Applied sociology: functions, tasks, methods, stages of development and application

Applied sociology: functions, tasks, methods, stages of development and application
Applied sociology: functions, tasks, methods, stages of development and application

What is sociology? This is one way to study people. Sociologists do their work to find out why certain groups form in a society, why a person behaves this way and not otherwise, and so on. That is, these researchers are interested in the interaction of people with each other. So sociology is the science that studies society.

people smile
people smile

At the same time, she is only interested in the social and human sphere. In addition, on the basis of existing knowledge (philosophical, political science, psychological, historical and cultural), she offers her own interpretation of people's behavior and their social consciousness, forming a vision of human activity at all its levels.

A bit of history

Collect and process a variety of empirical data, people began in antiquity. Thus, historical information is known about the analysis of varioussocial phenomena among Romans and Greeks, Japanese and Chinese, Egyptians and Hindus, Jews and Persians. The largest distribution of all types of such studies was received by the population census. It was held every two years in ancient Rome and Egypt.

What caused the need for such work? The fact is that the states of the ancient world united hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of people on their territory. The rulers of these countries needed to properly organize the work and recreation of their people. Invaluable assistance in this was provided by the collection of data on the socio-economic and demographic composition of the population, its migration, production potential, nationalities, strata and distribution by profession. Such statistics allowed pharaohs and kings to manage the state most effectively.

hands with eyes painted on them
hands with eyes painted on them

Social research was carried out in the Middle Ages. The most striking work of that period, which has come down to the present, was a collection of materials called "The Book of Doomsday". It was a land census, which was carried out in England in 1086. The result of the work of French scribes who arrived from Mans and Normandy was the emergence of the institution of direct vassalage and the transformation of free peasants into serfs.

The first empirical studies, the analysis of which was intended to solve social problems, began to be carried out in the 17-18 centuries. in Western Europe.

The emergence of a scientific direction

Sociology as an independent discipline appeared not onlythanks to the centuries-old tradition of social empirical research. This science is based on the knowledge of philosophy, history, jurisprudence, political economy, etc. Thus, sociology can be seen as a discipline both theoretical and empirical. However, for a long time these two directions existed independently. This was due to the fact that government officials, mathematicians and natural scientists have been engaged in empirical researchers since the 17th century. As for the development and creation of theoretical sociology, its creation and development fell on the shoulders of philosophers (E. Durkheim, O. Comte, etc.).

Empirical research was carried out to study the most urgent and topical problems of society, namely crime and poverty, urbanization, migration, etc. The theoretical direction of sociology focused only on the past. Empirical confirmation of the created theories was not required. Philosophers had enough ethnographic and historical material.

Fundamental (theoretical) and applied directions

The current sociological sciences are divided into two groups according to their predominant orientation. Namely fundamental and applied. Theories belonging to the first of these two groups are aimed at solving a variety of scientific problems. They are directly related to the formation of the conceptual apparatus of a given sphere of knowledge, sociological knowledge and research methods. Such theories allow us to solve cognitive problems and answer questions about the object.and research method.

figures of people on colored segments
figures of people on colored segments

Applied sociology studies the means that society needs to achieve practical goals. At the same time, she is looking for ways and means to use patterns and laws that are already known by fundamental theories.

Applied research in sociology concerns certain practical branches of human activity and allows answering the question "For what?". That is, to improve social relations, social development, etc. The applied or practical nature of theories is determined by the contribution that they make to the solution of the tasks set.

Theoretical and applied sociology are closely related. Fundamental knowledge is compared with practical knowledge. That is, they do not exclude their applied orientation. That is why the division of theories into the two groups described above is rather arbitrary. After all, theoretical and applied sociology, being separate areas, contribute to the solution of both practical and scientific problems.

Definition of the discipline and its objectives

So what is applied sociology? This science is relatively young. However, it is already quite in demand by researchers and even managed to create a large number of different directions during its existence. But at the same time, it should be noted that the place of applied sociology today is not yet fully understood in scientific circles. Some scholars identify this discipline withconducted empirical research of a sociological nature. In addition, it is believed that a practical direction is necessary to identify specific social processes, institutions, systems, as well as organizations and structures. This approach allows us to see this discipline as a set of industry research conducted within the framework of empirical research.

people silhouettes
people silhouettes

Based on these ideas, the main tasks of applied sociology are the practical substantiation of certain scientific conclusions. The ongoing research must go through several stages. And only by approaching the final stage, it is possible to develop practical recommendations that would allow us to reach our goal.

The Essence of Discipline

What is practical research in sociology for? Most of them make it possible to identify current problems in society and solve the most priority tasks. At the same time, applied sociology concentrates on issues that concern each person. Untimely identification of problems, as well as ignoring their solution, sometimes leads to negative consequences for the state.

The purpose of applied sociology is achieved through its functions, through which this discipline has a large number of connections with society. We can say that in its essence this science is a reflection of the life of the country's population. Its social purpose is determined by the functions of applied sociology. Among them:

  • cognitive;
  • informational;
  • descriptive;
  • social control;
  • predictive.

Sociology is one of those sciences whose research is aimed at obtaining the information necessary to solve practical problems. This is where its practical function lies. This question is quite broad. What is the applied function of sociology? The answer that can be given to this question lies in the indication of the variety of studies, thanks to which this direction is very multifaceted. This is reflected in marketing, economic sociology, management and other branches of knowledge. At the same time, the applied function of sociology is to enrich sociological theory. After all, it is thanks to ongoing practical research that more and more new knowledge is accumulating.

