The name of this mineral comes from the Greek word "sphaleros", which means "deceptive". Who and how this stone is trying to deceive - read in our article. In addition, from it you will learn about the main physical and chemical properties of the mineral sphalerite, as well as in which areas of modern industry it is used.
General information about the mineral
Many rocks and minerals have been known to scientists for quite a long time, and therefore they are well studied. Sphalerite is one of those. This name was given to him in 1847 by the German geologist Ernst Friedrich Glocker. "Deceptive" - this is how it is translated from the ancient Greek language. Why did Glocker call the stone that way?
The fact is that this mineral was very difficult to identify. Researchers confused it with galena, then with lead, then with zinc. In this regard, the mineral sphalerite is also often called zinc or ruby blende. By the way, today it is widely used to obtain pure zinc - an incredibly valuable metal that reliably protects iron structures.from corrosion and destruction.

The mineral sphalerite is a divalent zinc sulfide. In nature, other elements of the periodic table are often mixed with it: cadmium, iron, gallium and indium. The chemical formula of the sphalerite mineral is ZnS. Its color varies widely, from almost colorless to amber and orange-red.
Sphalerite mineral: photo and main properties
Sphalerite is a fragile transparent stone consisting of tetrahedral crystals. Its main properties include the following:
- Mohs hardness is 3.5-4 points.
- The brilliance of the mineral is diamond, the fracture is uneven.
- Cubic system, perfect cleavage.
- The stone leaves behind a yellowish, light brown or light blue line.
- Dissolves in hydrochloric and nitric acids, releasing pure sulfur in the latter case.
- Poor electrical conductor.
- Some of the varieties of sphalerite have fluorescent properties.

Sphalerite is a mineral that is not very well cut and processed. When exposed to very high temperatures, it behaves differently, depending on the chemical composition. So, if the mineral contains a large amount of iron, then it will melt perfectly. At the same time, "pure" sphalerite is practically unsmeltable.
Sphalerite mineral: origin and main deposits
Sphalerite is formed in variousgeological conditions. So, it can be found in limestones, and in various sedimentary rocks, and as part of polymetallic ore deposits. In deposits, along with sphalerite, other minerals very often “coexist” such as galena, barite, fluorite, quartz and dolomite.

Sphalerite mineral is mined in many countries of the world: Spain, USA, Russia, Mexico, Namibia, Poland, Czech Republic, Canada and others. The largest deposits of this stone include the following:
- Santander (Spain).
- Carrara (Italy).
- Pribram (Czech Republic).
- Dalnegorsk (Russia).
- New Jersey (USA).
- Sonora (Mexico).
- Dzhezkazgan (Kazakhstan).
Processed crystals of this mineral are quite popular among collectors. So, for one piece of “clean” sphalerite, you will have to pay at least 9 thousand rubles. But there are samples and more expensive. For example, a yellow Spanish sphalerite weighing up to five carats costs about 400 US dollars (about 25,000 rubles in terms of domestic currency).

Aggregation druses of sphalerite with quartz and chalcopyrite are also in demand on the market of semi-precious stones.
Mineral varieties
There are many different variations of sphalerite. The appearance and color scheme of this stone will depend on what impurities are included in a particular sample. So, it is customary to distinguish several main varieties of sphalerite:
- Marmarit(an opaque black mineral containing up to 20% iron).
- Marmasolite (one of the forms of marmarite with low iron content in the structure).
- Bruncite (a pale yellow mineral that can absorb water).
- Kleiophane (transparent honey or slightly greenish mineral).
- Pribramite (a translucent stone with a high content of the element cadmium).
One of the most interesting varieties of sphalerite is cleophane. This mineral is transparent, as it is completely devoid of impurities of manganese or iron. Kleiophane is very fragile, although it lends itself well to cutting (therefore, it is quite widely used in jewelry).
Sphalerite: healing properties of the stone
In alternative medicine, the mineral sphalerite is used to improve immunity and overall vitality of the body. There is information that preparations from this stone are effective in cleansing the blood and treating digestive system disorders (due to the presence of a large amount of zinc in them).

Healers from ancient times used sphalerite for hypothermia, as well as to restore vision. Stone amulets help those people who suffer from insomnia or nervous disorders.
Sphalerite: the magical properties of the stone
It should be noted right away that representatives of "magical" professions (magicians, sorcerers, soothsayers, and others) do not really like this mineral. Black samples of sphalerite are used when establishing direct contacts with the underworld and its spirits. However, apply them tomagicians do not advise rites of inducing damage, because dark energy in this case will be returned to the one who sends it. And with a vengeance.

Yellow sphalerite stones are suitable for people who dream of finding long-awaited peace. White stones are used as protective amulets and protect their owner from various magical powers.
Astrologers don't know exactly what signs of the zodiac this mineral patronizes. It is only known for certain that sphalerite is contraindicated for Scorpions and is very favorable to Taurus. For the first, it will interfere with the achievement of goals, but for the second, on the contrary, it will help in every possible way in all kinds of deeds and undertakings.
Many people do not believe in mysticism and are skeptical about astrology. But even they will be pleased to have a small piece of sphalerite in their home. After all, in a faceted and processed form, it looks great!
Use of stone
Zinc blende is used today in various industries. First of all, metallic zinc is smelted from the mineral (by the electrolytic method), simultaneously extracting cadmium, indium and gallium. The last three metals are quite rare. They are used in the production of alloys with a high degree of resistance. Gallium can also be found in lamps and thermometers as a filler.
Brass is also obtained from sphalerite. This alloy, due to its high strength and resistance to corrosion, has found wide application in the manufacture of various parts and mechanisms. Once made of brass evencoins.
The second area of application of sphalerite is the paint and varnish and chemical industries. Zinc oxide is also used in medicine. A fairly wide range of products are obtained from it: rubber, artificial leather, sunscreens, toothpastes, etc.
This mineral was also appreciated by jewelers. However, the stone has a number of disadvantages: excessive fragility, insufficient hardness, low resistance to various chemicals. It can crack at any moment, it is easy to scratch it. Nevertheless, rings, rings, earrings, pendants and pendants are made from sphalerite.

For jewelry, the most valuable specimens mined in the Spanish city of Santander. Specialists do not even classify sphalerite as a semi-precious stone. However, its real value often reaches several hundred dollars for one stone (weighing up to five carats). In collections, sphalerite can most often be seen in the form of separate, rather large and unique specimens.
Sphalerite is a mineral of the sulfide class (formula ZnS), quite common in nature. Transparent and fragile, it is difficult to machine, cut and polish. Among the main varieties of sphalerite are marmarite, brunkite, cleophane and przybramite.
The scope of sphalerite is quite wide: metallurgy, electrical engineering, chemical industry, medicine. Despite its fragility, the mineral is also widely used in jewelry.