Distributed information systems: technology, design, security

Distributed information systems: technology, design, security
Distributed information systems: technology, design, security

Expanding the practice of using information materials in digital form due to ergonomic, functional and technical advantages. The conditional “figure” has replaced huge arrays of file cabinets, physical databases, repositories of books and other documentary and reference materials. However, the tasks of ordering, segmenting and classifying information remained, and in some aspects became more acute. In the context of solving this problem, the concept of distributed information systems (RIS) also arose, within which a clear structuring of data is assumed, taking into account the nuances of organizing user interaction with them.

PIC concept

Technologies of distributed information systems
Technologies of distributed information systems

The need to create data ordering models for information systems was identified as early as the 1970s. At the same time, the principles of designing RIS were singled out as one of the methods for structuring the functional diagram of databases. Today, such models are considered only in the context of the possibilities of automating information flows without a single control center. So, what is a distributed automated information system? This is a digital information environment, the functional objects of which, when interacting with control computers, are divided into agreed channels in accordance with the underlying algorithm. The working elements of the infrastructure are networks, and objects are understood as information messages, units of data and technological materials.

Principles of creating RIS

It is possible to achieve high efficiency of RIS operation only if the following networking principles are observed:

  • Transparency. In the eyes of the user, the target database in a distributed network should be presented in the same way as in a non-distributed system format.
  • Independence. The operation of a particular RIS should not be affected by other networks. In this part, it is worth noting the principle of autonomy in the sense of technological self-sufficiency.
  • Synchronization. The state of the data must be immutable and constant during the operation of FIG.
  • Isolation of "consumers" of data. In the process of working with data, users should not influence each other or intersect in one way or another, unless this is provided for by the format itself.their workflow.

RIS Design

Server connection
Server connection

The main design task is to develop a functional model of RIS, which will define the configuration of the interaction of objects with each other within the framework of the infrastructure, as well as schemes for coordinating work with elements of the intermediate environment. As a rule, the output is an image of a network with established connections between the components of a distributed system. The parameters of these bundles, the means of their maintenance and control are determined. To date, in the design of distributed information systems, two approaches to the functional organization of the working environment are used:

  • With an emphasis on messaging processes between system elements.
  • Based on the regulation of procedure calls in the server provisioning system.

The technical organization of the distributed network provides for a detailed study of communication protocols, network modules for servicing call commands and characteristics of auxiliary service equipment, which will provide a hardware platform for the project.

Design Levels

Distributed databases
Distributed databases

Full-fledged development of a RIS model is impossible without covering several functional layers of the network representation. In particular, projects for distributed information systems affect the following levels:

  • Physical. The technical infrastructure directly responsible for data transmission. It doesn't matter which onethere will be a data distribution scheme, but in any case, it involves working on the basis of mechanical, signal and electrical interfaces with specific protocols. It is the organization of the infrastructure of communication carriers with certain standards that the designers of the physical layer are counting on.
  • Duct. A kind of process of converting signals and data packets into an acceptable format for its convenient reception and transmission within the stream distribution system. A bitmask is developed, a datagram is built, and a checksum is calculated according to the markings of the messages packed for the bitstream.
  • Network. By the time of designing at this level, the physical infrastructure for the operation of a distributed information system and network should be ready, as well as a data transformation model for subsequent circulation in streams. At the network level, specific communication lines are built, the parameters of their interaction with machines are thought out, routes and intermediate data processing points are organized.

Client-server technology

Database in the server
Database in the server

The concept of the "client-server" network representation model has existed since the advent of the first multi-user information systems, but to this day this principle of organizing user interaction with a structured database is fundamental in the context of the implementation of RIS. Today, this model is modified, adjusted to certain tasks, combined with other concepts of the network organization, but its two basic ideasmust be saved:

  • Data hosted on one or more servers remains available to a wide array of users. The specific number of users with access may vary depending on current tasks, but in principle the possibility of unlimited access remains.
  • In the process of using a distributed information system, its users should be able to jointly process data in the mode of simultaneous or parallel operation on different channels.

The key distribution factor in "client-server" systems refers specifically to users, since they are also considered in a wide range of views from a client-consumer to a service machine that operates a database according to given algorithms in accordance with certain access rights.

Remote Data Access Technologies

One of the primary conditions for ensuring permanent access to information in RIS is the ability to enter the data warehouse through the server. For this, different component models are used with access to the database like RDA. In such models, the input is implemented as an independent software function of the database management system. For example, geographically distributed information systems usually operate through a SQL server infrastructure on their own computing installation. The functionality of this server is limited to low-level operations related to the organization, placement, storage and various means of manipulation in the physical memory of the storage. Systemicthe database file will also need to contain information about registered users with a list of their remote access rights.

Distributed information systems server
Distributed information systems server

App Server Technologies

Stable operation of RIS is realized only with an efficient system of data separation according to the requirements for server computing resources. In particular, the correspondences in terms of memory size and speed must be observed. The essence of distributed information systems technologies in this part of server software is to evaluate and support the power indicators of the technical infrastructure. If necessary, the system automatically connects additional server resources. Specifically, this function is implemented by the application server, directing the appropriate calls at the procedure level. How effective a specific resource regulation module will be depends on the scheme of building a specific computing system and its power potential.

Security in distributed information systems

Protection of distributed information systems
Protection of distributed information systems

No system that regulates the distribution of information today is able to guarantee complete security. This does not apply to the system level of security, but in principle to practically functioning models in which specialized protection tools are implemented. Adequate measures to increase the security of channels reduce the effectiveness of the actions of intruders at different levels, ultimately creating such conditions, withwhich and attempts to penetrate the system become impractical. Means for ensuring information security of distributed information systems should be designed and built into the working group only after a comprehensive analysis of potential threats. A comprehensive risk analysis will give an objective assessment of the factors and parameters of a possible intrusion by intruders, third-party system failure, data interception, etc.

Security RIS

The main methods of increasing the resistance of RIS to various information threats include:

  • Encryption. Today, server and user encryption algorithms with 56-bit keys like DES and its analogues are widely used.
  • Effective regulation of access rights. Confidentiality and authentication have long been central concepts in ensuring the information security of distributed automated systems, but the loss of attention of administrators to new means of user identification ultimately leads to the formation of serious gaps in the protection of networks.

Reduce data corruption

Even without the influence of intruders, the regular operation of RIS can be accompanied by negative processes, which include the distortion of information packets. You can fight it by introducing cryptographic content protection, which prevents uncontrolled data replacement and modification processes.


Distributed information systems
Distributed information systems

The increase in the productivity of software and hardware and the growth in the volume of information exchange logically determines the need for forms of rational organization of the digital space. The idea of distributed information systems in this sense is one of the central concepts of designing complex models of user interaction with databases at different levels. At the same time, approaches to the server device, technological regulation of data flows, computing processes, etc. are also changing. Issues related to ensuring security and the economic component with the support of RIS also remain relevant.
