As in any other regional center of Russia, Orel universities are popular not only among local youth, but also among students from other Russian regions and even from foreign countries. A variety of speci alties and faculties are in demand among foreigners, while among Russians there has been a significant increase in interest in technical professions.

Eagle Universities
For 2017, there are three large educational institutions of higher education in the city of Orel:
- Orlovsky State Agrarian University im. N. V. Parakhina;
- Academy of the FSO of Russia;
- Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev, often referred to simply as OSU.
The oldest and largest of them is the Oryol State University, the date of foundation of which is considered to be 1931, when the Industrial Pedagogical Institute appeared in Orel.
Initially, the university consisted of four faculties: physical-technical, chemical-biological, literary-public and technical. At the same time, at first, only one hundred and twenty-one students studied at the university.
Quite quickly it became clear that in this form the existence of the university is inexpedient, and in 1933 it was mergedwith the Belgorod Pedagogical Institute. Today, the largest university in Orel has eleven faculties, eleven institutes and two academies. In addition, since 2015, the university has received the status of a pivotal university, which indicates its special position in the education system of modern Russia.
More than four thousand students study at the university in technical, pedagogical and humanitarian speci alties, many of whom achieve the highest awards at international competitions and olympiads.

History and geography
Although the history of universities in Orel begins with a university whose main specialization was technology, the educational system of the region would be incomplete without an agricultural university.
Location in the black earth region has created all the necessary prerequisites for the creation of a strong agronomic school, based on the vast experience of farmers in this region.
Today, the Agrarian University has eight faculties and one specialized college. In addition, there is a student design bureau, where students design samples of advanced agricultural equipment. All Orel universities prepare students for independent living and help them find work by organizing special centers for professional development.