Often a person realizes that he is working in the wrong place. Instead of doing photo shoots, he sits in a stuffy office and pays wages. In most cases, a person chooses a profession not at will, but out of necessity. That is, we work where they pay more. Professional retraining is a chance to change your life and finally get a job that will bring not only income, but also pleasure.
Professional retraining is the development of new knowledge and skills, the formation of special skills for additional education. In other words, this is an additional professional education for those who already have a higher education and want to master a new speci alty.

Retraining is very different fromobtaining a second higher education, since a specific course covers a narrow set of subjects necessary for its study. The quality of knowledge does not suffer from this, but, on the contrary, the student purposefully studies a particular speci alty and its specifics. Such training is much more convenient, faster and, most importantly, does not hit the pocket.
Distinction from advanced training
Some people confuse the concepts of "training" and "professional retraining", believing that they are one and the same. This is not true. These two concepts have significant differences.
Upgrading qualifications should be understood as the training of those people who have a profession in a certain field and want to improve their professional skills, knowledge and skills without raising their educational level.
Professional retraining should be understood as the training of those people who already have a certain position or profession, but want to get a new one, in their own interests or taking into account the needs of the workplace.

It turns out that vocational retraining programs are more extensive and give students more freedom of choice and activity.
Benefits of retraining
The main benefits of professional retraining include:
- full compliance with existing Russian legislation;
- development of training programs taking into account professional standards and qualified requirements;
- as soon as possiblelearning;
- opportunity to expand knowledge in basic specialization and obtain an additional profession related to the main one;
- increasing competitiveness in the job market;
- a higher level of practical training of specialists;
- opportunity to study further in graduate school or defend a Ph. D. thesis;
- opportunity to develop personal qualities that are essential for career advancement;
- accessibility of education from the financial side;
- lack of common subjects not related to the subject being studied;
- convenient form for learning: part-time, remote, evening.

Vocational retraining programs are of several types:
- In order to improve the existing professional activity. Such retraining is recommended for specialists within their particular profession. The completed training can improve or supplement the existing knowledge and skills for further competent work. Curricula of such a course are developed for specific professions and take into account qualified requirements. In this case, a completed secondary vocational or higher education is required. The training lasts six months, after which the specialist receives a diploma of the established form on completed professional retraining.
- In order to get an additional qualification. Additional professional retraining in this case can serve as a good alternative to a second higher education. Additional qualifications can be obtained by specialists with a complete higher or secondary vocational education. If the student is still a student, then the results in the intersecting disciplines will be taken into account. Training usually lasts about two years, after which students receive state diplomas of additional education.
Professional training, retraining have their own characteristics. There is no fundamental difference between these concepts. In addition to, in fact, development, there are a few more nuances why you need to get additional qualifications:
- the need for retraining is associated with the process of releasing employees, their promotion through the ranks, intra-production turnover due to the search for a job with better conditions;
- retraining should be associated with the professional and qualified promotion of employees, the main form of which is the acquisition of an adjacent or second profession. This was developed due to the development of a collective form of labor organization, where an important condition is the implementation of the principle of interchangeability;
- often those categories of employees who have been in their positions for a long time and their knowledge and skills are somewhat outdated or irrelevant are often retrained.

A good analogue of the second higher education is professional retraining. Studying in prescribed courses is much shorter than in higher education.institution. And all because retraining does not involve the study of general subjects. Only those subjects related to specialization are studied.
The study period for the programs is 250-2000 hours.
For example, professional retraining of a medical worker involves at least 576 hours of training.
In most cases, education does not involve attending an educational institution. Increasingly, this is remote study of the material. Therefore, professional retraining is a great chance to get another speci alty without leaving your main job.
Students of courses after certification receive:
- diploma of professional retraining (training): issued to those students who have studied more than 1000 hours;
- certificate of short-term professional development: issued to students who have listened to lectures up to 100 hours;
- certificate of advanced training: issued to students who have studied more than 100 hours.

All documents have an established pattern and are a real document confirming qualifications and speci alty.
How to choose a profession
With so many specializations, it's easy to get confused and make the wrong choice. To avoid this, you need to follow these tips:
- You need to choose a second profession only based on your preferences and skills (desire to work with children - educator, teacher, social worker; logical mindset -economist, financier; ability and desire to talk - manager).
- In the absence of certain skills or creative abilities, one should avoid narrowly focused speci alties, and opt for neutral professions - secretary, administrator.
- In the absence of desire and confidence in one's potential, it is better to focus on those speci alties that require minimal labor: operator, orderly, salesman, telephone operator, etc.
These tips will help you quickly and correctly choose the speci alty that will bring not only money, but also pleasure.

Professional retraining is an effective tool to improve your own professional skills and abilities, giving you the opportunity to gain additional qualifications and increase your competitiveness in the job market.