Creative challenge: general principles and solutions. Concept, formation, levels and methods of solution

Creative challenge: general principles and solutions. Concept, formation, levels and methods of solution
Creative challenge: general principles and solutions. Concept, formation, levels and methods of solution

Any creative task involves the desire to gain new knowledge. The search for an answer to the question posed characterizes courage, the desire to overcome obstacles and difficulties. Creative tasks can be solved by people who objectively evaluate their own abilities, are distinguished by diligence, decency.

Historical background

Let's analyze the methods for solving creative problems that are in demand today. Now the country is witnessing the processes of renewal and modernization of the educational system. As a new style of relations between students and a teacher, a teacher and students, relations are based on democratic principles, trust, cooperation, partnership.

The creative challenge has become a great way to bring out the individual abilities of each student. Until the middle of the last century, inventors used the "trial and error" method, which hindered the introduction of progressive ideas into practice.

creative task
creative task


In the second half of the twentieth century in Europe and Americapublications began to appear on the ways of forming a creative task. The following modifications were proposed:

  • morphological analysis;
  • brainstorming;
  • focal object method;
  • method of control tasks and questions;
  • synectics.

They were based on the principle of considering and sorting out several options. Methods for solving creative problems were proposed by Osborne Gordon. They have been proven to be able to manage creative activity.

As the main contradictions that arose at that time, we note the significant time spent on choosing the best way to solve the formulated problem while saving time on generating the idea itself.

methods for solving creative problems
methods for solving creative problems

TRIZ idea

The solution of creative problems in this case is interconnected with cognizable, objective laws. These laws can be applied to any technical system. The point is to give anyone, regardless of their abilities and talent, a real opportunity for invention.

The pace of scientific and technological progress is related to the intellectual abilities of inventors, and without progress it is difficult to imagine the country's economic prosperity.

how people solve problems
how people solve problems

Features of "brainstorming"

F. Engels noted that if there is a need in industry, this significantly speeds up science. A similar thought comes to the improvement of the technical process. By the middle of the last century, there was a significantlack of active methods for solving complex problems. The creative task had to be solved by methods that would contribute to the development of electronic and computer technology, rocket science, and nuclear energy.

It was during this historical period that the search for a scientific organization of creative activity began in several directions at once:

  • Teams were created that were looking for effective methods of creative tasks.
  • Intensive assembly of original ideas.
  • The "concentration" of promising and original ideas increased.

Thanks to such searches, methods of creative tasks have appeared. One of the first was brainstorming. Its author was the inventor and entrepreneur A. Osborne. Realizing that some inventors can generate ideas, while others are prone to critical analysis, he invited the group to solve the problem. Osborne singled out "experts" and "generators" within the team.

creative plan tasks
creative plan tasks


The creative task was solved in a certain sequence within the framework of the "brainstorming". The group that was involved in solving the problem consisted of 12-25 people.

The main "generators" of ideas were the half that had a wild imagination. It consists of specialists, as well as 2-3 people who had nothing to do with the problem being analyzed. The tasks of creative abilities are supervised by an experienced participant. The group of "experts" is made up of people with a critical, analytical mind.

The main task"generators" is to put forward the maximum number of ideas, including the most fantastic ones. Of these, experienced "experts" select the most rational, allocate them for work.

The duration of the brainstorming session is 30-40 minutes. The selected levels of creative tasks are evaluated by the organizer of the event. It is he who ensures that within the framework of the discussion between the participants friendly and free relations are maintained, does not allow criticism, skeptical expressions and gestures.

As part of the analysis, which is carefully conducted by a group of "experts", the most interesting and promising proposals are selected.

After the completion of the brainstorming, an action plan is developed to put the idea into practice.

levels of creative tasks
levels of creative tasks

TRIZ techniques

The solution of any problem according to this method is associated with five levels, each of which involves a certain time frame. For example, for the first level, several minutes are allocated. At the second stage, 2-3 hours are allotted for thinking through the issue. The third level lasts for several days, and at the fourth stage it is allowed to think about the problem for 2-3 weeks.

Using TRIZ

Gradually, on the basis of TRIZ, other methods began to appear that have a specific focus. The developments gave good results, so TRIZ spread not only in our country, but also began to be used in Finland, Bulgaria, Germany, Japan.

