Professional development of a teacher: basic foundations, programs, necessary conditions, professional and personal development

Professional development of a teacher: basic foundations, programs, necessary conditions, professional and personal development
Professional development of a teacher: basic foundations, programs, necessary conditions, professional and personal development

Professional development of a teacher is a process during which a complex of significant qualities is formed, expressing the integral structure, as well as the features of teaching. And in many ways it is he who determines the quality of education provided by the teacher. Because you can really learn something only from the teacher who himself continues to improve throughout his life. And since this topic is very extensive and relevant, we should now pay a little more attention to it.

Process Features

Professional development of a teacher occurs through the refraction of the influence of the social environment through their internal attitudes. We can say that the initial basis for this process consists of the following aspects:

  • The high importance of one's professionalroles.
  • Summarizing teaching activities, forecasting prospects.
  • Thinking about likely pedagogical decisions and their consequences.
  • The ability to self-control.
  • The desire to improve and develop.

In the course of professional socialization, the qualities of a teacher are not only formed - they also change, can be strengthened or weakened.

It is important to mention that in this process the teacher is not only the bearer of any qualities. He also acts as a conductor - he is an example to follow, in other words. And not so much for students, but for other teachers.

A teacher who is at a decent level of personal and professional development actively transforms for the better not only himself, but all pedagogical activity in general, sets new standards.

teacher professional development
teacher professional development

On the importance of development

Why is teacher self-improvement given such importance? Because in the modern world, the main principle of building the educational process is the development of the personality of pupils.

Schools are trying to instill in children the skills that allow them to study productively, as well as to realize the cognitive interests, educational needs and professional demands that they will form in the future.

Therefore, the task of organizing an educational environment that would contribute to the development and improvement of the personal essence comes to the foreeach student.

The solution to this problem directly depends on what kind of teachers work in the school. And this is where the professional development of the teacher takes place. After all, the teacher is a key figure in the reform of education. In our world, which is constantly changing, its main quality is the ability to learn.

Therefore, the most important condition for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into a general education institution is the training of a teacher, the formation of his pedagogical and philosophical position, as well as various competencies. These, in turn, include communicative, methodological, didactic, etc.

Working according to the standards, the teacher must move from traditional methods to developing ones. We must remember the importance of student-centered learning, the use of level differentiation technologies, interactive methods, etc.

teacher professional development plan
teacher professional development plan

The concept of competence

It also needs to be told, because it is important and rather multifactorial. In this topic, competence can be described as a phenomenon that includes a system of theoretical knowledge of a teacher, as well as ways to apply them in certain situations.

This should also include the teacher's value orientations and integrative indicators that reflect his culture. This is an attitude towards one's activities and oneself, speech, communication style and much more.

Telling about the development of the professional competence of a teacher, we must also make a reservation that in thisdefinition also includes the concept of personal qualities. They are essential for good teaching. Only a teacher who carries out pedagogical communication and activities at the same high level, and also achieves consistently impressive results in education and development can be called successful.

It is important to remember this definition. Since it is in accordance with it that the level of development of the professional competence of the teacher is assessed. The following criteria are usually taken into account:

  • Possession of modern technologies from the field of teaching and their application in their professional activities.
  • Willingness to take on substantive professional tasks.
  • The ability to control one's activities, taking into account established norms and rules.

But the most important component is the ability to personally acquire new skills and knowledge, and then further use them in practical activities. Indeed, in our time, society is experiencing rapid, profound changes. The most dynamic in history, one might say. If a few decades ago one education was enough for a lifetime, now a different standard is already in effect. It can be described as “lifelong education.”

professional development of a modern teacher
professional development of a modern teacher

On professionalism

The notorious concept of competence can be viewed in another way. Since we are talking about the professional development of teachers of vocational education (and secondary education as well), it is necessary to make a reservation on what thispersonality trait is based. Well, the basis here is only erudition and authority.

Competence can be called the teacher's ability to turn his activity into a unique, effective means of forming the student's personality. In this case, the teacher is a kind of subject of pedagogical influence, structuring practical and scientific knowledge. With all this, only one goal is pursued - to more effectively solve professional problems.

The main components of the concept under consideration include the following competencies:

  • Special-pedagogical. This refers to the authority of the teacher and his awareness of a certain science (or several), which determines the content of the subject shown to the students for study.
  • Special. It is based on the scientific competence of the teacher, that is, on the knowledge he has and the ability to apply them in practice. This makes it a reliable source of educational information.
  • Scientific and pedagogical. This implies the teacher's ability to turn science into a way of educational influence on schoolchildren.
  • Methodical. It lies in the teacher's ability to choose the best teaching methods suitable for solving didactic problems. For the most part, this concerns specialists who teach students of the pedagogical faculty their further activity - teaching methods.
  • Socio-psychological. It includes knowledge of the processes of communication carried out in groups of pupils and students, as well as the ability to usecommunication to solve problems and achieve results.
  • Differential-psychological. It is reflected in the teacher's ability to understand the individual characteristics of his pupils, their abilities, shortcomings, virtues and strengths of characters. This is reflected in the further formation by the teacher of an individual approach to each student.
  • Autopsychological. It consists in the teacher's awareness of their strengths and weaknesses and the desire to constantly improve in order to increase the efficiency of their own work.
  • General pedagogical. Here it is assumed that the teacher is aware of the need for a scientific approach to the design and further organization of the teaching process.

In general, competence is a rather complex and multifaceted concept. Of course, it plays an important role in the topic of teacher professional development. It is by the level of competence that one can predict the results of a teacher's teaching activities.

development of professional competencies of a teacher
development of professional competencies of a teacher

Educator Professional Development Plan

It is always compiled on an individual basis, but in any case the goal is the same - to increase the notorious competencies in accordance with the requirements for teachers in the modern world.

