Russia is a huge country in which tens of thousands of films and series are released annually on large and small screens. The number of actors playing in them also goes off scale, so the viewer remembers among these faces only those who play the main roles. But after all, the actors who play secondary and episodic roles are also very talented and try to give their best. And one of the best among them is Alexey Nesterov, who played in 30 films and 15 performances. He managed to be remembered by many, thanks to his striking appearance and charisma.

The birth of a future actor
Alyosha was born on February 14, 1963 in a loving family. His childhood and youth were cloudless, so that he could decide for himself how to live, where to go to study and what to devote himself to. He was the most ordinary teenager who wanted to stand out among his peers (he was good at it: Nesterovsurprisingly handsome baritone), the guy decided to devote his life to cinema and theater. He wanted to play, try on a new character every day, surprise others, captivate and fascinate them. Therefore, Alexei spent all his free time in cinemas and theaters, contemplating films and performances and imagining himself in the place of famous actors.
Places of study of Alexei Nesterov
After graduating from school, Alexey decided not to waste time and started making his dream come true. After graduation, he immediately went to take exams at the Saratov Theater School, where he was immediately accepted. Studying at the university was easy for the guy, so in 1984 he successfully completed his studies on the course of R. Belyakova and graduated as a certified theater actor.
However, the educational process of Alexei Nesterov did not end there. After graduating from the theater school and having worked as an actor in the Oryol Youth Theater from 1984 to 1985, the young man wanted to improve his acting skills. Therefore, he entered the acting course of master B. Golubovsky at GITIS. Studying at this institute again was easy for Alexei, so in 1990 he successfully completed the course and was able to significantly improve his skills.

The most famous roles of an actor in cinema and theater
According to colleagues, Alexei Nesterov is an actor from God who gets used to the image of his character so much that he practically becomes it. And let him not be given the main roles, but he played episodic and secondary roles from the first take. Therefore, offers rained down on him to play in a movie or theaterfrom all sides. Often he was invited to appear in films and television series, but not in banal melodramas, but in thrillers, dramas and detective stories, where he could fully reveal his talents.
Among the best roles of Alexei Nesterov, one should single out the role of Petrov in the "Justice" series of the famous TV series "Kulagin and Partners". It was thanks to this episodic role that many directors recognized him, who constantly invited the actor to their place. It is also impossible not to note his other bright characters. The audience remembered the school doctor performed by Nesterov, who was an accomplice of the criminal in the TV series "Cop in Law-3", the charismatic Seva-Devil in the TV series "Gold Reserve", Major Sutyagin in the serial film "Zhukov" and many other characters. Yes, and in the theater, Alexey played many bright roles, especially since he was not in the backyard there and often came to the fore. In the theater, he was remembered by the audience for his role as Othello in the play of the same name, Tigger in "Winnie the Pooh", Lyutikov from "The Young Guard" and a homeless child from the "Republic of ShKID".

Nesterov Alexey - a versatile actor and talented director
However, for his 54 years of life, Alexei managed to try himself not only as an actor in cinema and theater. So, at the dawn of his career in 1993-1995. he was able to work as a production designer for the Odeon and Mai Dijon theaters in Paris itself. And from 2000 to 2007, he tried his hand at directing in Berlin, working in five famous theaters, where hestaged plays for a grateful German public, each of which was accepted by the audience. During these 7 years, he managed to direct performances at the IKARON-Theater, Theater Furst Oblomow, Wandel theater Atelier and Ernst-Busch-Theaterscule, as well as at the children's theater-studio Club Dialog.

But this is not the end of Alexey Nesterov's work biography, but only its beginning. After all, his age is now only slightly over fifty, which means that he still has many outstanding roles in films and performances ahead of him, which will bring him even more fame and loyal fans. Anyone who loves cinema and theater can appreciate the work of an actor.