Howard Gardner and his developmental technique

Howard Gardner and his developmental technique
Howard Gardner and his developmental technique

Every parent wants their children to be happy and find their place in life. Additional classes in music, dancing, sports, foreign languages - moms and dads are ready for anything so that their child is a comprehensively educated person. In itself, such zeal is commendable, but if the child does not "draw" on the ideal image? Here you need to look at the inclinations and interests of the baby and develop them. Help in making the right choice can be provided by Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.

Intelligence, what is it?

Intelligence from the Latin language means knowledge. The ability of a person to adapt to the environment based on experience, analyze and apply the information received in life, reflect and strive for knowledge - all these are functions of the intellect.

Until recently, it was believed that the intellect has a general function of cognition. In connection with whatteaching was based on the provision of information that the student must learn. But it's not a secret for anyone that school performance is distributed approximately like this: 10% are excellent students, 40% are shock students, 50% are three students. It turns out that only ten out of a hundred children acquire knowledge in full. The rest are either lazy or can't, why? Howard Gardner tried to answer this question.

Theory of multiple intelligences

An American psychologist argued that measuring intelligence by one parameter does not give a complete picture (meaning IQ tests). He believed that the intellect is predisposed to creativity, knowledge and creation. Howard Gardner suggested that a person has a certain way of thinking, which is manifested in his inclinations and interests. An individual intellectual process leads to behavior that is unique to that individual. Therefore, training should also take these differences into account.

Howard Gardner
Howard Gardner

The structure of the mind according to Howard Gardner has several abilities that are independent of each other. However, they do not exist in their pure form, all the structures of the intellect are closely interconnected. In life, we observe the predominance of some type of intelligence. Howard Gardner conditionally divided it into the following components:

  • linguistic;
  • logical-mathematical;
  • visual-spatial;
  • bodily-kinesthetic;
  • musical;
  • naturalistic;
  • existential;
  • interpersonal.

Linguistic and musicalintelligence

If a child is dominated by linguistic intelligence, then he loves to listen and has a competent speech. The ability to feel the shades of words, correctly apply them in speech, beautifully express thoughts when writing - all these are characteristics of linguistic intelligence. Howard Gardner is sure that a person with this type of thinking can easily be a writer, politician, screenwriter, translator, journalist, playwright, proofreader.

children musicians
children musicians

Musical intelligence is not limited to musical attraction and musical ability. The author of the theory notes that people who do not have an ear for music can feel the rhythm, timbre and pitch, since this type of mind is based on tonal memory. If a child easily memorizes melodies, likes to listen to music and sing, unconsciously taps the rhythm, then with a high probability his musical intelligence prevails. With such abilities, you can realize yourself in the professions of performers, singers, composers, musicians, music critics, editors, etc.

Logical-mathematical and visual-spatial intelligence

Logical-mathematical intelligence is distinguished by the development of abstract thinking. A high level of abstraction is available to mathematicians and physicists. The bulk of people are limited to school mathematics. Therefore, if a child is interested in numbers, calculations, logic and analysis, then this indicates a high degree of abstract thinking. Such individuals choose the profession of accountant, economist, detective, doctor, etc.

child mathematician
child mathematician

Visual-spatial intelligence is characterized by the ability to perceive the surrounding world, transform what is seen into images, reproduce forms from memory. Children with visual-spatial intelligence predominate, they prefer to solve puzzles, play mazes or with nondescript toys. Developed imagination is realized in drawings and dreams. Physics, chemistry, drawing, geometry are favorite subjects in high school. A person with visual-spatial intelligence most often becomes a sculptor, architect, designer, inventor, engineer, etc.

Body-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is expressed through body language. Such a person masterfully controls his body and realizes his talents through it.

children's ballet
children's ballet

Children with this type of intellect are drawn to dance, play sports, and make things with their own hands. Physical activity, to which such people gravitate, is compensated by abundant nutrition. Kinesthetics have a strong competitive spirit, so they need praise and support more than others. Such people choose the profession of an artist, surgeon, athlete, dancer, craftsman, etc.

Personal Intelligences

According to Howard Gardner, the structure of personal intellects is based on a person's attitude to himself and to the world. The author identified two types of intelligence: existential and interpersonal.

Existential intelligence allows you to understand your feelings, to see the difference between them, the ability to express them in symbolic form. This person is differentawareness and the ability to control one's own behavior. Children who have this type of intelligence predominate are able to reason sensibly and draw the right conclusions. They tend to reflect on the meaning of life, to study philosophy and spiritual practices. It is easy for such people to plan, follow instructions and predict the future. Individuals with existential intelligence choose the profession of a psychologist, teacher, priest, politician, etc.

baby philosopher
baby philosopher

Interpersonal intelligence gives a person the ability to subtly feel the mood of those around him. He sees the difference between temperaments, motives and intentions. Understanding people makes it easy to build relationships, and on occasion, manipulate. Children with this type of intelligence quickly find contact with strangers. Feeling the mood of others, they instantly rebuild. The sense of humor, charisma, sharp mind, sociability that such individuals possess make them the soul of the company and good negotiators. These people become politicians, educators, directors, etc.

Natural intelligence

The naturalistic type was later included in multiple intelligences. Howard Gardner singled it out, as a large number of people develop relationships not only with people, but also with the natural environment. He althy eating, everything connected with nature and animals is the element of a person with a naturalistic intellect. They choose the profession of a geologist, veterinarian, farmer, etc.

child and nature
child and nature

Howard's Theory of Multiple IntelligencesGardner helps not to break the child, but to determine his inclinations and direct the efforts of parents to the development of inherent talents.