Accompanying tasks may be the study and further use of modern methods and technologies for organizing educational and cognitive activities and improving the quality of schoolchildren's education.

That's whatusually included in a teacher's professional development plan:

  • Mastering psychological and pedagogical technologies (including inclusive ones) and their further application. This is necessary for targeted work with a variety of contingents of pupils, from socially vulnerable children to gifted ones.
  • Formation and improvement of individual teaching style.
  • Mastering technologies, techniques and methods corresponding to the new Federal State Educational Standards.
  • Active participation in various competitions, conferences, workshops and seminars.
  • Development and subsequent implementation of new individual development programs for pupils (as a rule, together with parents).
  • Planning and conducting lessons of a new or wider format (for example, a guided tour).
  • Mastering special technologies and their further application in order to implement correctional and developmental tasks.
  • Creating optimal conditions for the disclosure of the individual abilities of pupils, contributing to the formation of independent learning skills in them, using information and communication technologies for this.

Of course, this is just an example. Plans reflecting the professional development of vocational education teachers (as well as general, secondary special, etc.) are usually much more detailed. And before they are compiled, a thorough analysis of the goals, objectives, aspects of teaching, as well as the personal results and achievements of the teacher is carried out.

professional developmentteacher competence
professional developmentteacher competence

Resilience and composure

Much has been said above about the features of the professional development of a modern teacher. Now we need to focus on individual qualities, the presence of which characterizes a teacher as a true specialist.

Resilience and self-control are key among them. The teacher needs to be able to always remain calm, keep his feelings under control, not give free rein to temperament. In the classroom, the teacher should be optimistic, cheerful and cheerful, but not overly excited.

Without these qualities, the development of a teacher's professional activity is impossible. Because teaching itself is a sphere full of tense situations and factors that are associated with the likelihood of increased emotionality. Therefore, one cannot do without patience, tact, tolerance, rationality and sustainability in this activity.


Talking about the development of the professional qualities of a teacher, we should pay attention to the concept of conscience. In this case, we mean the teacher's subjective awareness of his responsibility and duty to his pupils, which awakens the need to act in accordance with the norms of teaching ethics. After all, it is from this that professional dedication is born.

This also includes the concept of pedagogical justice. It reflects the objective attitude of the teacher to each student. A real specialist does not divide pupils into favorites and everyone else. And if some students evoke sympathy, then this does not affectevaluation of their progress.

professional development of the personality of the teacher
professional development of the personality of the teacher

Honor and ethics

Discussing the topic of developing the professional competencies of a teacher, we must also mention these concepts. Honor in this case prescribes certain requirements for the teacher's behavior, encourages in certain situations to behave in accordance with the profession and social status.

After all, what an ordinary person can afford is not always available to a teacher. The social and professional role that he performs prescribes special requirements for moral character and cultural level. If a teacher lowers the bar, then he will not only humiliate himself, but also provoke a deterioration in society's attitude towards the profession and its other representatives in general.

Ethics also plays an important role in the professional development of a teacher. This is the name of the harmony of behavior, consciousness and moral feelings of the teacher, which is manifested in everything, but in particular in communication (with students, parents, colleagues).


All of the above is only a small part of what concerns the personal and professional development of a teacher. There are indeed very high demands on teachers in the modern world. And of course, in order for them to cope with an endless list of obligations, they need to provide the appropriate conditions.

Professional development of a teacher's personality is impossible without his indefatigable desire to engage in this activity. But this is an internal condition. External include:

  • Material and moral stimulation of achievements.
  • Favourable acmeological environment.
  • An outside belief in the teacher's success.
  • Continuous support for the teacher at every stage of his professional journey.
  • Updating the content of vocational education in line with the pace at which the environment is changing.
  • Help in the realization of pedagogical creativity.
  • Motivation in the development of an educational institution, focus on its prosperity.
  • Providing opportunities for professional success (to all teachers without exception).

All this does not just affect the development of the teacher's professional maturity. When the state provides teachers with the conditions for their work, they understand that they are doing really meaningful work that is valued in society.

teacher professional development program
teacher professional development program


Of course, there are many other factors in the professional development of a teacher. But to summarize, here are the qualities and features that a person who wants to engage in this activity and further improve in it should have:

  • Leadership trend.
  • High erudition, well delivered speech.
  • The ability to direct all your qualities to achieve pedagogical goals.
  • Hyperthymia.
  • Social activity, the desire to contribute to solving problems related to pedagogical activity.
  • Balanced and strongtype of nervous system.
  • The desire to work with children, getting spiritual satisfaction from this.
  • The ability to take into account the individual characteristics of students.
  • Demanding (to others and to yourself).
  • The ability to set and clearly formulate goals.
  • Responsiveness and kindness.
  • The ability to quickly make the right decisions in extreme conditions.
  • Organized.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Tendency to democratic style of communication.
  • Adequate self-esteem.
  • Conflict-free.
  • Cooperate.

Any teacher professional development program will be mastered by a person who has these qualities. At the same time, a good teacher will never be one who has the following traits:

  • Vengeance.
  • Partiality.
  • Distraction.
  • Unbalanced.
  • Arrogance.
  • Unprincipled.
  • Irresponsibility.
  • Incompetence.
  • Tendency to assault.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Rude.

And of course, the main "contraindication" to teaching is laziness. Yes, the profession of a teacher is extremely social, and much of what has been said is related precisely to the moral, spiritual aspect. But a lazy person who does not want to develop will never become a good teacher. He simply will not be able to teach his pupils something useful and really necessary. But this is the essence of pedagogical activity.
