The expression "holy simplicity" arose a long time ago under tragic circumstances. Its authorship is attributed to Jan Hus.
Who is Jan Hus?
Jan Hus was a preacher and inspirer of the Czech Reformation.

Born in 1371 into a peasant family, graduated from the university in Prague, later became a rector there, and from 1402 he was a priest and preacher in the Bethlehem chapel in the Czech capital.
Constantly made speeches, denounced the Catholic priesthood in acquisitiveness, trade in positions, indulgences.
His performances were very popular and attracted many people. The Catholic Church Council anathematized him and sent him to the stake. Jan Hus was 44 years old by that time.
When they were going to burn Jan Hus at the stake, an old woman came up with a bundle of brushwood, deciding to do a good deed, she put her firewood into the fire.
Jan Hus, waiting for the flames to break out, watched the woman and exclaimed: “Oh, holy simplicity!”

But researchers recorded the utterance of this phrase at a Christian cathedral as early as the 4th century. If Gus said it at the stake, he could hear the phraseearlier, but thanks to him, she became winged.
The negative meaning of "holy simplicity"
Often, people with good intentions do things that cause more harm than help. This happens because of the limited views, short-sightedness. Here the expression "holy simplicity" is used in a negative sense. About simple-hearted and naive people who cannot cheat when it seems necessary, they can “light a fire” with the words of a harsh truth said at the wrong time.
Such situations often arise when saving animals, when people who do not know their characteristics and behavior in nature are taken to help them, trying to feed sweets at the zoo.
Phraseologism "holy simplicity" can be used not only in an ironic, but also in a positive sense.
The simplicity of a saintly man
"Holy simplicity" - this is how they say about a person who is pure, trusting, living with an open heart, sincerely believing in the kindness of the people around him, not looking for a catch in their actions.
St. Paul was distinguished by modesty, did not imagine anything about himself, followed Jesus in everything. When Saint Anthony was asked to cast out the demon, he refused, but sent those who asked to Paul. Saint Anthony said that only Paul, with his holy simplicity, is able to resist the evil spirit. And when the sick man was brought to St. Paul, the spirit cried out: “The simplicity of Paul casts me out!” - and left.
When using the expression "holy simplicity", one must distinguish between when it is used to denote human stupidity and impudence, and when it is used to emphasizemodesty and humility before God.