At the end of the twentieth century, the international TRIZ association was created, and theproduct "Inventing Machine" that helped engineers cope with complex professional tasks.

TRIZ methods and ideas have also been introduced into the humanities: advertising, art, pedagogy, management.

creative tasks for schoolchildren
creative tasks for schoolchildren

TRIZ components

This theory opens up new opportunities for mastering the space in which the synthesis of ideas is carried out, creative problems are solved, new components of knowledge are mastered. The methodology is based on general evolutionary laws, mechanisms for resolving contradictions.

Let's list the main components of TRIZ:

  • mechanisms for transforming a problem into the face of a decision;
  • algorithms for suppressing psychological inertia that hinders the search for rational solutions;
  • experience in solving similar problems.

An example of creativity

With the help of special techniques (actions), students turn a fantastic idea into a real project. We offer one of the examples of solving a non-standard problem.

The timber industry is the basis for the economy of our country. A specific difference in the development of the Arkhangelsk region is the presence of forest land on its territory. Over a long period of time, a production infrastructure has been formed here. With the help of a well-established closed technological process, including harvesting, processing, shipment of export sawn timber, most of all harvested timber is processed within the region.

We offer conifer topperand hardwoods to use for the production of quality toothpicks, including packaging with the contact details of the enterprise. Such an economic initiative will bring additional cash receipts to the regional budget, create effective jobs, and also stimulate the arrival of qualified personnel in the region.

The tasks of the creative project were solved by the following methods:

  • systematic analysis;
  • mathematical data processing.

The specifics of the solution of the problem under consideration

The timber industry recovery program was developed in the second half of the last century. It was during that period that they began to produce a significant modernization of forest production. Over the past decades, enough measures have been taken, numerous complexes and enterprises for timber processing have been created.

At the same time, the technical modernization of many enterprises was also carried out. After such measures, the industry was able to rise to a new level of development. A modern structure for timber processing has emerged. It should be noted that not all tasks have been solved so far. There are still questions that relate to the use of wood waste in the Arkhangelsk region. Partially sawdust and sawdust are used as fuel for residential complexes.

Note that in the future, the processing of forest resources industry faces a responsible task - to ensure the complexity of waste processing using combined production. Its solution is directly related to the implementation of innovative scientific research, justificationthe relevance of the use of waste from the timber industry, as well as the implementation of a specific design, technical and construction policy for the modernization of expansion of production. A plant for the production of briquettes is already operating in the territory of the Northwestern Federal District, but there is no enterprise for the production of toothpicks yet.

To equip a toothpick production facility, all you need is a production line, a specific steamer, and a modern dryer. In addition, free space will be required where the veneer will be stored for curing. The raw materials for the proposed production of toothpicks are birch tulips.

Tulki are steamed for about 18 hours at a temperature of 60–80 °C. It is important to consider that a vat is selected that will correspond to the volume of production of toothpicks. Using raw materials for the technological chain, they also take into account that about a third of it will go to waste. Their processing into pellets or briquettes is acceptable. After high-quality steaming, the bark is removed from the seals, the surface is sanded.

The removal of the bark from the steamed sprat is carried out manually. Note that such a process is quite time-consuming, so we recommend that such workers set an additional wage bonus.

After the bark is completely removed, the sprats are fed to a peeling machine, where they are cut into veneers. It is important to ensure that the veneer is not too loose. To do this, in the process of peeling, the log is compressed. The quality of the veneer directly affects the condition of the finished product. Next, the veneer is dried in warehouse a constant temperature, then cut into thin plates by a guillotine.

The plates are dried again (six to eight hours). At the same time, you need to periodically turn them over and mix them, ensuring uniform drying.

Then they are sent to a milling machine, where they bloom into thin straws. If the drying of the veneer is performed poorly, an uneven straw is obtained. Overdried raw materials will not produce straws, therefore it will be unsuitable for making toothpicks. Finished workpieces are sent to tumbling, pressed with heavy metal plates, then polished for two hours.

levels of creative tasks
levels of creative tasks


When solving creative problems, the logic of schoolchildren develops. That is why, within the framework of the GEF of the new generation, the emphasis in education is placed on a student-centered approach.
