Water protection zone - what is it?

Water protection zone - what is it?
Water protection zone - what is it?

For each body of water, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, there is a special protected area that adjoins the banks and on which there are various restrictions on activities. This article will explain in detail what a water protection zone is. And also what rules should be observed while staying in this territory.


A water protection zone is a protected area adjacent to the shoreline of a water body. For example, it can be near a lake, river, sea, stream, reservoir. Special rules for conducting business or any other activity are established in this territory. They are aimed at preserving the ecological state of a water body, protecting its water and biological resources, preventing pollution, silting, and drying out.

water protection zone
water protection zone

The water protection zone starts from the coastline. The coastline is, in fact, the boundary of the water body itself. Near the sea, it is determined by the constant water level. If it is constantly changing, then the coastline runs along the bordermaximum tide. At a river, canal, lake and stream, this line is determined by the average water level in an ice-free period over many years. Shoreline - an area that stretches along the coastline, intended for general use. Its width for larger water bodies is 20 meters, and for streams or rivers less than 10 kilometers long - 5 meters.

Within the water protection zone, a coastal protective strip is also established, where there are additional restrictions for conducting any activity.


This concept appeared in the Soviet Union with the decision of the Central Executive Committee (the highest body of state power), issued in 1936. This resolution established a certain mode of forest management in the basins of such significant and large rivers as the Volga, Ural, Dnieper, Don. There was a special list of rivers, at a distance of 20, 6 and 4 kilometers from which deforestation was prohibited. Violators were brought to criminal responsibility. Since then, the concept of "water protection zone" has remained in the legislation. But at the same time, it has acquired its own specific features.

What is currently prohibited in the water protection zone

In Russia within such territories it is prohibited:

  • Extract common minerals that are used in industry and construction.
  • Place and store or apply pesticides and agrochemicals.
  • Discharge sewage and drainage water.
  • Place car filling stations, fuel depots (except forterritories of ports and places where construction and repair of ships takes place).
  • Treat the territory with chemicals using aviation.
  • Locate cemeteries and animal burial grounds.
  • Burial radioactive and other waste.
  • Use wastewater to increase soil fertility.
  • Moving around in vehicles and parking, except for paved roads and using special equipped parking areas.

Boundaries of water protection zones

The width of the protected area may be different for water bodies. The boundaries are established after entering information about the water protection zone into the state cadastre, in addition, they are entered into the state water register. The boundaries are marked on the ground with the help of special signs that are placed throughout the water protection zone and at the boundaries of coastal protective strips. Signs and warnings are installed where roads pass, in characteristic points of the relief, in places of recreation for people and their mass stay.

water warning sign
water warning sign

The sign indicating the water protection zone looks like a blue rectangle with a white inscription informing the population in the center. Its text should be visible during the day at a distance of 50 meters. It must be in good condition at all times. For damage to the sign, administrative liability is provided. Of course, in any such zone there must be such a sign, otherwise how can you find out the boundaries of the water protection zone? Some people believe that if there is no sign, then there is no prohibition. This is wrongstatement, unlike signs on the road, a sign near a pond may or may not be. The absence of a sign does not release citizens from possible liability.

Punishment for violation of the Water Code of the Russian Federation

For violation of the prohibitions established in the water protection zone, citizens may be subject to administrative punishment. This is a fine of 3 to 4 thousand rubles.

Reducing the size of the water protection zone in legislation since 2007

From January 2007 a new Water Code came into force in Russia. From a legal point of view, the rules for establishing a water protection zone have changed significantly. The size of the coastal territory was greatly reduced. If before 2007 for rivers the width of the protected zone was from 50 to 500 meters, depending on the size of the water body, then after 2007 its size for the river cannot exceed 200 meters. If the length of the river is 10 kilometers, then the width of its water protection zone is 50 meters. If the length of the river is more than 10 kilometers, but less than 50, then the width is 100 meters. For rivers longer than 50 kilometers, the width of the water protection zone is 200 meters. And for a lake or reservoir, this area has decreased by 10 times. That is, if earlier the water protection zone for the lake was 500 meters, then it has become only 50. Such changes in the legislation, of course, are not encouraging. After all, the integrity and safety of ecosystems of water bodies, which extend not only to water areas, but also to coastal areas, depend on the establishment of the water protection zone of the object. Not to mention the fact that the ecosystems of the forest near the lake inevitably affect the reservoir itself and its replenishment.water. In addition, uncontrolled deforestation and plowing of land near rivers can contribute to desertification of the territory, as happened in the area of the Syrdarya and Amudarya rivers during the development of virgin lands with the subsequent shallowing of the Aral Sea.

