After the revolution, the new communist government had to build a new system of power. This is objective, because the very essence of power and its social sources have changed. How Lenin and his associates succeeded, we will consider in this article.
Formation of the power system
Note that at the first stages of the development of the new state, in the context of the Civil War, the Bolsheviks had certain problems in the process of forming government bodies. The reasons for this phenomenon are both objective and subjective. Firstly, many settlements in the course of hostilities often fell under the control of the White Guards. Secondly, the trust of the people in the new government was weak at first. And most importantly, none of the new government officials had experience in public administration.

What is SNK?
The system of supreme power had more or less stabilized by the time the USSR was founded. The state at that time was officially ruled by the Council of People's Commissars. The Council of People's Commissars is the supreme body of executive and administrative power in the USSR. In fact, we are talking about the government. Under this name, the organ officially existed from 1923-06-07 to 1946-15-03. Due to the impossibility of holding elections and convening parliament, at first the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR hadfunctions of the legislature. Even this fact tells us that there was no democracy in the Soviet period. The combination of executive and legislative power in the hands of one body speaks of the dictatorship of the party.

Structure of the Council of People's Commissars
There was a clear structure and hierarchy in positions in this body. The Council of People's Commissars is a collegiate body that made decisions unanimously or by majority vote during its meetings. As already noted, in its type, the executive body of the USSR of the interwar period is very similar to modern governments.
Headed the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Chairman. In 1923, V. I. Lenin. The structure of the body provided for the positions of Vice-Chairmen. There were 5 of them. Unlike the current government structure, where there is a First Deputy Prime Minister and three or four ordinary Deputy Prime Ministers, there was no such division. Each of the deputies oversaw a separate area of work of the Council of People's Commissars. This had a beneficial effect on the work of the body and the situation in the country, because it was in those years (from 1923 to 1926) that the NEP policy was carried out most effectively.
In its activities, the Council of People's Commissars tried to cover all spheres of the economy, economy, as well as the humanitarian direction. Such conclusions can be drawn by analyzing the list of people's commissariats of the USSR in the 1920s:
- Interior;
- for agriculture;
- labor;
- People's Commissariat of Defense was called "for military and naval affairs";
- commercial and industrialdirection;
- public education;
- finance;
- foreign affairs;
- People's Commissariat of Justice;
- People's Commissariat, who oversaw the food sector (especially important, provided the population with food);
- People's Commissariat of Railways;
- on national issues;
- in the field of printing.

Most of the areas of activity of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, formed almost 100 years ago, remain in the sphere of interests of modern governments, and some (for example, the press) were especially relevant then, because only with the help of leaflets and newspapers it was possible to propagate communist ideas.
Regulatory acts of the SNK
After the revolution, the Soviet government took the right to issue both ordinary and emergency documents. What is a SNK Decree? In the understanding of lawyers, this is a decision of an official or collegial body, taken in an emergency. In the understanding of the leadership of the USSR, decrees are important documents that laid the foundation for relations in certain sectors of the country's life. The Council of People's Commissars of the USSR received the authority to issue decrees under the Constitution of 1924. Having familiarized ourselves with the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, we see that documents with that name are no longer mentioned there. In history, such decrees of the Council of People's Commissars are most famous: on land, on peace, on the separation of the state from the church.
The text of the last pre-war Constitution is no longer talking about decrees, but about the right of the Council of People's Commissars to issue resolutions. The Council of People's Commissars lost its legislative function. All power in the countrypassed to the party leaders.

SNK is a body that lasted until 1946. It was later renamed the Council of Ministers. The system of organization of power, set out on paper in a document of 1936, was almost ideal at that time. But we are well aware that it was all only official.