Heroism - what is it? Despite the fact that this word can often be heard on TV or on the radio, not all people are aware of its true meaning. And this applies not only to students, but also to adults. There is nothing to be ashamed of, because it happens either because of a simple misunderstanding, or because of a misinterpretation that a person has heard from the outside. To correct this mistake, in today's article we will tell you in detail about what heroism is.
The meaning of the word "heroism"
Let's not beat around the bush, but go straight to the explanation. According to the dictionary of Dmitry Nikolaevich Ushakov and other authoritative sources, heroism is the ability to accomplish a feat and self-sacrifice, to overcome all obstacles and problems. Heroism requires a person's stamina, courage, personal courage and readiness to give his life if necessary.

Who is a hero?
Heroism - what is it? We think this is clear. But what does the word "hero" mean? You maybe surprised, but it has more than one meaning!
- A hero is a valiant and courageous person who is capable of committing an act of self-sacrifice for the well-being of others.
- A hero is a central character in a work of literature, a movie or a video game. You probably know such concepts as "main character", "secondary hero", "secondary hero", etc. Often, heroes of books / movies / games are divided into positive and negative.
- Heroes - a whole class of characters from the myths of Ancient Greece. They are usually the fruit of the love of a deity and an ordinary person. The key difference between the heroes and the inhabitants of Olympus is that, unlike the gods, they are not immortal. That is why many mythological stories are based on the story of how the hero is looking for eternal life. Most heroes are strong and brave warriors who fight terrible monsters and other dangerous opponents.

Heroism - what is it? When writing an article on this topic, one cannot fail to mention such a phenomenon as glorification.
Heroization is the process of elevating a person or phenomenon to a heroic status. These types of campaigns are created for different purposes. One of the most common is the creation of national heroes who could become role models for ordinary citizens of the state. The glorification process is carried out through large-scale advertising campaigns on television and other media.
Hero of our time
This concept can often be found on the Web. In different historical periods in a particular society, the image of a hero was born, who was the personification of all the features and customs of that time. On this topic, many different works were created in literature, painting and music. One of the most famous such works is the psychological novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" in 1849.
In the modern world, the heroes of our time are called not fictional characters, but quite real people. Given that we live in an era of globalization and computerization, many people consider heroes who oppose such phenomena. An example is Edward Snowden, a former special agent who told the whole world about massive surveillance by the CIA.

Synonyms and antonyms
There are not so many synonyms and antonyms for the word "heroism", but they still deserve a separate mention in our publication. Synonyms for heroism are:
- heroism;
- heroic;
- fearlessness;
- fearlessness;
- dauntless;
- selflessness;
- valour;
- courage.
Antonyms for the word "heroism" and then less:
- cowardice;
- cowardice.
Now you know the true meaning of the word "heroism". We hope that the information presented in the article was useful to you.