The concept of "single word": examples and meanings

The concept of "single word": examples and meanings
The concept of "single word": examples and meanings

Language is one of the most interesting objects of research. Today we will look at the concept of a single-valued word. Examples, of course, will not keep you waiting.


Logical start, isn't it? Let's not disappoint anyone.

One-valued words are those that have only one lexical meaning. They are also called monosemantic. The quick-witted reader will understand that the last adjective was not without Greek, and he is absolutely right, for monos is one and semantikos is signifier. Not that hard, right?

Although in Russian most of them are polysemantic words, there is something to illustrate the concept of a "single-valued word" (examples follow below).

For the sake of such a case, we will write about examples separately.


single word example
single word example

Without preambles, let's move on to the main thing.

  1. Proper names. Petya, Vasya, Kolya, Naum Romanovich - they all mean only what is written about. Even if a person has several names, as in the famous film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, then the names themselves in this case are still unambiguous. Even the translation of the name "John" as "Ivan" does not mean anything, because the names themselvesare unambiguous, and the fact that in different cultural traditions they have different spellings while maintaining the essence does not interest anyone. The rule also applies to city names, such as Moscow, Vladivostok or Venice.
  2. Recently born, but already "Russified" words are also unambiguous. Among them are "pizza", "briefing" and even "foam rubber". But, for example, "manager" (also recent) is ambiguous.
  3. Words denoting special items ("suitcase", "beads", "trolleybus").
  4. Terms are always unambiguous. Names of diseases or parts of speech in Russian.

Naturally, one cannot represent an unambiguous word (there have already been examples) as something frozen, its meaning can vary within the context, but retain its essence. The birch is still itself, no matter what language environment accompanies it.

How can I find out how many meanings a word has?

unambiguous words
unambiguous words

This question can be answered simply and easily. Naturally, the method of scientific poke is not suitable here, it is better to refer to the explanatory dictionary, and now if there is one meaning, then, accordingly, the word is unambiguous. Example: a smile is a mimic movement of the face, lips, eyes, showing a disposition to laughter, expressing greetings, pleasure or mockery and other feelings. It is also characteristic that in the Russian language there are no suitable synonyms for a smile, one hundred percent. And rightly so: kindness should have no alternative.

On the other hand, a smile can be not only kind, but also evil, arrogant, arrogant, crazy, but let's not talk about sad andscary.

The reader, of course, is still interested in the question: “Is “samovar” an unambiguous word?” Yes, sure. Do not believe us, ask the dictionary. The latter will not let you lie. Moreover, a samovar, like a suitcase, is a specific item. There is little demand for it.

Boots and boots

samovar unambiguous word
samovar unambiguous word

In the context of the topic, a very interesting detail comes to mind. Look, if we are talking about a boot in the singular, then this is not only “shoes covering the shins”, as it is written in the dictionary, but also “a rude, ignorant person who does not understand anything”, that is, a boot is a polysemantic word (after all, it has more than one meaning), but boots in the plural is a single word. Needless to say, the Russian language is great and powerful. Probably, each means of communication has its own subtleties, which only native speakers know for sure, but we, in turn, do not get tired of being surprised at how rich our language is.

Language development potential

what word is unambiguous
what word is unambiguous

The last example about boots suggests an interesting conclusion: maybe it is slang and figurative meanings that will cover all new territories in the future. For example, Tula people will be called "samovars", and this will not necessarily be bad. "Suitcase" will take on some other meaning, like the sense that is now attached to the word "ballast". For example, a poorly earned husband or relative is a suitcase without handles: it’s a pity to leave it and it’s hard to carry it. But only in the future will the figurative meaning break the connection withspoiled thing and will become an independent value.

You can dream up a whole bunch of these kinds of changes, try it, you will like it, we are sure.

All sorts of interesting words - this is what colors our life, ours, sorry for the cliché, gray everyday life. But language as something everyday ceases to be perceived by people as a storehouse of amazing things. How to be?

Listen to how young people talk, how children talk. For example, in the book "From 2 to 5" by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky there are wonderful episodes of children's insights about how the world works. Of course, the famous classic reduces children's language mistakes to elementary ignorance of the laws of word formation and other rules, but there is something ingenious in these inaccuracies and absurdities. True, this does not mean at all that such liberties should be encouraged or rejoiced at. The pedagogical code is strict, and language teaching does not tolerate democracy, but adults will be interested in getting acquainted with a wonderful book.

However, we have digressed a lot, but there will be no harm from this, especially since it is already clear to everyone which word is unambiguous.
