P.S. Nakhimov - admiral, great Russian naval commander

P.S. Nakhimov - admiral, great Russian naval commander
P.S. Nakhimov - admiral, great Russian naval commander

Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov is an admiral, the pride of the Russian Navy and just a legend. In honor of the great naval commander, several coins and a combat medal were established. Squares and streets in cities, modern ships and vessels (including the famous cruiser Admiral Nakhimov) are named after him.

cruiser Admiral Nakhimov
cruiser Admiral Nakhimov

Strong in spirit, he managed to carry this character trait throughout his life, setting an example of devotion to the Motherland and dedication to young fighters.

Admiral Nakhimov: biography

A native of the Smolensk province, Nakhimov was born on July 5, 1802 in a poor large family with noble roots. Enrolling in 1815 in the Naval Cadet Corps of the city of St. Petersburg, the director of which later became one of his brothers, Pavel brilliantly showed himself as the best of the midshipmen of the educational institution. For excellent studies at the age of 15, he received the rank of midshipman and distribution to the Phoenix brig, on which in 1817 he sailed to the shores of Denmark and Sweden. This was followed by a difficult service in the B altic Fleet.

It is the sea, military affairs and serviceThe motherland, the love for which was laid back in the years of study, were the meaning of Nakhimov's life. Pavel Stepanovich did not see himself in any other industry, refusing to even recognize the possibility of existence without the open spaces of the sea.

admiral nakhimov biography
admiral nakhimov biography

In love with the sea, he married in the military and was always faithful to his homeland, thus finding his place in life.

First years of military service

At the end of the Naval Cadet Corps P. S. Nakhimov was appointed to serve in the port of St. Petersburg, and subsequently transferred to the B altic Fleet.

At the invitation of MP Lazarev, his mentor, admiral, Russian naval commander and navigator, from 1822 to 1825 he went to serve on the frigate "Cruiser", on which he traveled around the world. It lasted 1084 days and served as an invaluable navigation experience in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, on the shores of Alaska and Latin America. Upon his return, being at that time already in the rank of lieutenant, he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree. After a three-year voyage on the frigate, Nakhimov, under the same command of his beloved mentor Lazarev, transferred to the Azov ship, on which in 1826 he took his first battle against the Turkish fleet. It was Azov that mercilessly smashed the Turks, being the first among the rest to get as close to the enemy as possible. In this battle, where there were many dead on both sides, Nakhimov received a combat wound.

In 1827, Pavel Stepanovich was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree and promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. In 1828 he became commanderrecaptured Turkish ship, renamed Navarin. He was directly involved in the cordoning of the Dardanelles by the Russian fleet in 1828-1829 in the Russian-Turkish war.

The courage of a leader is an example for a team

The promising sailor met the 29-year-old age already in the rank of commander of the new frigate "Pallada", a few years later he became the commander of the "Silistria" and was promoted to captain of the 1st rank. The Silistria, which plied the expanses of the Black Sea, was a demonstrative vessel and during 9 years of navigation under the leadership of Nakhimov completed a number of difficult heroic tasks.

What is Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov famous for?
What is Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov famous for?

History has preserved such a case. During the exercises, the ship of the Black Sea squadron "Adrianople" came close to the "Silistria", having made an unsuccessful maneuver, which led to the inevitable collision of the ships. Nakhimov was left alone in the quarterdeck, sending the sailors to a safe place. By a lucky chance, such a dangerous moment occurred without dire consequences, only the captain was showered with fragments. Your act P. S. Nakhimov justified by the fact that such cases are rarely provided by fate and provide an opportunity to show the presence of mind in the boss, demonstrating his team. This illustrative example of courage can be of great benefit in the future, in the event of a possible battle.

1845 was marked for Nakhimov by being promoted to Rear Admiral and given command of the 1st Brigade of the 4th Naval Division of the Black Sea Fleet. This time the collection of well-deserved awards was replenished with the Order of St. Anne of the 1st degree - for success in the sea andmilitary field.

