Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin is a pilot who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. This man made the first space flight in world history. The Vostok carrier rocket was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the Vostok spacecraft carrying Yuri Gagarin. His journey into outer space lasted 108 minutes, but very few people know where Gagarin landed after the first flight into space.
Short biography of the pilot
Yuri Gagarin is the man who made the world's first flight into space. It is worth noting that for this journey into outer space he received the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Yuri was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino. In 1941, Gagarin went to school, but in October it was occupied by German troops. Soon they kicked Yuri's family out into the street, because of which they had to live in a dugout. Gagarin witnessed the most terrible events when his father was severely beaten and forced to work, and his mothers were chasedbehind the cars that took away their children. After that, Yuri never mentioned the events of World War II. After a year and a half of occupation, schooling resumed.
Yuri Gagarin entered the Lyubertsy vocational school and the evening school for working youth.
In 1951 he entered the Saratov Industrial College. In 1954, the pilot visited the Saratov flying club for the first time. The following year, he managed to finish his studies with honors, he achieved great success, after which he made his first flight. It is worth noting that Yuri Gagarin made 196 flights in the flying club.
Everyone knows and remembers Gagarin. Because he made the first flight into space. But it is worth noting that very few people know where Gagarin landed.

The death of the pilot
March 27, 1968, the pilot died in a plane crash. He performed a training flight under the guidance of a fairly experienced instructor. The causes of this catastrophe have remained unclear until today, and no one can give an exact answer to the question “why the catastrophe happened.”

First space flight by Yuri Gagarin
On April 12, 1961, a great event in history took place - the first flight into space. Yuri Gagarin flew into outer space aboard the Vostok spacecraft launched with a launch vehicle.
Statistics show that both adults and children know about the first flight into space, but few people have an idea where Y. A. landed. Gagarin.
The ship made one orbit around the planet, after which it landed safely.
It is worth saying that the launch of the rocket was successful. After separation from the last stage of the launch vehicle, the ship began its journey safely in orbit around the planet.
It should be noted that in 81.1 minutes, the Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit around the Earth. A connection was established with Yuri Gagarin, which was maintained throughout the flight.
The first flight into space, made by Yuri Gagarin, aroused the interest of the whole world, and talk about the pilot was not long in coming. He turned into a world-class celebrity, after which foreign countries began to invite Gagarin. Yuriy was involved in social and political work, and also visited 30 countries.

Interesting facts about the first flight into space. Farewell letter from Yuri Gagarin
Everyone knows who made the first flight into space, but it's worth saying that many do not even know where Yuri Gagarin landed.
Very recently, very interesting facts have become known that have never been announced before. One of them was Gagarin's farewell letter. 2 days before the flight, he wrote a farewell letter to his wife, which they were supposed to give her in the event of a disaster. Fortunately, sad events did not happen then.

I'm on fire, goodbye comrades
Only a few people know where Yuri Gagarin landed, despite the fact thatthe first flight into space is known to all.
During the flight into space, committed by Yuri Gagarin, there was another event that few people know about so far. At the final stage of his flight, the pilot said: "I'm on fire, goodbye, comrades!" It's hard to believe, but in his porthole the pilot really saw a flame, but he did not know its origin. Gagarin suggested that his ship was on fire, because no one had previously known how it would look like the passage of the dense layers of the atmosphere by the ship during descent. However, fortunately, the flame turned out to be a common working moment. It was formed as a result of friction of the heat-resistant skin against the atmosphere.
Surprisingly, few people know not only this fact, but also where Gagarin landed.

Two backup pilots
Yuri Gagarin was escorted to the ship by two understudies. One of them is German Titov, whom everyone knew about. However, Gagarin's second understudy was Grigory Nelyubov. Despite the fact that he was not dressed in a spacesuit, Nelyubov was ready to fly instead of Gagarin at any moment.
TASS appeals to the public
Before the first flight into space, 3 options for addressing the people were prepared. The first of them was about a successful flight, the second about the failure of the ship to orbit the Earth, and the third about the death of the pilot on board the Vostok spacecraft.
Where did Gagarin land?
Every student knows who made the first flight into space. In honor of this event, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated every year on April 12. Surprisingly, many do notknow about the place where Gagarin landed.
On April 12, 1961, residents of the village of Smelovka, Saratov Region, heard an explosion in the sky, after which two parachutes descended to the ground. The villagers who witnessed this event did not even suspect that they were the first to see Yuri Gagarin after the flight into space.
The village of Smelovka near the city of Engels is the place where Gagarin landed. It is worth noting that the pilot graduated from the Saratov Industrial Institute six years earlier, so the place of his landing became more than symbolic.
After 4 years, an obelisk was erected there in the form of a rocket flying up. In 1981, right in front of the obelisk, a monument was erected to the first man in space - Yuri Gagarin. Currently, there is also a recreation park.
The first flight into space is an event that will never be forgotten and will always be admired. Yuri Gagarin not only made a huge contribution to history, science, etc., but also committed a courageous act, which not everyone can decide on. Such a person should be proud. The memory of him will never fade, because the courageous act committed by Gagarin is worthy of respect. The place where the great pilot landed is memorable not only for the residents of the Saratov region, but also for citizens of the entire Russian Federation and guests of the country.