The Hellenic Republic is in Southern Europe. As of 2010, the country is inhabited by more than 11 million people. The area of Greece is 131,900 sq. km.
The official language is Greek. The capital is Athens. The state is divided into 13 regions. In terms of government, Greece is a parliamentary republic. In addition, it is a unitary country.
Since the country is located on a peninsula, it is washed by the seas. On land, it borders on 4 states.
More than 90% of the population consider themselves Orthodox. The state inherits the mentality of Ancient Greece, as a result of which its culture and geography are at its best, which contributes to the development of tourism.
The economy is developing. GDP is about 294 billion dollars. The national currency is the euro.
The Republic became independent in 1821. At the same time, the borders of Greece were finalized.

Greeks do not use the name "Greece" in communication with each other. As a rule, itappears in the lexicon if there is a conversation with a foreigner. The word "Hellas" is still considered the official self-name.
The area of Greece is small, but there are 52 areas in it. The government is elected by direct vote of the population. The current constitution was adopted in June 1975.
The Second World War played into the hands of the Republic. After its completion, the so-called Greek economic miracle happened. It was at that time that the government made every effort to improve the state of the financial sector. After joining the Eurozone, the state increased its annual GDP growth.
The current economy is supported only by tourism and services. It is this area that brings the most profit.

Population of Greece
Greece, with a relatively high population and area in general, has poor population growth compared to other European countries. The death rate here is much higher than the birth rate.
There are more women in the state than men, on average by 50%. The maximum average age is 40.
AIDS and HIV are not widely spread in the republic. The incidence rate has not increased since 2001 (0.2%).
Greece (the area of the country does not include the territory of sea waters) is populated unevenly. More than half of the population lives in cities.
The Greeks are the main nation that settled here. You can also meet Albanians. They settled in the state a long time ago due to attacks fromsides of the Turks and Arvanites. Slavs of Macedonian origin, Armenians, Arabs, Serbs and Jews are no less common.

Territory of Greece
20% of the entire country is occupied by adjacent islands. There are about 2000 of them in total. They themselves are divided into groups and subgroups, and that is why Greece is divided into three parts: mainland, Peloponnese and Lesbos.
The landscape of this state involves the alternation of rocks, mountains, valleys, islands, bays and straits. Limestones are widespread here, which formed many caves, funnels. Almost the entire area of Greece is occupied by mountain ranges. In general, their peaks rarely reach 2000 m. Only a few have a height of 2500-2900 m.
Earthquakes are also frequent in the Hellenic Republic. The state is located in three climatic zones, which is why life in different parts of the country varies significantly.

State borders
The country borders on land with such states as Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania and Turkey. It is washed by the Thracian, Aegean, Ionian, Cretan and Mediterranean seas. Although the borders were formally established in 1947 and have not changed since then, in ancient times there were constant discussions about them and wars were started.
Current coordinates for Greece are 39° 0’ 0" N, 22° 0’ 0" E.

Athens - the capital of the state
As a capital, Athens is the center of culture and economy. The city is located in the central part of Greece. The name was given in honor of Athena, the goddess of war. At one time, several centuries ago, the capital developed so rapidly that it became an example for many European countries. She set many European trends.

As already mentioned, tourism brings the greatest income to the country. More than 20 million people come here every year. This gives more than 15% of internal profit. Often people come here because of the culture, development and historical sights. Beach tourism is also not far behind in attendance. More than 7 million visitors were registered in Athens alone.
Although the whole area of Greece is beautiful and unusual, Rhodes, Crete and the Peloponnese attract the most travelers. Rhodes pleases with the fact that here the service sector is best developed, and the hospitality of the country is shown in the best possible way. On Crete there is a cape from which the whole island is visible. The best beach is considered a place in the Peloponnese.
Greek islands of Santorini and Mykonos are very popular in the world. More recently, in 2008, more than 19 million tourists were recorded here.
Over time, the total number of travelers has grown, and with it, so has the revenue ($38 billion). With the government using this money to build entertainment centers and develop the tourism industry, there is no doubt that someday this country will become a paradise and a magnet for all people on the planet.

Animals and flora
There are few wild animals in Greece. Populations of all species are negligible. This was the result of the fact that for more than 8 thousand years, the population destroyed plants and killed animals. The most common here are the mouse, badger, hare and porcupine.
You can often meet a jackal, a fox, a lynx, a bear and a wild boar. Caretta (tortoise) and monk seal are listed in the Red Book. From birds there are ducks, partridges, owls and kites. Fish is what the country can be proud of. It lives quite a lot in the waters of local rivers.
There are few plants: 5 thousand species in the entire area.

The culture of the country has been formed since ancient times. The Ottoman yoke had the greatest influence on her. This country was so developed and successful in this area that even during the revolution, musicians, artists, sculptors created masterpieces that became known to the whole world.
Also a lot of effort has been made by Christians. At the moment, you can see that in some way the culture of the Hellenic Republic intersects with the religious heritage.
Philosophy, language and literature are the main areas in which the state has been successful. For example, more than 15 million people from different parts of the Earth now speak Greek. It is considered one of the most ancient and successful languages in the world. Literature was divided into three eras, all of them are rich in brilliant creations. And the philosophers of Greece gave the world many clever judgments and hypotheses.