Nakhimov: the image of an ideal leader

The moral impact on the entire Black Sea Fleet was so huge that it was equal to the influence of Admiral Lazarev himself.

Pavel Stepanovich, giving his service days and nights, never spared himself and demanded the same from the sailors. Having no other predilection in life than military service, Nakhimov believed that naval officers could not be interested in other life values either. work. Not a single comrade reproached him for wanting to curry favor, everyone believed in his vocation and commitment to military service.

Nakhimov Admiral
Nakhimov Admiral

Subordinates have always seen that he worked more than others, thus setting a vivid example of service to the Motherland. You must always strive forward, work on yourself, improve yourself so as not to be broken in the future. He was revered and respected like a father, and absolutely everyone was afraid of reprimands and remarks. Money for Nakhimov did not have the value to which society was accustomed. Generosity, along with an understanding of the difficulties of ordinary people, is what Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov is famous for. Leaving himself the necessary part to pay for the apartment and a modest subsistence, he gave the rest to the sailors and their families. Very often he was met by crowds of people. Nakhimov listened carefully to them. The admiral tried to fulfill the request of everyone. If there was no opportunity to help due to empty pockets, Pavel Stepanovich borrowed money from other officers on account of future salaries and immediately distributed themneedy.

Sailor is the main force of the navy

He always considered the sailors the leading force of the navy and treated everyone with due respect. It is these guys, on whom the outcome of battles depends, that need to be taught, raised, and aroused in them courage, the desire to work and perform feats for the sake of the Motherland. operating. Therefore, one should not consider these hard workers, who control the sails, point weapons at the enemy, rush to board, as serfs. Humanity and justice are the main principles of communication with subordinates, and not their use by officers as a means of their own ex altation. Like his mentor - Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev - Nakhimov demanded moral discipline from the command staff. Corporal punishment was forbidden on his ship, instead of honoring the officers, love for the Motherland was brought up. It was Admiral Nakhimov, whose biography serves as the clearest example of cultivating fortitude, respect for one's neighbor and complete dedication in serving the interests of the Motherland, who was the ideal image of the commander of a warship.

The role of the admiral in the defense of Sevastopol

In the difficult years for Sevastopol (1854-1855) during the Crimean War, Nakhimov was appointed military governor of the city and commander of the port, in March of the same year he was promoted to admiral.

Under his competent leadership, the city during 9 months selflessly repelled the attacks of the allies. It was Nakhimov, an admiral from God, who, with his energy, contributed to the activationdefense.

n with Nakhimov
n with Nakhimov

He coordinated sorties, waged a mine and smuggling war, built new fortifications, organized the local population to defend the city, personally circling forward positions and raising the morale of the troops.

It was here that Nakhimov was mortally wounded. The admiral received an enemy bullet in the temple and died on July 12, 1855 without regaining consciousness. Day and night, sailors were on duty at the coffin of their beloved commander, kissing his hands and returning as soon as they managed to change at the bastion. During the funeral, the large fleet of enemies, which until then shook the earth with countless shots, was silent; in honor of the great admiral, the enemy ships lowered their flags.

The cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" as a symbol of the power and strength of the Russian fleet

As a symbol of courage and strength, in honor of the great man, the world's largest warship was created, which NATO calls the "aircraft carrier killer". It is designed to defeat large surface targets. This is the heavy nuclear cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov", equipped with constructive protection against the use of missile weapons.

The warship has the following specifications:

Displacement - 26,190 tons.

Length - 252 meters.

Width - 28.5 meters.

Speed - 32 knots (or 59 km/h).

Crew - 727 people (including 98 officers).

Since 1999, the ship has been idle awaiting modernization; a powerful build-up of the missile system is planned - "Caliber" and "Onyx".

heavy nuclear cruiser Admiral Nakhimov
heavy nuclear cruiser Admiral Nakhimov

Planmodernization provides for the return of the cruiser to the combat composition of the navy in 2018.
