How to write an abstract? Title page and list of references in the abstract

How to write an abstract? Title page and list of references in the abstract
How to write an abstract? Title page and list of references in the abstract

Let's talk about how to write an abstract. This topic is relevant for schoolchildren and students, since it is they who most often have to write such works in various academic disciplines. An abstract can be considered an independent creative work on a certain topic or scientific source.

Structure requirements

Discussing how to beautifully design an abstract, first we highlight those mandatory elements that should be present in it:

  • title page;
  • table of contents;
  • introduction;
  • main body;
  • conclusion;
  • conclusions and recommendations;
  • bibliographic list;
  • applications.

Where to start?

The design of the title page of the abstract is carried out according to certain rules. Let's dwell on them in more detail. In its upper part, the full name of the organization on the basis of which the work was carried out is indicated.

Then the topic is written in capital letters, the section (direction) in which the material is made must be indicated.

The design of the title page of the abstract involves the indication of information about the author, supervisor. For this, the lower right part is assigned.sheet.

Further in the center is the year the work was written, the city where the author worked.

If earlier abstract work was done only by students of secondary and higher educational institutions, then after a significant modernization of the domestic education system, ordinary schoolchildren are also doing this work.

The correctness and quality of the design of the title page directly affects the first impression that the examiner will have of the abstract.

The first page can be called the "face" of the work, a clear evidence of how responsible a person reacted to the assignment given to him.

An experienced mentor just needs to look at the first page of the abstract to assess the quality and correctness of writing the paper.

Discussing how to issue an essay, we note that it is in the course of such activities that conscientiousness, punctuality, responsibility, and purposefulness are formed among the younger generation. These qualities will help the child become successful, enter a prestigious educational institution, and adapt in society.

How to write an essay for a student? There are no differences between the design of work for students of lyceums, gymnasiums, technical schools, academies, universities.

Making the title page of the abstract
Making the title page of the abstract


In order to understand how to issue an abstract at a school, university, let's turn to GOST 7.32-2001. This is a document devoted to the rules for the design of research papers. Before starting a report on the experiments carried out, you need to carefully readby this document. It will not only answer the question of how to issue an abstract, but also allow you to avoid a significant number of errors.

In order to be able to stitch the finished work, it is necessary to provide indents. According to the rules, they should be:

  • right – 10 mm;
  • top and bottom - 20 mm each;
  • left - 30 mm.

These requirements apply to the classic essay, may vary depending on additional rules developed in a particular educational institution.

Times New Roman font is traditional in the design of the work. If the main text is formatted in 12 or 14 pt, then other sizes are allowed for the title page, underlining, italics are allowed.

How to make a list of references in the abstract?
How to make a list of references in the abstract?

Compound components

Conventionally, the title page can be divided into several parts. In addition to information about the educational institution, the author, the discipline on which the abstract is being performed must be indicated. All information about the topic, scientific area, should fit in five lines. Quotation marks are not allowed on the title page.

Information about the author is indicated with two spaces. Even taking into account the fact that some educational institutions are trying to introduce their own requirements for the design of the title page of the abstract, information about the classic version will not be superfluous for either schoolchildren or students.

How to write a good abstract?
How to write a good abstract?


Let's try to figure out how to arrange a list of references in an abstract. It is placed after the main part, conclusions, conclusion. If the list of sources used by the author when writing an abstract work is formatted according to the rules, this significantly increases the value of the material presented, increases the chances of getting a good grade.

How to arrange a list of references in an abstract? This issue is of concern to schoolchildren and students starting to formalize the results of their research activities.

Let's highlight the main aspects related to compiling a bibliographic list:

  • modern sources;
  • their relevance to the subject of the work.

All sources that are indicated in the bibliographic list must be mentioned in the main text of the work. The number under which the book is in the list of references is indicated in the text in square brackets.

When writing a diploma, term paper, essay, it is recommended to use anthologies, textbooks, manuals in a minimum amount, focusing on scientific publications, articles. It is necessary to make references to statistics, authoritative monographs.

How to write an essay for a student?
How to write an essay for a student?

If there are normative acts or laws in the bibliographic list, they must be mentioned in the text.

Based on a preliminary analysis of literary sources, the selection of tasks that will become the basis of the work is carried out. Their consideration is expected in the main part of the abstract work. Schools, technical schools, higher educational institutions require from their pupils the correct indication of literary sources,used when writing a scientific paper or review abstract.

GOST 7.1-2003 contains all the rules according to which a list of references is compiled. First, normative acts, decrees, laws are written down. Then they indicate the rest of the printed publications, which are arranged in a certain order.

Literature is indicated alphabetically, the list is numbered with Arabic numerals. Then a dot is put, followed by a space, then the author's surname and initials are written down. Then they write the title of the book, publisher, year of issue, number of pages.

How to write an abstract?
How to write an abstract?


To get a good mark for the work done, you must strictly follow the requirements for the abstract. The title page and bibliography are the sections that are among the most important in the study.