2015 Water Code

Currently, the rules established in 2015 in the Water Code of Russia are in force. The water protection zones of the river are established in the same way as before, their maximum width is 200 meters, and the minimum is 50. If a river or other water body is of valuable economic importance for fisheries (spawning grounds, wintering areas for feeding fish), then the width of the protected area is set 200 meters in size. The boundaries of the water protection zone of the lake have a width of 50 meters, depending on the size of the water area. The width of this territory on the sea coast is 500 meters.

Within the water protection zone of a river or lake, construction of economic and other facilities is allowed, provided that they are equipped with special facilities. They must protect the waters from pollution.

Baikal seal
Baikal seal

Coastal protection strips are being installed inside water protection zones. The stripes can have different widths, which are determined depending on the slope of the banks of the reservoir. For a zero slope - 30 meters, for a slope of up to 3 degrees - 40 meters, and more - 50 meters. On the territory of the coastal strips of the water protection zone, plowing of land is prohibited. It is not allowed to place spoil heaps (subject to erosion) and livestock grazing.

Protected zone of Lake Baikal

If for each body of water,If a stream, river or lake is a protected area specified in the Water Code, an exception is made for Lake Baikal.

shores of Baikal
shores of Baikal

The size of the water protection zone around this unique creation of nature is specified in a special federal law. This is the only body of water in Russia that deserves such close attention.

Law on the protection of Lake Baikal

So, in 1999, the law "On the protection of Lake Baikal" was adopted. This document clearly stated that the minimum width of the water protection zone for the lake should not be less than 500 meters. This value is conditional, since the shores of Baikal in some places are very steep and precipitous (from the side of Irkutsk in the west), while in other areas the shore is very gentle and swampy. That is, it is far from possible to get closer than half a kilometer to the water everywhere.

shore of Baikal
shore of Baikal

From 2002 to 2006, a draft of the boundaries of the water protection zone was prepared by the VB Sochava Institute of Geography of the SB RAS (located in Irkutsk). It was developed taking into account the landscapes and hydrology of the shores of the giant lake, but was never adopted. The boundaries of the protected area of Lake Baikal were never established in 2006.

Finally, on March 5, 2015, with the order of the Russian authorities, the boundaries of the water protection zone were nevertheless drawn. They began to pass along the boundaries of the Central Ecological Zone of the natural territory of Baikal, thus coinciding with the boundaries of the UNESCO natural heritage site.

Boundaries of the protected zone of Lake Baikal today

No changes yet. ATCurrently, the boundaries of the water protection zone of a water body (Lake Baikal) extend up to 60 kilometers from the coastline. Its area began to be 57 thousand square kilometers. But there are already 159 villages and settlements in this territory, in which 128.4 thousand people live. There are also 167 infrastructure facilities (engineering and social). There are also 40 places where municipal solid waste is placed. 540 kilometers of unpaved roads were laid with 28 gas stations, 40 cemeteries were located. The coastal water protection zone in some places is located several kilometers from the lake, the farthest point on the border is 78 kilometers from the coastline.

Baikal ice
Baikal ice

In the resolution "On approval of the list of activities prohibited in the Central Ecological Zone of the Baikal Natural Territory" of 2001, only three types of activities were prohibited. These are mining, construction of various structures and blasting.

blue ice of Baikal
blue ice of Baikal

Since 2006 there have been more bans. It was no longer allowed to place cemeteries and burial grounds for livestock, facilities for the placement or storage of all kinds of waste (chemical, poisonous, poisonous, radioactive). It is also forbidden to drive vehicles, except on specially equipped paved roads, to arrange parking, except in special parking lots.

Attempts by the authorities to reduce the protected area

The authorities of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia tried to changethe situation with the water protection zone of Lake Baikal. Attempts to change the borders began, and some compromise was achieved with the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources. A new project was prepared taking into account natural conditions and the economic situation. Scientists were going to include in the water protection zone the territory from which water flows directly into the lake. These are the basins of the rivers that feed the lake, the boundaries go beyond the ridges in those places where there is a danger of mudflows, landslides, scree, displacement of blocks. Pollutants are drained and do not degrade the ecology of the lake. Forests, swamps, valleys are included in the territory, which are flooded during the rise in water level in Baikal.

Baikal water protection zone
Baikal water protection zone

Thus, the water protection area is reduced from 57 thousand square kilometers to 5.9 thousand. If earlier the maximum distance of the zone border was 78 kilometers, then it will become 4-5. The project was sent to the authorities of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia for approval. Partially it was agreed, only for spaces between settlements. In an area inhabited by people, it was proposed to make a border at a distance of 200 meters.

In 2018, on February 20, there was a meeting in the State Duma, where questions about the boundaries of the Baikal water protection zone were discussed. No consensus has yet been reached.
