What is behavior? Is it simply the response of an individual or group to an action, environment, people, some stimulus, or something more? Human behavior is a term used to describe the action of a person and his actions. Learning to observe and correctly understand it is an important part of psychology. And since science cannot read thoughts or hidden emotions, this serves as a good guide from the very beginning of the study of the discipline.

What is behavior?
In search of a more direct and effective explanation for the development of social behavior skills in children, psychologists have come to the conclusion that modeling observations or learning is the basis for the formation of children's behavioral responses. A person acquires many adverse reactions by watching and listening to others. An example would be a child who kicks other children after having witnessed this scene in the past, a student shaving his hair because his friends did, or a boy whoalways late for class like other students. What is behavior from this point of view? It turns out that this is the result of mapping observational learning, which includes modeling, imitation, vicarious learning, detection, copying, role play and other factors.

Animal behavior
When studying animal behavior, the term imprinting (according to Lorentz) is used, which means the appearance of complex behavioral reactions as a result of exposure to the corresponding object at a critical moment. For example, newly hatched ducklings will follow the first moving object they encounter and become attached. As a rule, this is their mother. What is animal behavior? It can be defined as an internally oriented system of adaptation measures that promote survival and reproduction.

Ethology is the science that studies the behavior of animals. Insects have always been popular subjects for behavioral research because, compared to vertebrates, they have a relatively simple nervous system. In addition, they show discrete reactions to external stimuli, but they are also characterized by spontaneous activity related to internal physiological needs.
Many people use the term "instinct" as a synonym for innate, genetically programmed behavior. Individuals inherit a set of responses in the same way as some physical traits, such as body color.and wing venation. That is, they are encoded in DNA and passed on to the next generations. Because innate behavior is hereditary, it is subject to genetic change through mutation, recombination, and natural selection, and has an evolutionary history.

Human behavior
What can his behavior say about a person? If you watch a group of children playing for some time, you can see how they laugh and run and fight. They may form small groups where the leader takes responsibility and others obey him. Important here are individual characteristics, as well as sensations and thinking. Their actions may also reveal more about their relationship with each other. Figuratively speaking, human behavior is a story to the world about what is happening inside.

And if everything is not in order there, then society is faced with deviant behavior. What is human behavior? This is a set of actions in everyday life or a certain situation. There are several types of social behavior. At the present time, those types of society that are related to the manifestation of good and evil, love and hatred, the thirst for success and power, overestimated or underestimated self-esteem have become especially significant for society.

Deviant behavior
What is this? Psychologists say: a set of actions and deeds that does not correspond to social norms and values and causesnegative reaction from the public is called deviant. The reasons for this behavior can be problems in the family, unwillingness and inability to study, the level of intelligence is below average, and many others. It can be viewed on two levels. The first includes minor offenses, violation of moral standards, rules of conduct in public places. It also includes refusal to participate in socially beneficial activities, alcohol abuse, addiction to drugs, substance abuse, and so on. The second type of deviant behavior is antisocial acts that lead to crimes and criminal liability.