One of the most important elements of the further development of the country was the adoption in 1977 of the Constitution of the USSR, and then on its basis directly the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1978. For the entire time of the existence of the Soviet country, it was already the fourth, but it was with its help that the constitutional system of the former state was able to get a new round of development. Even now, it is quite easy to find correlations in the Constitutions of 1978 and the Constitution of 1993, which is valid in modern times, despite the fact that the new version completely crossed out the existing political system that previously existed.
Acceptance time
For the first time, a new version of the Russian Constitution of 1978 came into force in accordance with the Declaration of the Supreme Council of the country on April 12, 1978.

It was adopted at the 7th session of the Ninth convocation of deputies, which was extraordinary. It was solely the adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR that prompted the change in the main law of the country at that time, therefore, in the initial version, its content did not cause much political excitement. The changes that have been made have been minimal.changing only the terms of office and changing some of the names of the bodies.
Validity period
The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1978 made a big stir at a later date, having become famous as the most unstable in the world. In total, it operated for 15 years, the last years of which fell on the period of the collapse of the USSR. Gradually, significant changes took place in the content of not only the articles, but also the original essence of the 1978 Constitution. Initially announcing the RSFSR only as a union republic within a huge country, it then approved it as a completely independent state. That is why, in order to characterize the Constitution of 1978, it is necessary to divide the period of its operation into two stages in order to consider its internal content in more detail.
First stage
In the first 10 years of its existence, this document was based on the standard constitutional system for the USSR.

Until the perestroika period began, all the changes made were minimal, and therefore the country was on the knurled path. That period is characterized by a number of characteristics that can be traced in the political system and other legal acts.
The Constitution of 1978 at the first stage can be characterized by the following theses:
- In itself, it was created in order to characterize the new period in the state, which entered the Soviet state, namely "Developed socialism". There was a gradual transition from the dictatorship of the proletariat toa real and strong state of the whole people, following the path leading to communism. This factor was fixed in the very first articles. It was in them that all power was also given to the people, since it was the subject of power. Despite this, the class nature of the 1978 Constitution was still preserved. The role of the working class remained predominant in essence.
- The Communist Party in the sixth article was recognized as leading. It was she who directed the policy of the state on the domestic and foreign fronts. For this, a separate article was allocated in the very first chapter, which made the only party the basis of the existing state system.
- For the first time, the principle of equality of all citizens before the law was affirmed. Socialist democracy has further expanded the existing framework. An extended list of civil rights was listed. In particular, it was proposed to submit the most important issues first for general discussion and then for voting.
- The 1978 constitution was much larger in content than previous versions. In total, it contained 22 chapters, which dramatically changed the structure of the document. Constitutional norms began to be subdivided according to subject characteristics, which confirmed higher efficiency in the process of forming state-legal institutions.
- The provisions on the federal structure of the RSFSR have also changed. Autonomous regions appeared, which still exist today.
- RSFSR has become officially recognized as a sovereign state.
Second stage
Radical changes in thisdocument began only after 1989. It began solely from the need to bring the Constitution of 1978 to the new edition of the main law of the USSR.

Followed by frequent amendments that were supposed to stabilize the country, which was on the verge of collapse.
First Amendments
The first amendments made began under the influence of the Supreme Council in the Ninth convocation. The following changes have been made:
A new supreme body of state power was appointed - the Congress of People's Deputies. He was elected for 5 years by universal suffrage of citizens over 18 years of age. He met only once a year to elect the Supreme Council of the two chambers, which performed legislative functions. The highest official in the country was the chairman of the Supreme Council

- In May 1990, a new amendment appeared that increased the number of vice-chairmen to three from one.
- In June of the same year (1990), a multi-party system was established in the RSFSR, the paragraph on the Communist Party itself was completely crossed out.
The collapse of the USSR
After the fall of the Soviet Union, this Constitution was in force in the country for some time. This fact was also reflected in the document itself. First of all, on December 15, 1990, the fact that the RSFSR began to possess state sovereignty was introduced into it. This is enshrined directly in the preamble and the first article.

Another importantthe fact of the formation of a new system was the abolition of the previously existing system of state arbitration. It was completely replaced by the system of arbitration courts. After that, in 1992 and 1993, a political crisis began in the country. The constant confrontation between the two groups - the President of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin and Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin - gave rise to an unstable political situation, which resulted in an armed conflict. There were many casu alties not only among the military, but also among civilians. After that, Yeltsin came to power, under whose rule the current Constitution of the Russian Federation was eventually adopted.
Main clauses of the Constitution
In its last revision of April 21, 1992, the following main provisions can be found in the Constitution of 1978:
- In the political system, all power was given to the multinational people. The country was obliged to adhere to the following foundations: federalism, a republican form of government, a system of separation of powers.
- In the economic plan, the existence of private, collective, state, municipal forms of ownership was recognized. The state was obliged to create optimal conditions for their development and to protect equally. Land, subsoil and water were considered public property.

- In the social basis of the Russian Federation was an indestructible alliance of peasants, workers and intelligentsia. This made it possible to strengthen society and remove class differences.
- The state and society as a whole were obliged to recognize the rights and freedomsperson, as well as his dignity and honor as the highest value that exists in the country. All of them were given to him from birth. Also, everyone was absolutely equal before the court, regardless of origin and status.
- Republics and autonomous regions, as well as the normative acts adopted by them, have become much more real than before. Their competence and functions have been significantly expanded.