What is a methodology? The concept of methodology. Scientific Methodology - Basic Principles

What is a methodology? The concept of methodology. Scientific Methodology - Basic Principles
What is a methodology? The concept of methodology. Scientific Methodology - Basic Principles

In the 21st century, scientific knowledge in almost all spheres of human life has reached its peak. People have learned to understand the world around them not only through practical successes and mistakes, but also theoretically, through the development of concepts, knowledge, etc. This success of all existing sciences arose due to an additional category that also developed over many centuries. After all, none of them could "generate" any kind of concept if it did not apply certain methods, techniques or methods in the process of theoretical understanding. It is thanks to these three components that the latest knowledge in a particular area appears in the world, which ultimately leads to the evolution of the entire human species. Thus, in the article the author will try to consider the essence of such a concept as methodology, as well as its key aspects.

what is methodology
what is methodology

Methodology concept

You need to understand that this term can be found in many existing scientific fields. The concept of methodology is so multifaceted and specific that many mistakenly call this category a separate science. Similar findingsare a delusion. In this case, a logical question arises: "What is a methodology?" For a better understanding, you need to turn to its history. The term "methodology" itself has ancient Greek roots. The word meant "the way to something", or "thought". In the modern interpretation, methodology is the doctrine of the methods, methods and techniques of researching a scientific subject. Thus, we are not talking about a separate industry, but about a set of ways to study a single scientific segment.

To fully understand the question of what method and methodology are, you need to fully consider the essence of this teaching. It has not only a peculiar structure, but also some specific branches, which will be discussed later in the article.

Classic Doctrine Structure

Scientific methodology has a peculiar and rather complex structure filled with various elements. All teaching consists of different theoretical and practical ways of understanding a scientific subject. The classical structure of the methodology contains only two main elements. Each of them characterizes a certain side of the "development" of a scientific subject. Simply put, the classical structure is based on the practical and theoretical side of the manifestation of the methodology in the form of a holistic teaching. From here, the following elements can be distinguished:

1. Gnoseology, or the theoretical part of the doctrine. Its main goal is scientific concepts that arise only in the logical development of the subject. Gnoseology is responsible not only for knowledge, but also for its processing with the aim of "recovery"rational grain. This element is directly related to the scientific industry itself.

2. The second element is of practical importance. There are no specific theorems and concepts here. The basis is an algorithm, a set of ways to achieve a practical goal. It is thanks to the second element that theoretical knowledge can be realized in a real policy thanks to the principles of practical application that appear in a whole complex of actual actions.

methodology of law
methodology of law

However, scientific methodology is also subject to other ways of structuring, which indicates the importance of this doctrine.

Secondary structure

In addition to the presented elements, a secondary structure is distinguished in the teaching system, which allows you to more accurately see the relationship between the methodology and the scientific fields that exist today. Conditionally, such a structure can be divided into five components, namely:

- Methodological basis, which, in turn, consists of a number of independent sciences: psychology, philosophy, logic, systemology, ethics and aesthetics.

- The second element allows you to see the forms and features of the activity, as well as its norms and principles.

- The logical structure of the building is the third element. It includes the subject, object, object, form and means of implementation.

- At certain stages of the actual implementation of the methodology, this process can be divided into phases, stages and stages.

- The fifth element is the technological characteristic of solving certain problems.

Consideringrather complex and branched structure of the methodological doctrine, we can conclude about its development prospects in the structure of individual sciences. All existing types of teaching today are formed under the influence of a particular industry. For a complete answer to the question of what methodology is, it is necessary to consider the "life activity" of this doctrine as part of specific scientific knowledge.

Methodological directions

Theory and methodology are inextricably linked concepts. However, this teaching is found not only in purely scientific fields. There are several main directions for the development of methodology, among which there are practical branches of human activity, for example:

- Methodology for solving problems in the field of informatics.

- Methodological base of programming.

- A set of methods and ways of business modeling.

These directions show that the practical method and methodology in general can be used in practice to the fullest extent. More theoretical areas are scientific methodology (the topic of the article) and biogeocenology (a mixture of biology and geography).

methodology of knowledge
methodology of knowledge

It should be remembered that in the standard form, scientific methodology has certain distinctive features that can be traced to examples of specific branches of science.

Methodology of law

Law is a rather specific scientific branch. It was originally formed as the main regulator of social relations. Therefore, law directly affects society. The methodology of cognition of law and the ways of its implementation are quite different. In the first case, we are talking about the theoretical understanding of legal concepts, in the second - about the actual implementation of such concepts in the social plane. Thus, the methodology of law is ambivalent. If in other scientific branches it is only about abstract methods of obtaining knowledge, then the law clearly lists the ways to obtain "legal statements". Simply put, we are talking about specific methods, namely:

1. The scientific method consists of the fundamental principles of an industry or science in general. With its help, it becomes possible to see much deeper the essence of a particular issue, as well as its role and place in the legal policy. Most often, the general scientific method (used in all industries) and the particular scientific method (applicable only in law) are distinguished.

