Drop is Definition, meaning, translation

Drop is Definition, meaning, translation
Drop is Definition, meaning, translation

Let's get acquainted with another language borrowing that has enriched the "great and mighty" slang of today's youth. The word "drop" is a fairly widely used term in many areas of the virtual and real world.

Drop translated from English means - a drop, a sip, a recession (noun), for the verb drop it is translated as follows: to fall, drop, drop, etc. It is the second meaning that has taken root in Russian.

Drop in computer games

Let's start, perhaps, with all your favorite computer games. Moreover, it is in the environment of gamers (computer players) that the word "drop" has become most widespread. As an example, consider the well-known Minecraft game, where the future Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerbergs hone their skills in rebuilding and taking over the world, spending all their free time doing this activity.

So, a drop in Minecraft is things or items dropped by mobs (non-player characters) after death, or dropped out of blocks after their destruction. In other words, this is a bonus received by the player either as a result of defeating the enemy, or found by chance in caches, endowing its owner with additional characteristics, skills or resources.

Drop in minecraft
Drop in minecraft

Because for getting a drop or, as it is also called, loot (from the English loot - prey), serious passions boil in the game. There are several types of in-game bonuses in Minecraft: common, rare (starting from game version 1.2) and exclusive, called the Orb of Experience (from 1.8 beta).

As the name implies, the probability of dropping ordinary items is maximum (they are present in almost every mob), but getting more delicious buns is much less common and depends on the level of the player, as well as the degree of development of his properties " Looting".

However, you need to keep in mind that it's not worth "wetting" everything that moves for the sake of getting prizes, because production does not fall from peaceful peasants and cubs of monsters. It's also worth noting that the Common and Rare drops will lie around until picked up by the player character, while the dropped Experience Orb is sent as a foggy cloud to the player closest to it.

Drop and internet scammers

Now let's move from wild but cute in-game monsters to less bloodthirsty but much more dangerous drops in real life. When surfing the Internet, quite often you can stumble upon job offers in the field of e-commerce without investing money. All that is required is to open a personal account and give its details to the employer.

Then it remains only to monitor its condition and, upon receipt of funds, transfer them to the required details. Payment is usuallypercentage of the transferred amount. If you agree with such tasty conditions, then congratulations, you can make an entry in the work book - "Drop".

Drop it
Drop it

In the described case, a drop is a figurehead, the lowest link in a criminal group, performing intermediate functions of transferring funds from stolen or hacked credit card accounts.

Earlier, the scheme looked something like this. Karder, with the help of fake online stores, casinos and other guarantors of the future fabulous we alth, receives information about the financial details of gullible users. "Checker" uploads dumps of stolen credit cards onto "white plastic" (blanks for credit cards). The Mule makes ATM withdrawals.

Since the chain of movement of funds is short and easy to trace, besides, modern ATMs are equipped with video surveillance cameras, this method of illegal enrichment was quickly stopped. By pumping money from account to account, the scheme lengthens, and the search for intruders becomes more complicated. At the same time, the drop, with its real details, is the most vulnerable link. Therefore, a little earlier, a little later, representatives of law enforcement agencies will inevitably visit such a lover of fast money, and it is possible that he will be solely responsible for the scammers who have disappeared on the World Wide Web.

Guitar tuning drop

Even notorious villains are not alien to universal human values, it's so nice after the labors of sinners, sitting in a comfortable chair, listening to your favorite song. But the drop also launched its own musicinsidious tentacles, although they look like ordinary guitar strings.

In short, for a guitar, drop is an alternative tuning, for example, drop C (C), D (Mi), when one or more strings are tuned (released) by the guitarist in such a way as to increase the range of available notes and simplify, or speed up the playing of certain chords.

Drop tuning became popular at the end of the 20th century with the advent of grunge-style bands (English grunge - dirt) and is beneficial, perhaps, only in the alternative, since most of its chips are based on this particular tuning.

Drop in music
Drop in music

What is a drop in electronic music

But that's not all the meanings of the word "drop" in music. In the EDM (Electronic Dance Music) direction, this term means the best, "downhole" part of the track's composition. It all depends on the flight of the DJ's musical fantasy, when the most vivid and explosive accents of the main melody are used.

Drop in music
Drop in music

Drop cable

Let's return from music to our computers, or rather to devices that transmit information traffic, and find out what a drop cable is.

What is a drop cable
What is a drop cable

In the most general case, this is any short cable that connects the computer's network adapter to an external transceiver. It allows you to easily disconnect computers and reconnect to the network so that the user can freely move them around the room.

It is a fiber optic cable with a thin outer sheath capable of transmittinglong distance light pulse with virtually no distortion.

Abandoned domains

Let's dwell on another (but not the last) common drop in relation to a domain name, which, as you know, serves to identify the location of a site on the Internet.

From everything written above, one can easily guess that the term "dropped domain" applies to domain names ruthlessly abandoned by their cruel owners to their fate through negligence or deliberately. That is, the owners did not make timely payment to the registrar for extension of the use of a domain name… And so, they lie on the server graveyard, and “satellites” (they promote the main site using auxiliary ones), “cybersquatters” (hunters for domains that are consonant with well-known brands) are circling above them, saving the most viable copies from oblivion.

Moreover, the most likely to survive are the old-timers of the network, who have a number of undeniable advantages for search engines over newcomers, as well as easy-to-remember, short domain names.

Drop it
Drop it

So, drop by drop, we got acquainted with the most commonly used meanings of the short, but, as it turned out, very capacious word "drop".
