What expresses the natural unity of the world? In integrity and harmony

What expresses the natural unity of the world? In integrity and harmony
What expresses the natural unity of the world? In integrity and harmony

What is nature? By definition, this is the entire Universe, the entire living and non-living world. However, only primary objects belong to nature. Man cannot create nature. It does not include everything that is created by man. The people themselves - the creations of God or evolution - are part of nature.

Human activity is not the creativity of nature

Based on such a generally accepted worldview, it can be noted that a person separates himself from other living beings. For example, an anthill built by ants, a person relates to nature, but does not attribute his own house to nature. However, it is this fact that protects the natural unity of the world from destruction.

What expresses the natural unity of the world

What is the natural unity of the world? "Natural", that is, one that is not created by man. The word "unity" means "one whole". The word "world" emphasizes the global nature of the concept. All nature of the universe is one.

What does it meannatural unity of the world?

This question is one of the points of the learning process. At school, this issue is considered in the 8th grade at the lesson of social studies. What is the natural unity of the world?

Nature is so connected into a single whole that it is far from immediately possible to imagine the globality and significance of such relationships.

First of all, everything on Earth is in balance. This is well observed in the example of an ecosystem. If the number of one species of animals increases, then starvation for this species may occur, which will reduce the number of individuals. An increase in the number of herbivores or rodents usually leads to an increase in the number of predators, which again reduce the number of food items.

owl hunt for mouse
owl hunt for mouse

Examples demonstrate the balance in nature. This is how the natural unity of the world is expressed.

Secondly, order also reigns in space. In the universe, all matter is organized mathematically and physically. Planets revolve around stars, and stars revolve around the centers of galaxies.

One of the galaxies in the universe
One of the galaxies in the universe

This is how electrons revolve around the nucleus and together with it make up the atom. The cosmic order surprises and delights. Often leads people to think about the existence of the Creator.

What is the manifestation of the natural unity of the world? To the above facts, we can add the hypothesis that all life on the planet came from a single cell. All living organisms are surprisingly similar to each other in structure and functions of the body. All living beings have a cellular structure.

Influencehuman activities on the natural balance

Man is a part of nature. But recently, the biosphere is increasingly turning into the noosphere - the sphere of human activity. The population here and there easily violates the harmony of nature. Sometimes this leads to irreversible consequences. Species are dying out, former biotopes are disappearing. Perhaps the planet itself is no longer as reliable as it used to be.

Man and nature must be one. Because humanity, like the rest of the inhabitants of the planet, can only live in certain environmental conditions. Such an environment must be preserved for life on Earth.

human activity
human activity

All phenomena in nature are interdependent. Any change entails a number of other changes. However, nature seeks to maintain balance through its own efforts. And if the changes are not so significant, then she succeeds. This is how the natural unity of the world is expressed.
