As you know, the Russian language is incredibly rich both lexically and morphologically. That is why foreigners have to spend far more than one year studying at least his oral speech with all the grammar and syntax. And, like any other language, in addition to independent parts of speech, it also needs auxiliary parts for linking words in a sentence, convenience of inflection, and the correct formulation of questions. Therefore, in this article we will analyze one of these categories, namely: what is a preposition, what is it for and how to use it correctly.
Concept and definition

As mentioned earlier, prepositions are part of speech and serve to connect words in a sentence. More precisely, they express the dependence of nouns, pronouns and numerals on other words. Thus, they can show a relationship either between two objects (cloth with a pattern), or between an action and an object (go to the pier), or between a feature and an object (the most beautiful in the class). Prepositions differ from unions in that they connect words strictly within a simple sentence; the exception to their use are homogeneous members, otherwise theirfunction is extensive. Their similarity with other service parts of speech lies in the fact that their properties are limited, we will talk about this later.
Properties of prepositions as parts of speech
Firstly, they cannot act as independent members in a sentence and are always attached to the word with which they are used, being an integral member with it. For example, in the sentence “The full moon was reflected in the river”, the preposition “in” along with the word “river” is emphasized as a circumstance. Secondly, since we have found out what a preposition is, it, like other auxiliary words, cannot be changed by case, gender, tense and numbers, unlike the parts of speech with which they are used. However, they are always included in the question when declensing nouns, pronouns and numerals in cases and even help to do this, simplifying the task for students. For example, let's try to decline the word "mom".
- I. P.: Who is standing at the stove? – mom.
- R. Q: Who has the new dress? – at my mother's.
- B. Q: Whom does daddy love? - mom.
- D. Q: Whom do I go to for advice? – to mom.
- T. p.: Grandmother is proud of whom? - Mom.
- P. P.: I will write poems about whom? – about mom.
Location in sentence

Besides this, in order to figure out what a preposition is as a part of speech, you need to learn how to quickly find them in the text. Most often they are adjacent to nouns and pronouns, and therefore are placed before them. For example, on the desk, at the table, in front of me, etc. If, in front of the word with which theyare used, a definition is found (adjective, numeral, possessive pronoun, participle), then the preposition “skips” it forward and stands in front of it. For example: on a wooden desk, at my table, for a long time, etc. However, there are some phrases in which prepositions are used after the word to which they refer. These are either established phrases or stylistic features of the author. For example: what for.
Classification of prepositions

For the convenience of studying morphology, all parts of speech are divided into types, types, categories according to some unifying feature. A similar division exists in the case of functional words, this helps to better understand what a preposition is in Russian and why it is used.
So, there are 3 classifications of this part of speech.
Firstly, by origin, prepositions are divided into non-derivative (“primitive”, i.e., initially refer to function words: to, from, on, under, for, for, etc.) and derivatives (were formed from another part of speech). The latter, in turn, can be verbal (thanks to, later, despite, despite), denominative (due to, during, in continuation, in view of, like, due to) and adverbial (inside, near, behind, ahead).
Secondly, in terms of composition, there are simple (they consist of one word and have one root: to, on, from, for), complex (several words: during, despite) and compound (one word, several roots) prepositions (examples: from under, because of).

By semantic meaning
This classification of prepositions is the most capacious, it includes 6 main categories:
- Spaces or "places" (with a defined word answer the question "where?"): in the table, outside the window, on the carpet, under the closet.
- Time - “when? how long?: for half an hour, from morning to night, for a week.
- Object - “what about? about what / who?”: write about love, talk about school.
- How to act: with feeling, with love, with concern.
- Reasons - "why?": out of boredom, out of shame, out of fear.
- Goals - “why? for whom?”: for pleasure, for mom.
Subtleties of the topic

So, we have studied what a preposition is and how it is classified by structure, origin and ranks. For those who have not yet fully understood the complexities of this part of speech, we will explain some tricks. So, for example, a rather difficult topic: what is a derivative preposition and how to distinguish it in a sentence. An assistant in this will always be a question, since it can be asked to an independent part of speech, but not to a service part. For example, in the sentence: "There were many bends in the course of the river," the second word is a noun ("where? - in the course"). In the other case (for an hour I could not sleep) it is a preposition, since a single question is asked to the expression ("how long? - within an hour"). From here, another difficulty arises, namely, it is necessary to correctly determine how prepositions are written - with “E” at the end or with “I”. Forthis will have to learn them by heart: during, in continuation, as a result, but subsequently.