Supporting words: what is it and what is facilitated by the use of the methodology for compiling stories on supporting words

Supporting words: what is it and what is facilitated by the use of the methodology for compiling stories on supporting words
Supporting words: what is it and what is facilitated by the use of the methodology for compiling stories on supporting words

Each text is a sequence of sentences that have a logical and semantic connection with each other. Sentences are made up of words, and it is the words that determine the meaning of the entire text and individual sentences. But in each text there are special - supporting - words. What is it and what is their peculiarity, consider the example of children's fairy tales. Why children's fairy tales? Because the topic "Reference words" is part of the school curriculum of the second grade of a comprehensive school.

base words what is it
base words what is it

Children not only learn key words, but also learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. A fairy tale is one of the closest literary genres for children of this school age.

Reference words - what is it

If you cross out all the adjectives in a fairy tale, it will lose its colors, lose its emotions. But the meaning will still be preserved and will be clear even to a child. Then you can cross out all repeated words, leaving only one at a time, exclude all words related to the service parts of speech.

supportwords to check
supportwords to check

At the next stage, remove pronouns and numerals, participles and participles from the text. Leave proper names, verbs that describe the main actions that indicate the main meaning of the text. As a result, a small list of words will remain, in which it will be easy to guess the content of the fairy tale, which was so mercilessly "corrected". They are called bases. From them, you can easily determine the topic of the text. Using these words, you can also easily restore the lost text or write a new one.

A lesson like a fairy tale

Children more easily remember information that is presented to them in a playful way. Therefore, explaining to the students the topic "Reference words", what it is, teaching them to determine the topic of the story and highlight the key words in the text in a lesson built like a fairy tale is a great idea that will be crowned with success. You can tell the children a fairy tale about how an evil magician bewitched fairy tales and almost all the words turned into blocks of stone.

theme key words
theme key words

Children will be happy to get involved in such a game. Each child is ready to fight the evil wizard and do everything possible for the victory of good over evil. By the end of the lesson, the class will be filled with real magic - children will learn how to remove evil spells from fairy tales. A "fairytale" lesson will allow children to easily learn the concept of "supporting words", what it is and how to use supporting words to compose stories on a given topic.

Objectives of the lesson on the study of key words

The study of any topic in the elementary school curriculum has three main goals -educational, developmental and educational. Achieving the educational goal depends entirely on the example on the basis of which the material of the lesson will be presented. For example, if a work of fine art or a piece of music becomes the basis for presenting a new topic, then we can safely say that the teacher is trying to instill in children a love of art. For example, he might show students a painting by a famous artist and ask them to name what they see in the painting. The picture should be clear to children of this age category. You can choose a landscape, as in the painting by I. Levitan "Golden Autumn".

key word story
key word story

Yet, the main goal is educational. During the lesson, children should learn to determine the topic of the story according to the key words, compose a story based on the key words, and determine interdisciplinary connections. To compose a story according to the reference words is a creative work. It develops memory, attention, creativity of thinking, speech.

Case endings and support words

But do not confuse the key words for compiling a story on a given topic with words that help you remember the correct spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns of different declensions.

In Russian, in addition to the fact that nouns change by gender and number, they also change by cases. And it often happens that the ending of a noun is unstressed, so there may be certain difficulties in writing such nouns in different cases. But do not despair, helpreference words will come to check the correct spelling of words. The secret is simple: nouns of the same declension in the same cases have the same endings.

Working algorithm (reference words for verification)

Step 1 determine the declination
Step 2 define the case
Step 3 remember the ending for the word in this case and declension
Step 4 check the spelling of the ending with the key word

If we decline the supporting words by cases, we will find a pleasant pattern - in the genitive, instrumental, dative and prepositional cases they have a stressed ending. Support words are needed only for nouns of the first and second declension. For example, for the first declension, the word "earth" is suitable as a reference, and for the second - "bucket".