Cognitive function

It is she who underlies applied sociology. The cognitive function is realized through the study and description, explanation and analysis of those social phenomena that represent a whole group of interrelated factors. The fulfillment of tasks in this direction is associated with an empirical analysis. However, one should not underestimate the theoretical consideration of the identified problem.

In the course of performing the cognitive function of applied sociology, a specific program of action is drawn up. It formulates goals and objectives, indicates the object and subject of research, contradictions and basic concepts, working hypotheses and expected results, determines the methods and means necessary to study the problem.

the work of sociologists
the work of sociologists

In the course of the manifestation of the cognitive function of applied sociology, there is an increase in new knowledge that is present in all spheres of human life. This allows you to reveal the patterns and prospects for the social development of society. However, it should be noted that the implementation of the cognitive function in its entirety is impossible without theoretical knowledge of the fundamental direction. At the same time, there is a need to use methodological principles for identifying social processes.

Information function

What is needed for the implementation of the cognitive process? First of all, the search for data with the accumulation and subsequent transmission of information. It is this knowledge that researchers will need to make the most significant decisions. In this case, one can observe the implementation of the information function of applied sociology. Systematization and accumulation of data is carried out through the study of processes.

Descriptive function

The information obtained as a result of ongoing research is reflected in reports, scientific publications, textbooks and books. From this follows the next function of applied sociology - descriptive.

Exercising social control

As mentioned above, the applied function of sociology is to enrich the theoretical foundation of this science. With its help, various studies are organized, conducted and analyzed. The data obtained in the future and form the basis of other manifestations of this discipline.

people walking on a crosswalk
people walking on a crosswalk

One example of the applied function of sociology is its manifestation in the form of social control. When using this local direction, researchers receive the most specific information. It is she who in the future will allow for the most effective and efficient control over those social phenomena and processes that take place in society.

Prognostic function

How does this trend find its manifestation? The applied function of sociology is to enrich sociological knowledge in the form of a range of possibilities that open up to members of society in a certain period of time. With the help of such information, it is possible to present both obvious and alternative scenarios for the development of phenomena and processes associated with a political decision taken at a particular historical period. The predictive function, which allows the theory of applied sociology to be further developed, allows researchers to calculate the probable losses and risks for each of the predicted scenarios.


Applied sociology is the field of science that is as close as possible to practice. At the same time, this direction is focused on using the information received to solve the vital problems of people who make up society.

sociologist at the computer
sociologist at the computer

To achieve these goals, a layered structure is used. There are three of them in applied sociology:

  1. Top level. It is also calledgeneral sociological. Theories that arise at this stage are considered general sociological.
  2. Medium level. It combines all industry areas. This is the sociology of politics and culture, law, etc.
  3. Lower level. At this stage of research, specific sociological data are considered.

In addition, there are also macro- and microsociology. This classification depends on the level at which the study of society takes place. For example, at the macro level, attention is paid to large social systems and processes taking place on a global scale. Research conducted at the micro level pays close attention to the social interactions that occur between people.

Methods used

The goal of applied sociology is practical recommendations to simplify and improve the regulation and management of various processes in society. Thus, we can say that specialists in this field not only identify existing "diseases", but also "prescribe medicines" in order to cure ailments. However, as a rule, it is of a private, local nature.

To solve the set tasks in applied sociology, certain research methods have been developed, distinguished by:

  • by scale (general and private scientific);
  • by levels of knowledge (theoretical and empirical);
  • by stages of research (methods of formulating problems, collecting, processing and analyzing information).

In addition, research uses methods thatallowing to find a solution for specific problem situations that take place in social management, practice and planning. Among these methods of applied sociology are analytics, modeling, expertise, experiment, etc.

How is this research done? In its first stage, the sociologist transforms the problem situation into a descriptive model. After that, they make a prediction. On the one hand, it relies on existing trends in the development of social processes, and on the other hand, it takes into account normative recommendations.

The third stage of applied sociological research is the compilation of a "tree of possible decisions". Here, the specialist considers various combinations of using available resources to implement a certain standard.

At the fourth stage of research, the sociologist will need to collect the information necessary to justify his decisions. After that, specific options for getting out of this situation should be offered.

At the seventh stage, a forecast is made on the occurrence of possible problems after the innovation. The final, eighth stage is the implementation of the adopted decision, which is preceded by the development of regulations, instructions and other regulatory documents.

When conducting research, various methods of applied sociology can be used. Among them:

  1. Observation. This method is the perception of the phenomena of reality. During observations, the sociologist collects information about the object of study,concerning its external aspects, relations and states of participants. To collect data, a specialist will need special equipment in the form of a camera, video camera or voice recorder. The information received by the sociologist is entered into the observation diary.
  2. Experiment. This method is based on the creation of a controlled interaction under predetermined conditions between the object and the researcher. Unlike observations, in this case, an artificial environment is created to obtain data. It can influence the reaction and behavior of the subject, allowing you to achieve the most unexpected result.
  3. Document analysis. It is the processing of text messages of a different nature, found in protocols or reports, resolutions, legal acts or in the media.
  4. Content analysis. This method is focused on obtaining the most important information of a sociological nature when using large arrays containing documentary sources.
