“Learning enlightens the mind…” This is the motto of the Orenburg State University (OSU) in Orenburg. This is a fairly significant university in the city and region. He is a supplier of personnel for a variety of enterprises. Speci alties of OSU (Orenburg) are related to construction, aerospace technologies, transport, journalism, law, etc.
Successful path
Orenburg State University, which today is a fairly well-known institution of higher education, appeared in 1955. At the beginning of his activity, he was an evening department of a non-local university. Only in 1961 it was transformed into a branch, and in 1971 - into an independent educational institution.
People who worked at the university at that time understood that nothing could be achieved without investing considerable effort, so all the teachers worked hard in teaching and actively showed themselves in science. All the work invested in the past contributed to the formation of a large educational institution. Today OSU inOrenburg is a multidisciplinary university that is developing dynamically, strengthening its human resources, and introducing new educational technologies.

Scientific potential
Orenburg State University is an educational institution. However, the essence of his work is not only teaching students on a wide range of educational programs. The university is actively engaged in scientific activities. Work is being carried out within 12 branches of science in 54 areas.
The scientific activity of the university is effective. Specialists annually carry out research and development within the framework of state assignments on orders from enterprises in the Orenburg region. Certain scientific groups have been created at the university. For example, one of them deals with the problems of designing and strengthening building structures, the other conducts research on ensuring the quality of operation of road transport, etc.

Getting to know the structure
The university is a major educational institution. Confirms this number of structural units. If we talk about the faculties of OSU Orenburg, then there are 13 of them:
- architectural and construction;
- geological and geographical;
- electric power;
- transport;
- applied biotechnology and engineering;
- physical;
- chemico-biological;
- mathematics and information technology;
- humanities and social sciences;
- philology andjournalism;
- economics and management;
- financial and economic;
- legal.
Also, larger structural units – institutes – also work at OSU Orenburg. There are only 2 of them: aerospace and management institute. Both faculties and institutes implement higher education programs. Additionally, it is worth highlighting colleges in the structure of the university. They offer secondary vocational education programs. There are 2 colleges: the Buzuluk College of Industry and Transport and the University College of OSU Orenburg.

University in the international arena
Orenburg State University is recognized worldwide. It cooperates with various organizations and educational institutions. At the moment, there are more than 30 partners. Among them are educational organizations and universities in Germany, China, Kazakhstan, Japan, France and other countries. Cooperation with other states allows the Orenburg State University to participate in various events, to hold some of them within its walls. For example, in 2016 OSU became one of the venues for the I International Youth Educational Forum "Eurasia".
Cooperation with foreign organizations also allows us to develop the academic exchange of teachers and students, to popularize the study of foreign languages. In 2016, 36 students got the opportunity to study in Italy, China, USA, Germany, Japan. Among the guests of OSU Orenburg who visited in 2016university, it is possible to single out undergraduates and doctoral students of Kazakhstani universities. They were part of an internship in research methodology.

Applicants: programs and documents
Orenburg State University implements a huge number of programs. According to the current license, he can teach:
- on 19 speci alties of secondary vocational education;
- in 83 undergraduate programs;
- in 9 speci alties of higher education;
- in 47 master's programs;
- on 29 programs for the training of highly qualified personnel.
A certain package of documents is required from applicants upon admission. This is a passport and a certificate or diploma. For admission to some areas, a medical certificate of examination is required. This document is necessary for those people who choose "Heat power engineering and heat engineering", "Food products from vegetable raw materials", "Technology of transport processes", etc. There are quite a lot of speci alties and areas of training that require a certificate. Their complete list can be provided by the admission committee.

Entrance tests and enrollment
In any college of the OSU Orenburg on the programs of secondary vocational education, admission is carried out according to the competition of certificates. This means that when enrolling, only the average mark of the document on education is taken into account. No exams, no tests. But onhigher professional education programs are much more complicated. School graduates are accepted according to the results of the Unified State Examination, and graduates of colleges - according to the results of exams held within the walls of the university. In some speci alties, in addition to passing general education subjects, creative tests have been established. For example, in the "Architecture" and "Design of the architectural environment" applicants perform drawing, composition and drafting.
Admission is carried out in August. Orders and a list of those who entered the OSU of Orenburg can be found in the educational institution itself. This information is also published on the official website of the Orenburg State University. In the same place, applicants who sent documents by mail can find out about the reasons for the refusal to enroll. Enrolled persons are provided on the site with the opportunity to find out the schedule of OSU Orenburg.

What students say about the university
Persons studying at the Orenburg State University are proud of the educational institution, because it is considered large, prestigious. At the disposal of the university there are several educational buildings, hostels. In the buildings where the educational process is carried out, classrooms, laboratories, computer classes are equipped. It is also important that all the available equipment is not old. In 2016, the procurement and modernization of the laboratory and information and communication base was carried out.
Students are pleased not only with logistics, but also with a rich extracurricular life. It is organized by the student center of the Palace of Culture "Russia", which includes25 creative teams. In OSU Orenburg, the lists of associations include the Antre circus, variety dance groups Others and Zhemchuzhinka, the Kristall fashion theater, and the Excursus vocal ensemble. These groups are very bright, original, interesting. This allows them to become laureates of all-Russian and international competitions.

Alumni about OSU
Graduates thank Orenburg State University for providing a quality education. It, according to them, helped them quickly find a job. Graduates also testify that some of them did not even have to look for a job on their own. Local enterprises regularly send applications to the university and invite young professionals to available vacancies.
Former students work at large industrial enterprises, research centers, Russian and international companies, banks. Among the employers accepting OSU graduates, one can single out Gazprom Podzemremont Orenburg LLC, Orenburgneftegeofizika LLC, Sberbank of Russia PJSC, etc.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Orenburg State University is a place where students have ample opportunities. Students receive knowledge at lectures and practical classes, practice at large enterprises of the city, go to study abroad, take part in creative events.