2. Through the philosophical method, it becomes possible to study law on the basis of existing worldview ideas. In other words, there is a comprehension of law (legal understanding is developed) through criticism, comparison and characterization of its constituent elements.

3. The special legal method exists exclusively in the branch of law. It is a system of specific methods: normative analysis, comparative legal, etc.

"Applied" methodology in law

It should be noted that the methodology of cognition is not a single set of methods. There are also a number of techniques that are aimed not at knowledge of the industry, but at its actual application. In this case, the value of the method is paramount,because with its help there is a right realization. Lawyers have identified two main methods:

1. Imperative - the command of power that exists in the sources of law. Subjects do not have the ability to regulate their own behavior.

2. Dispositive - based on the equality and independence of the parties, who have the opportunity to independently make decisions within the framework of legal norms.

scientific methodology
scientific methodology

Thus, the scientific methodology of law exists not only at the theoretical, but also at the social level, which makes it possible for all kinds of concepts to really be implemented. It is for this reason that law is a socially regulating science. A completely different methodological base can be seen in economics or sociology, because the scope is completely different. Let's try to consider these industries, taking into account the subject of their study.

The process of knowledge in economics

Economic methodology differs significantly from the legal one, primarily in that it does not contain practical methods of implementation. Economic theories exist, as it were, beyond the real economy. Science coordinates this sphere of life, but does not directly affect it. The process of cognition in economic theories is saturated with various methods. Moreover, these methods are used so extensively and deeply that with the help of several you can fully understand some of the problems of the scientific industry. At the same time, economic methodology is directed exclusively towards a positive outcome. In other words, the concepts of industry scientists are very oftenare "utopias", which prevents their application in real life.

Economic studies

In order to answer the question of what is the methodology in the economic sector, it is necessary to consider each method of study separately. As a rule, methods (methods) that arise in comparison with the natural sciences are distinguished in science, namely:

- method of differentiation and separation of economics as a separate science;

- method of defining the scientific field in terms of existing methods;

- a way of fundamental research of the principles of economic theories;

- a method of logical understanding of economic phenomena for their further foresight;

- method of developing theoretical knowledge using empirical and philosophical approaches;

- mathematical way;

- a way of correlation and comparison of economic phenomena;

- a historical method for studying the formation and emergence of the economy as a whole.

Also, the methodology of the economic system contains a number of special-scientific methods used exclusively in the economy. For example, by means of economic modeling, it is possible to represent any economic phenomenon in a rather simplified and abstract way in order to highlight its main aspects. Functional analysis, in turn, will help to see the real effectiveness of the properties of a particular scientific aspect. Graphs and charts are actively used in economic modeling. With their help, you can see the dynamics of an economic phenomenon in a certain period of time or in another environment thatis of scientific interest.

The most risky, but at the same time effective method is an economic experiment. It helps to see the real effect of an economic phenomenon, but it is almost impossible to predict the results. Thus, the economic experiment is a rather dangerous method of studying science.

The subject of studied knowledge in sociology

If throughout the article the methods and ways of studying and practical application of knowledge in specific areas were considered, then sociological science is “beautiful” in that it develops mostly theoretical knowledge. Social methodology, or rather, the totality of methods in a given industry, directly depends on the subject of its study. According to many scientists, sociology is the science of society and the processes that occur in it. This definition shows the subject of science, which is actually the object of its methods.

It follows that the methodology and research methods of social science have developed as a result of its close relationship with cultural studies, psychology, anthropology and other humanitarian disciplines. Thus, the subject is an important aspect that predetermined the emergence of a whole array of ways to obtain fundamental knowledge of this industry.

method and methodology
method and methodology

Sociological methods

As mentioned earlier, the basis of sociological methodology are methods of empirical orientation. That is, those with the help of which theoretical knowledge is developed. With the help of sociologicalmethods, theoretical and quantitative concepts are derived. Each of these types appears due to the use of individual methods of study. There are a number of the most standard, or rather, popular study methods used today:

1. Observation is the most classical method found in a large number of sciences. It can be used to capture information through visualization. There are many ways of observing, depending on the awareness of the object, the purpose of the method, the angle of studying the social group, etc.

concept of methodology
concept of methodology

2. As for the experiment, here information is obtained by introducing an indicator into a certain environment in order to further monitor the process of its change. To date, the experiment is one of the most effective methods of cognition in any existing science.

3. Many social phenomena become clear after a survey of a particular social group. This procedure can be carried out both orally and in writing. To date, the survey is one of the most effective ways in the science of sociology.

economic methodology
economic methodology

4. Document analysis is a whole set of methods, including the study of the press, paintings, print, media, etc. Thus, the analysis methodology has its own system, and also allows you to derive certain sociological patterns based on the trends that prevail in society within certaintime frame.


So, in the article the author tried to answer the question of what is methodology. Various variations of this concept were presented in the context of different branches of science. It should be noted that the development of methodology as a separate additional knowledge will influence the evolution of methods for obtaining practical and theoretical concepts in all sciences that exist today.
