pressure;
  • pressure.

The more specific the word in its meaning, the less you can pick up twins for it. Especially now the last word is popular - pressure. It is loved to be used by journalists who comment on various team sports. In addition, in football there are a number of terms that include "pressing" as an integral part. For example, there is such a thing as "high pressure". Barcelona loves to practice it very much, when, when the ball is lost, the attackers already enter the fight. Quite often this model of the game bears fruit. Now imagine that we put the word “onslaught” in the term and the fabric of perception will tear, and the extended meaning will blow from the concept. But it only seems, in fact, everything depends on habit. That is, if they said “high pressure”, then the fans would perceive this phrase quite normally.

In any case, if you are asked what an onslaught is, you will not only answer, but also offer several options for replacing the noun.

Pressurecharacteristic of all purposeful people

Sam scares the cat
Sam scares the cat

Purposefulness as a quality is now valued by many, as it allows a person not only to achieve goals, but also to set them. True, sometimes one occurs without the other, that is, a person is diligent, but he needs a mentor who would set certain goals for him. Of course, over time, the active subject himself learns to control his energy. So, without the onslaught, it's all pointless. This, of course, is about purposefulness.

Therefore, not only the military and athletes are stubborn, but in general any person who wants to achieve something in life. For example, remember how in the movie "Ghost" (1990) Sam Wheat learned to influence the objects of the physical world, being already on the other side? Reality itself was under attack. If we leave examples from the cinema, then we can recall an ordinary child who is just learning to walk. After all, he is extremely assertive, stubborn and puts pressure on his inability. In other words, wherever the will of a person reveals itself, the onslaught is manifested - this is inevitable.
